is there a difference?

Started by sniper, July 03, 2008, 07:27:04 PM

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is there a difference between and eb-f pup and a regular old eb pup?

this one looks a bit different with the screw heads showing on the bottom vs having just the threads showing on the bottom. maybe an Epi pup?

not like i have ever seen an eb-f but i think they are pretty rare.

anyone know?
I can be true to you sweety until I find a nice medium scale with great breasts. ... CW

Dave W

That's not a Gibson pickup. It's either a newer Epi pickup or an aftermarket replacement.

I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but it has nothing to do with the (rare) 62-64 EB-0F. Those had regular mudbuckers from that era, with a switchable passive fuzz circuit added.

Chris P.

The guy states it's an Epiphone pick up.

I also think EB0-Fs have normal mudbuckers. Like Dave says it's the Fuzz circuit making the noise. Uwe has one and I think he'll says the same. Of course there are a lot of different mudbuckers...


My EB-0F has the standard black plastic mudbucker of the era, i.e. early sixties  (hence more mid than mud).

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

Quote from: uwe on July 08, 2008, 08:42:50 AM
My EB-0F has the standard black plastic mudbucker of the era, i.e. early sixties  (hence more mid than mud).


My former EB-0F ('62 w/black pickup) definitely had more mud than mid.


Mudbuckers from one era can sound quite a bit different. Remember the TV yellow - now there is an interesting story waiting to be told about how that color came about ...  :mrgreen: - EB-0 Junior you got me? That thing has a black pup too and it is ALL mids, no bass, you actually need to dial in -  :o - subfrequencies to give it fundamental. (When Bruce - Captaincolor - played it, he couldn't believe how unmuddy it sounded compared to his). In comparison, my also black pup equipped EB-0F sounds bassier, but it is still a far cry from the true mudbuckmania of my late sixties EB-0, EB-3, EB-2 and EB-1 which cushion and suffocate you with their sublows if you have the amp on a "normal setting") which with me is bass at 5 to 6 pm, mids at 12 to 1 pm and treble at  12 to 3 pm. I have a 59 banjo headstock EB-2 at the luthier right now where the black pup probably needs to be rewound, no doubt that will sound different from the others then too.

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Chris P.

I saw a picture of an Allparts replacement Mudbucker. On the back was an EB-F sticker. I think it's EB-Front?

Dave W

Could very well be an Allparts, which is not the same pickup as in a newer Epi or older Gibson.


now thats quite interesting Uwe, i just scored a one piece LP Junior body instead of waiting for that Korina Explorer body to go with that neck off evil bay and am going to put a NOS 70's (none engraved) bucker in it. project number three actually. i do think Chris is right about that being an Allparts pup.
I can be true to you sweety until I find a nice medium scale with great breasts. ... CW


I'll get hit for this here, but for everyday use a seventies mudbucker that has already been "cleared up" a little is your best and most sensible bet. The early sixties stuff lacks treble in comparison (though they have nice barking mids) and doesn't have the bass focused bass ooomph you've come to expect these days and the late sixties mudbuckers are just too subsonic and for the converted only. You know, there are a lot of musicians out there who find it unsettling if they can't hear a note in what you're playing.  ;D
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...