Another reason to hate trademarks

Started by Dave W, January 13, 2024, 10:50:05 PM

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Dave W

Two ridiculous trademark actions.  >:(

Gibson vs PRS: Battle Over Theodore Trademark and Silver Sky Saga

There's a reason the prototype Gibson now calls the Theodore never saw the light of day. It's butt-ugly.


I think it's interesting that you hear about these suits being filed, but you never hear when they're resolved. For example, Google offers no updates on the 335 body shape trademark dispute and Gibson still displays it as a trademark on their page.


But this feud is only about names and who may embellish his brand by referring to the Ted McCarty legacy. The two guitars in question look nothing alike - by a stretch.

If I may offer an opinion as a non-trademark attorney: Why Gibson should not be able to call their product "Theodore" if he indeed designed the shape is beyond me. Nobody could be mislead by this. It wasn't Gibson who started the dispute.

Gibson's counterclaim re that specific fin name? File under "retaliatory trademark litigation", a frequent practice by companies to have something to throw in the prospective settlement pot.

All a bit silly really.

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Well, Gibson has tried to get rid of the PRS Sngle Cutaway McCarty for almost 25 years. I have difficulties to confuse that model with any Gibson Les Paul. I'd say Gibson has earned up to this one how silly it may seem.