It lives!

Started by Barklessdog, June 30, 2008, 12:10:35 PM

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I dont know if many here remember my first Fenderbird body that was made & painted wrong. Anyway I gave it to Tom (Gearhed) from the old pit.

Well, he brought it back to life with some LP pups.


That's a cool shot of it at House of Blues.  I really like that color, although I see where you would be upset if you were expecting pelham blue.  Combined with that neck, it has a nice vintage vibe to it.


Looks very cool. Also looks like it would be a dream to play.
Digresion our specialty!


I remember that bass ! Looks happy now ! Was it the color or something about the neck pocket in the wrong place also ?
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


It took a year and a half for the guy to mess it all up.

Where to start.....

He routed the pickup cavities too big, so the rings could not even mount. Then he could not line up the neck mount screw holes and drilled & plugged the vintage neck several times and put no angle on it so there was no bridge adjustment room. He misaligned the control holes. Mounted the bridge studs wrong to scale.

Then he painted it the wrong color, which I could have lived with if the other atrocities were not committed.

He came recommended from a local guitar store and a guitarist I know. He only did set ups for them, but told them he builds guitars. Turns out he did not have a clue.

I was just going to sell everything and wash my hands of it, but Uwe & Dave talked me into letting it rest for while and thats when an old Pitter Templer hooked me up with a great bass guy here in Chicago that finished the whole job in two months (including him sending it to another guy to paint). The Pit was such a great far reaching community back then.

I met Tom during the Gibson Pit Cd and I offered it to him. He had some spare parts, got a Mighty Mite P neck, put on a Bad ass bridge, covered the pickup hole with a large plate and used a pair of LP pups.


I always liked that "baby blue".

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


This bass is so cool!
Those days I was thinking about bying a cheap maple pbass neck and screwing it on my epi tbird.
Must be the heat, 40 degrees is kinda overkill for the human brain.
Black plastik is fantastik


Cool! I remember that one and also remember Tom buying it.


Here's another shot from last summer.

It's a great sounding bass and gets a lot of attention. Dream to play? Mmm, it's OK. Those bodies are big and THICK! It's like a plank with a Fender neck screwed on, so.... I'm actually putting a thumb rest on it. I can't get comfortable with playing finger style on it. First bass I've ever had to do that on. I got a cool Pickguardian repro Rickenbacker acrylic thumb rest. After I get that situated, I'm tearing it down and getting it re-finished. I do want to start using it some more.

Now that I think about it, I wrote a little blog about it on my myspace page when I first finished putting it together.


If you're going to refin it I would strip the finish off and go to "Owl Hardwoods in Villa Park" and have them sand the body thickness down to 1 5/8" or even 1 1/2" if that would work. Also a back contour like on some birds would be nice.

I really like the contour on the neck heel that my good luthier did to my second version (1 5/8" thick)


I've got an Owl lumber right here in Des Plaines, and I did think about having it planed down. But, I know JAE's were extra thick, so I'm just gonna suck it up!  ;D