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Messages - bassplayer8953

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: Cool Rics on eBay
March 27, 2011, 11:35:22 AM
Quote from: ilan on March 10, 2011, 10:18:12 PM
And an exceptionally clean 4005 Fireglo - almost TOO clean.

Me want!!!   (but not for 12K)
I'm amazed to see 4005's for sale, that do not include the word "bass".  Last night I checked there were 3, including the hatchet job that's been f/s forever.  They're too rich for my blood, but it's nice to dream...
Quote from: TBird1958 on March 23, 2011, 02:18:22 PM

Love it!   

Thanks!  I'll pass your comments on  to the guys...

We have more examples which I could upload (to Youtube) but right now I'm running into technical difficulties:  won't allow uploads, either due to a software glitch, or some other computer issue.  Making me crazy... >:(

btw, enjoy the Nasty Habits videos myself...
My UFO tribute band Force It's 1st Youtube video:

Roger Glover with Rainbow:

Gibson Basses / Re: Pelham Blue Japanese Epi EB3
December 16, 2010, 07:48:18 PM
Still trying, now @ 825:

I jammed with a guitarist a while back; he played a Gibson SG in pelham blue. Very nice guitar.  

I'm  sure the bass is nice also, but the thought of 800+ for an Epi just doesn't sit well.

Apparently others feel the same, bass doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast...