
Started by Dave W, July 02, 2009, 07:43:08 PM

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Dave W

You can always find plenty of delusional overly optimistic sellers on eBay, but this one is hard to top: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220428015439

An early 80s US Bullet with lipstick pickups, a steel nut and a minor bridge mod becomes A TOTALLY UNIQUE CUSTOM ELECTRIC GUITAR!  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Hard to believe how much misinformed crap you can cram into one ad.


Tell 'im he's dreamin'
Digresion our specialty!

Dave W

From his reply to the one question he's allowed:  "I love the FenDan, and I don't care if it EVER sells." At $2700 BIN for his "masterpiece" it's good that he feels that way.


That's a 1st generation MIA Bullet, I love those, especially the Tele-shaped Bullets with the wacky pickguard/tailpiece (tailguard?). You can find one for about $500. Nothing wrong with the original Mustang pickups, by the way.

Dave W

Nothing wrong with the Bullet or the pickups, the guy's as ignorant as he is delusional.

The original pick-ups have been replaced with brand new Alnico pickups. These are the best sounding electric guitar pickups in the world simply because Alnico is the strongest type of magnet.

The originals are alnico too, and alnico is one of the weakest magnetically. What kind of imbecile would say it's the best because it's strongest?

The original cheap plastic nut has been replaced with a very serious high grade, precision ground steel nut.

Yeah, those plastic nuts sure have hurt the value of real vintage Fenders.  :rolleyes:  But he obviously knows his design --  string to nut contact only on the headstock side.  ???  I'm sure that has no effect on intonation.  ;)

Fixing the problematic bridge design was a more involved challenge..... The remedy? Well...NONE...TILL I INVENTED ONE!

Wow! He invented it only a quarter century after G&L and MusicMan had the problem solved!

But hey, at least he admits the original is "A masterpiece of old world quality" with "the famous Fender arrow- straight neck" -- perhaps the US is "old world" on his home planet, where Fender necks with s-curves and warps do not exist.


Yeah, the "strong alnico" is a gem. What a douche.