New Nikki 541 bass

Started by Blackbird, December 22, 2014, 08:19:41 AM

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A marginally talented singer with bad tattoos and a huge ego who's only real talent is he's pretty and sells records...Yep, Bieber could probably replace Vince  ;D

And what could be more "Metal" than a duet with the Biebs? I'm a Belieber!

Dave W

Quote from: uwe on January 23, 2015, 08:57:10 AM
Come on guys, more of a cheap shot in my book. If Justin Bieber came to one of their concerts, liked it and asked to encore with them, I would hope for a grown up, collegial response. They are essentially in the same business. And they'd probably be flattered too.

I would have expected Nikki - whose music with Sixx AM sounds closer to Bieber's than to Mötley's in places btw - to have more style.


Flipping the bird at a teen idol who could be his son, wow, what a culture-defiant, fearless and risque act ...  :-X

Never been a Motley Crue fan but I'm with Nikki.

They're both in the entertainment business, all right  -- Nikki Sixx as a musician, Bieber as a celebrity who makes young teenage girls wet their pants.

I was watching network news one night a few months ago when they aired part of a police interview with Bieber over one of his vandalsim incidents. His attitude made me wish someone would smack him between the eyes with a 2 by 4.


What makes his vandalism worse than what The Who, The Doors or Led Zeppelin did (were reputed to have done). And since when is making little girls wet unmusicianly? That was a huge component in Elvis' and The Beatles' early success. The pot calling the kettle black: I don't believe that Nikki Sixx - of all people - was making a statement against youth vandalism when he flipped the bird.

I know next to nothing about Bieber, he might be a real asshole as a person, but the pantheon of rock and pop music is full of people who have behaved that way.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


For some odd reason the mentioning of flipping the bird reminded me of an unusual name I came across that amused my ex neighbour, who was Swiss-German... Spilfogel, whom he realised was an Anglisation of Spiel Vogel (spelling from memory) ...
The random mind of a Silver Surfer...
If research was easy, it wouldn't need doing...
Staring at that event horizon is a dirty job, but someone has to do it; something's going to come back out of it one day...

Dave W

Quote from: uwe on January 24, 2015, 12:11:35 PM
What makes his vandalism worse than what The Who, The Doors or Led Zeppelin did (were reputed to have done). And since when is making little girls wet unmusicianly? That was a huge component in Elvis' and The Beatles' early success. The pot calling the kettle black: I don't believe that Nikki Sixx - of all people - was making a statement against youth vandalism when he flipped the bird.

I know next to nothing about Bieber, he might be a real asshole as a person, but the pantheon of rock and pop music is full of people who have behaved that way.

Please don't use "rock" and "Bieber" in the same sentence. You may cause a breach in the time-space continuum.


My daughter would quite enjoy the idea of Bieber being pelted with rocks...

Would that be acceptable...? :mrgreen:

(her fave video for some time) ;)
The random mind of a Silver Surfer...
If research was easy, it wouldn't need doing...
Staring at that event horizon is a dirty job, but someone has to do it; something's going to come back out of it one day...

Psycho Bass Guy

Uwe, sometimes, it is just necessary to call a spade a spade and no matter how much Motley built their fanbase in decades past on the same dumb panty-wetting tweenagers, who they are today is an entirely different monster, no matter how Nikki spends his other time. Like Metallica did by giving Motley and the LA scene the finger in 1984, Nikki is perfectly justified in throwing it at the marginally talented and seriously overrated upstart Bieber now, especially since the young-un has been VERY publicly spending his time trying to be an 80's rockstar in lifestyle. Let the little bastard start mainlining Jack Daniels and eightballs instead of hitting and then crying on strippers or passing out on weed and maybe he earns the right to pretend he's anything more than a bad marketing phenom. That little shit couldn't keep up with Lemmy, even in his current "healthful state" for a week: "Baby, baby, baby, ohh, I'm a whiny little spoiled twat"


I'm not gonna start a Bieber fan club here! I always thought he had bad hair.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


well, in the spirit of the Nikki's a rough clip of her from Friday:

harmony needs work...but the bass was bang on :)   

Not my amp tho...some old GK with a 4x10 Traynor cab.....had a woofy thing going on...

Best to use computer speakers


We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...