Bluegrass bird

Started by Dave W, January 23, 2012, 10:49:03 PM

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Dave W

Watch the guitarist closely starting at about 1:30.   :)


That's pretty funny, the Bird like what he heard I guess


A baby dropped out of the nest early - the give-away was the "gape" and call (feedmefeedmefeedme) - nice - I liked his comment "I don't know what to do..." ;D
The random mind of a Silver Surfer...
If research was easy, it wouldn't need doing...
Staring at that event horizon is a dirty job, but someone has to do it; something's going to come back out of it one day...

Dave W

Comment from the uploader:

Josh Williams' Dad Tony wrote this in response to those of you who've asked about what happened to the bird. ""Josh handed it to a young lady that was a Doctor? of Vetinary medicine, she later emailed that she still had the little cardinal that flew down and sang Mordecai with Josh!" Oh, note that the bird was a cardinal. I don't know if it was consecrated or not.


We were in our local garden centre over the weekend (more like an excuse for SWMBO to check out the crafting department) and I spotted a couple of feeder stands in various sizes, intimating bringing some surprises into your garden...

So the smallest had a the image of a blue tit (no snickering) on the packaging, and the mid sized had a (European) Robin, and the largest had a red cardinal - now as the other half is Kentuckyian I had to point this out and comment that THAT would be a surprise in a UK garden...!
The random mind of a Silver Surfer...
If research was easy, it wouldn't need doing...
Staring at that event horizon is a dirty job, but someone has to do it; something's going to come back out of it one day...


That is a great video! Thanks for posting that, Dave.