Which Is Harder? Burying a Bandmate or Girlfriend?

Started by mc2NY, January 06, 2012, 07:55:21 PM

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sorry for you loss.  it's hard to bury anybody you're close to. 

Aussie Mark

Sorry to hear this. 45 is far too young. Condolences
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I think your subject line says it all. You form bonds with both these people but when they are rolled up into one person,  ....that must make it very hard indeed. Condolences mate.
Digresion our specialty!



I can be true to you sweety until I find a nice medium scale with great breasts. ... CW


Very very sad. 45, jeesh..
My heartfelt condolences.
Fleet Guitars


Thank you all for the sentiments.

Here is a pic to put it into bass perspective...some of the bassists Ronni jammed and appeared with at NAMM, Frankfurt and other shows. Most were fellow endorsers for companies like Vigier, Dean Markley, etc. but there was a mutual respect by all...and a good idea of the cross-section of styles she could cover.

Ronni DID also play bass on occasion when she got the occasional call. She played everything from clubs gigs to recording sessions, weddings and pickup band work for name acts coming through the NYC tri-state area for 15 years, seven days a week. Even after she joined my band she was still doing multiple gigs on the same days sometimes.

I remember my band was headlining The Ritz in NYC for a TV broadcast and Ronni had an earlier gig an hour east out on Long Island and could not make soundcheck. For years, if she saw that videotape, she was still steamed that the lighting tech marked her place wrong and she had no overhead spotlight and was dark at her vocal mic.

She used to borrow my original '85 Kubicki for bass gigs and the only marks on it are the ones she put there with her studded belt. She was VERY hard on gear...actually backed over her Steinberger with an Olds Delta 88 once and then was miffed that if was out of tune when she tuned up at the gig...hahaha

Anyway.....she'll be missed.