2 new "epiphone" basses

Started by exiledarchangel, November 06, 2011, 02:19:42 AM

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Psycho Bass Guy

Quote from: Dave W on November 06, 2011, 09:03:25 PM
Whoa! Way to cheapen the brand name. We shouldn't be surprised, Gibson has a lot of experience in that area.

When Gibson first bought out Tobias, they flooded the market with low-quality imports bearing the Tobias name called "Toby by Tobias" but priced as mid-line US-made instruments. That was the big stake in the heart of the "Post-Gibson" Tobias bass legacy, even worse than the drop in quality from the top-line Tobias basses. They spent the next ten or so years quietly blowing them out via online retailers for the same prices as these basses. Looks like they consider that something to be proud of now.