Author Topic: Help me help the Cuban music scene  (Read 621 times)


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Help me help the Cuban music scene
« on: October 05, 2015, 08:59:25 AM »
Hi everyone, I will be travelling to Cuba in November for a short tour with my band Taxa. We are working with an organization called Solidarity Rocks who are a Canadian organization that work to provide gear to Cuban people. We take for granted in North America how easy it is to walk into a music store and buy a bass, guitar, keyboard, drums, etc. That is simply impossible to do in Cuba.

There are many young people in Cuba hungry to play music but it is impossible to find or afford even the most basic electric guitar there.
We are collecting donations to buy as much gear as we can bring with us to donate to the local electric music scene in Cuba, which will range from large pieces like guitars and amps, but also as many packs of string, picks, tuners, cables, etc. as we can. The electrified music scene in Cuba is truly in it's infancy and we can all be part of helping foster it's growth.

This project has the blessing of both the Canadian and USA consulates, who both want to foster cultural exchange with Cuba, particularly the USA who's new consulate in Cuba opened in July and are keen to support unity between the USA and Cuba on the cultural and arts fronts as well as many others.

Please use the link below if you are able to donate. Any amount would be appreciated, big or small. Donations are being accepted by paypal and squarespace. Thanks everyone, your support is greatly appreciated!


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Re: Help me help the Cuban music scene
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 12:15:15 PM »

We have a Generosity set up now too. if anyone would care to donate it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.