Tricks With Technology

Started by Pilgrim, June 09, 2013, 12:37:38 PM

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My father took us to Steptoe Butte a couple of times for 4th of July fireworks, 1963 and '64  :)
I sure miss Eastern Washington, the Palouse is so beautiful...... Road Trip!!!!!

Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...


We found that the entire trip through Wyoming, Montana and Washington was lovely with green hills.  In June eerything still has some moisture - later in the summer the arid areas brown up considerably.

As you can see in my earlier photos, the Palouse hills are very green, and the wheat is getting tall enough that the wind creates waves like water on the's lovely to watch the waves traveling over the top of the Palouse hills.
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."