Bearded Muslim in Berlin with feline elements to his former stage name ...

Started by uwe, May 14, 2011, 12:11:32 PM

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The first Cat is the deepest ... In the Berlin O2 Arena ... Edith says that i'm not allowed to say that I'm there for her, but that it was my idea to drag her there ... But we all know that Cat Stevens records in boys' bedrooms always served one purpose only  ... The old sonic seducer, currently on stage with just an acoustic guitar ... Now inviting Allan Davies (spelling), the guy who played guitar on most of his seventies work ... Voice is still youthful, but fuller than it used to be.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

the mojo hobo


Interesting. I thought that his conversion was the reason he stopped performing.  Hmm...


In essence his argument was that the Quran never forbade music - on the contrary - but that his and only his own music reminded him of all the seventies rockstar affiliations he did want to remove himself from. He did  perform Islamic spiritual songs, even recorded a CD sometime in the nineties (not for commercial release). But no guitar playing. Too "Cat Stevens", he kept the infidel demons at bay.

But then his teenage son brought a guitar home one day and his father - although rusty - showed him a few chords. And that is, he says, when he realized what his music meant to him and others  and that he could play it without the demons of the past returning. In 2000 he supervised a 4 CD box of his past work, it was the first time he actually did collaborate with the record company in a release again since the late seventies. And from then on he edged slowly back, having meanwhile recorded two new CDs over the years under the joint name of now Yusuf/Cat Stevens.

I'm no Muslim; as most of you know, I'm - scientific evidence where are thou!!! - agnostic (about half of the ten commandments make sense for a humane society though), but I don't mind other people's quest for or immersion in spirituality. Yusuf's religious choice wouldn't have been mine, but it was certainly credible. And if you look at his work and his interviews since the late sixties, he was always looking for spirituality. It seems now that he has found it and sticks with it. I can accept that and I file his CDs now under Y as in Yusuf rather than S as in Stevens. That way he is now closer to Zappa and ZZ Top than to Status Quo and Starcastle, I hope he doesn't mind.  :mrgreen:

Anyway, the guy's origins were from Cyprus originally. And that is a part of Turkey or should be - ignoring Greek minority opinions here for a moment!  :mrgreen: So he's come full circle with his religious beliefs. I'm sure our resident fruit-vending exiled archangel orthodox agrees.  :vader: :vader: :vader: :vader:

And btw: The concert was excellent.  
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Thanks for the thorough explanation and catching me up on Yusuf's recent activities. More properly, I should have typed that "I assumed..." I never really heard his reasons for departing the music scene. Another Starcastle listener! I got to see them perform at the old Blue Note (Columbia, MO) around 1980. One of the best-mixed live shows I have ever heard. The bassist was using an Alembic VERY proficiently. I spoke with him during a break. Complimented him on his tone & chops. I asked why he hadn't replace one of the 15's that he'd blown out (empty hole, no spkr) of one of his 2x15 cabs. He decided it sounded better that way...


Fountains of Light is my favourite. As if Yes had been taught to write songs!  :mrgreen:

And I always liked the bass playing on that album though I credited it to a Ric (which it probably was, he didn't hve money for the Alembic yet).
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Too true! "If Yes had been taught to write songs"  :mrgreen:  Wonderful bass tones on there for sure. I too always supposed he was using a Ric...