This is funny.

Started by nofi, October 03, 2012, 05:27:34 AM

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"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead


Why did Salvador Dali cross the road?


Quote from: Denis on October 03, 2012, 06:19:02 AM
Terry Thomas was great!

Oh yes! Always liked him since I was a kid, remember him giving an i'view about his Parkinson's & how it would take him down, awful disease.
To a large extent he seemed to play himself - either that or he was extremely consistent in his roles & barely came out of it for interviews.
He even did "horror" with it's tongue firmly in it's cheek.

Dave W

Terry-Thomas convinced me to drive a Ford instead of a Rolls.


I hope you fill it with BP to remove deposits?


If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter


Thanks for the reminder - I just ordered the DVD of It's a Mad/Mad World...been meaning to do that for years!
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."


My favorite movie of all time. Eminently quotable in almost every scene.
If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter


Quote from: lowend1 on October 04, 2012, 03:32:00 PM
My favorite movie of all time. Eminently quotable in almost every scene.

It just aired on cable over the week-end, too.  I didn't realize it was the only comedy ever done by director Stanley Kramer.  I love when Jimmy Durante kicks the bucket...literally.
Telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty