Dog and...

Started by nofi, January 18, 2012, 07:46:28 AM

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"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead

Dave W

It's cute and the affection is obviously real. But ever wonder how much of the rest of it is staged? They go for an elephant ride every day and sometimes take the orang. And on one of those days, they just happened to have a camera crew along and just happened onto the dog they had never seen before.


they probably filmed it after the dog was an official member of the family. they recreated the crictical parts to tell a nice story.
"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead


I'm an animal of all kinds lover and I just love stuff like this ;D.


I've seen stories, with pics, about strange pairings of animals at the zoo.  If I recall, it had to do with animals surviving better in captivity with other animals around.  In the case of lone cubs, the zoo would introduce an alpha animal to a cage before the cub. I've seen pictures of a collie and a lion, with the collie as the alpha.
Telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty


it always amazes me when a female animal will 'adopt' a needful baby from another species. dogs seem to be great at this.
"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead

Dave W

Or Scotsmen and their sheep.