Author Topic: Possible poor man's MM 115RH?  (Read 1379 times)

Granny Gremlin

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Possible poor man's MM 115RH?
« on: January 22, 2014, 02:30:22 PM »
Just saw this on ebay: Traynor TS-115.  Not familair with this model and I'm not gonna go for this specimen due to location, but it does look appealing to me - they were made here so I should be able to track one down locally somewhat easily.  Despite it obviously not being a "reflex horn" like the MM, it looks otherwise similarly sized (down to the port area being similar to the throat mouth area of the MM). Been looking to get a second 115RH eventually, but they never come up locally (I might have the only one in town... that or people just hold on to them).  Maybe I could settle on this.  I would assume that I'd have to upgrade the driver for my liking like I did with the MM.  ... the irony here (and possibly sign from the gods) is that when I got my MM, it had a Traynor badge on it (and was way underpriced at $100, tax in; probably due to the farty stock Eminence driver and some significant wear n tear on the comically undersized rubber feet and tolex on the bottom of the thing).

Anybody use one; thoughts? .. though if I can find one locally for the same price as that ebay one, I'm sure I'd be willing to take the risk and mod til I like it.
Robert Plant and Jimmy Page (drummer and bassist of Deep Purple, Jake!)

Psycho Bass Guy

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Re: Possible poor man's MM 115RH?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2014, 08:42:25 PM »
I've played a couple in music stores. None of them have any real bottom, and I suspect they're using the same Marsland drivers as the YBA-cabs. Basically, if you want that 'JBL upper midrange bite' with less low end and power handling, this is your guy. It's a completely different animal than the Music Man.

Granny Gremlin

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Re: Possible poor man's MM 115RH?
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2014, 11:31:09 AM »
Yeah - I love the basic Marsland alnico 12s for guitar (I had a pair of their deluxe ones, Lamplighter or something - sold them because they were worth some serious coin vs what I paid and I don't like what happens to the top end with metal dustcaps... and the later ceramic ones suffered in terms of quality - worse the later it got; a real shame), but I am definitely not a fan of any flavour (so far encountered) of them for Bass - very similar to those Eminence 15s  that were stock in the 115RH, though they take more power (both are rather Jensen-like).  I would have thought though, due to the power handling spec (I've seen 90 and 100 watts posted online in various places for the Traynor) that it can't be a Marsland in there (the ones Traynor/Garnet used were usually the 25 watt variety, with some  50 watters for the bigger amps; these were identical looking but for larger magnets).  Traynor did use some "better" speakers here and there (Norelcos, RCFs, other things with cast frames) and I assumed one of those would be at play here.  

Can't actually find any good info on what the driver actually is aside from the very misleading (from a PDF Yorkville history document; 1980 section ) "The TS-115 (100 Watts, 8 Ohms) was a single-fifteen cabinet added as a more compact alternative to the TS-215 for use with the TS-50B."  The 215 was sealed not ported and did use a pair of (later; ceramic IIRC) Marslands (for about 100 watts handling) vs the TS-115.  Ever since they made a separate website for Traynor (vs being under Yorkville) they eliminated the awesome 'vintage Traynor' info section that was so great for checking specs and config of the old gear - it even listed drivers models most of the time.  There's some info on the new Traynor site, but not all the stuff that used to be over at Yorkville.  A real shame - that was a resource I referenced often.

Never been a fan of any JBL 12s for guitar, though I did like the E120s I had for a bit for bass,  though I only used them at low volumes before selling them off.  Never used their 15s.

Anyway, it seems I'll just keep my eye out for these guys at my local gear places where I could get a good look at one - though I would totally risk it if the price is right (like the auction).  If they're as large (internal volume) as it appears to me that they are,  I should be able to get a driver I know I like sounding good in there and the original speaker should be worth something  to help fund the replacement (even if it is a Marsland - I remember when I was buying all of them up on ebay  - $10 for the 25 watters and no more than $40 for the 50 - those were good times, but no longer, the word got out).
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 02:10:41 PM by Granny Gremlin »
Robert Plant and Jimmy Page (drummer and bassist of Deep Purple, Jake!)