WANTED~ Angelina Jolie

Started by Rhythm N. Bliss, June 27, 2008, 05:19:55 AM

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Rhythm N. Bliss

....or someone just like her.

Watch the RESTRICTED trailer:


Gonna see it this weekend!

Rhythm N. Bliss

You guys need your pulses checked. :D


I will be seeing Wall-E instead and probably watching Wanted online in a week or so depending on when a good quality version is up.
There are many in this world that call me Darrol, feel free to be apart of that group.

Dave W

Quote from: Rhythm N. Bliss on June 28, 2008, 02:04:36 AM
You guys need your pulses checked. :D

She doesn't do it for me at all. And I wouldn't go see a movie about a secret society of assassins anyway. Well, maybe if Zooey Deschanel was in it, but otherwise no.


Quote from: Dave W on June 28, 2008, 09:08:41 AM
Well, maybe if Zooey Deschanel was in it, but otherwise no.

Dave, our musical tastes may not always align, but I'm thinking our taste in women is pretty damn close. Good call!


Quote from: OldManC on June 28, 2008, 08:13:24 PM
Dave, our musical tastes may not always align, but I'm thinking our taste in women is pretty damn close. Good call!

So I lied, I did end up going to see Wanted last minute and I am still going to see Wall-E tomorrow.

I must say this first, Do you believe in thread?

Not quoted from the movie but it might make some sense if you see it. Overall I thought the movie was better than I was expecting it to be. The 3D bullet effects might have been overdone just a tad bit. Some of Morgan Freeman's lines reminded me of Samual L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction, not sure why but they did. Probably just not used to him using curse words.
There are many in this world that call me Darrol, feel free to be apart of that group.


Quote from: Rhythm N. Bliss on June 28, 2008, 02:04:36 AM
You guys need your pulses checked. :D

Hmmm, it's amazing how we gents tend to grow a bit more practical as we age a bit. Now we tend to look for a plot instead of just a nice body when we watch a movie. I tend to look for intelligence with window dressing. Angelina Jolie isn't bad dude and I think she has a brain.

Now that I said that and the g/f has just flown back as we broke up. The age difference was not fair to me or her; guitars, movies, some chicks, well cared for vehicles and wine carry the meaning of vintage well. I do carry a reserve on chicks and vehicles though. Anything with wheels or breasts is bound to give a guy trouble sooner or later.

That might apply to things with old glue also!
I can be true to you sweety until I find a nice medium scale with great breasts. ... CW