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Messages - Aussie Mark

Mike Lull doesn't think it's a silly idea at all

The Bass Zone / Re: One lucky guy
June 14, 2017, 03:58:54 PM
I clicked on this expecting the thread to be about a former Dudepit member!
The guy says he opened the case and found the guitar like this.  Surely the case must have been trashed, as an early indication that something was amiss?
Quote from: uwe on April 28, 2017, 10:48:09 AM
Hang on in there, you old 'roo. Will do wonders for your throat wrinkles too, I had wanted to raise that issue with you already for some time ...


My incision is around collarbone level, nowhere near as high as those pics, but it is healing up quite well already
I'm doing ok - surgery went to plan and the cancer hadn't spread to any of the 31 lymph nodes that were removed as a precautionary measure adjacent to the thyroid.  The thyroid itself had 3 malignant tumours but the surgeon is confident he got it all.  Next step is for the endocrinologist to review the pathology and decide if radioactive iodine treatment is recommended to nuke any remaining thyroid cells that the surgeon may have left behind.  I see him on Monday week.

I'm on thyroxine tablets daily (and will be for the rest of my life) and it seems like my dosage has balanced out nicely in the last week or so - my energy levels are pretty good.  My para-thyroid has recovered from being relocated so my calcium levels are back to normal now, so I stopped calcium supplementation last week.

The incision has healed up nicely and doesn't look like an incomplete beheading any more, so that's good too.

Thanks for the concern - I'm definitely doing a hell of a lot better than a lot of cancer patients.  This will be kicked soon enough.
Hi gang, thanks for the good vibes!  I had two malignant lumps on my thyroid that had spread into the adjacent lymph nodes - the surgeon removed the entire thyroid and those particular lymph nodes and he's feeling confident that he got it all.  Pathology over coming weeks will confirm whether he got all the thyroid cells - if his scalpel work missed some, I'll have radioactive iodine treatment, which involves swallowing a capsule of radioactive iodine (doh!) and sitting around in a lead lined room for a week while the iodine tracks down any thyroid cells and nukes them.   Once that point is reached, my prognosis is as close to 100% as can be.

In the meantime I'm on my one-a-day thyroid replacement hormone pill regime, which I'll need to do for the rest of my life, as well as calcium supplements until my para-thyroid recovers from the shock of having it's next door neighbour removed.  Initially I was very tired and sore post surgery, but have been improving every day - my neck movement is now around 50% and I'm am mostly pain free, other than around the incision site, where my neck is still very tender and numb.  I see the surgeon tomorrow for a follow up where he will remove the wound dressing and see how that is coming along.

Yesterday I did some exercise for the first time - jogging onto the sporting field carrying a water bottle during my son's rugby league game, and if the sun is shining later today I might try a short, flat, slow bike ride and see how that goes. 

I'm playing bass on a few songs at one of our band members' wedding this coming Sunday, so life is starting to return to normal.  I'm very much enjoying these three weeks off work though!

I definitely dodged a bullet with this, as I'm a typical male who never goes to the doctor.  I had some discomfort in my neck that lasted for a couple of weeks, and once I'd decided it wasn't muscle soreness and I thought I could feel a lump I decided to see my doctor, even though I didn't feel ill at all.  He sent me for an ultrasound scan and after that they called me in for biopsies, and from there everything escalated quickly - I was referred to a surgeon and was in the operating theatre just 10 days after the biopsy was done.

As someone suggested on Facebook, this might be a good reason to get another tattoo :-)
The Outpost Cafe / Re: AXL/DC to continue..
February 27, 2017, 03:49:06 PM
Quote from: 66Atlas on February 20, 2017, 05:10:30 PM
or maybe Mark Evans will avail himself.

Mark emailed me the other day to ask if I still had the cherryburst Ripper I owned a few years ago - he still has the one he used with ACDC, but says he is looking for a second one to have as a "backup".  I didn't press him any further on that, but you never know I guess?
The Bass Zone / Re: RIP John Wetton
February 16, 2017, 02:41:08 PM
Quote from: Happy Face on February 01, 2017, 07:22:10 PM
Watch him singing and playing when he was in Uriah Heep. Then try it at home.

Awesome musician.

All my basses have worn flats only for the past 20 years.  Recently I bought a used bass with rounds on it, and have kept those on it, because when I first owned one of those basses in the 1980s it had rounds on it, so this one felt quite familiar.  Otherwise, it's flats for me - all my other basses are wearing a selection of Pyramids, TIs, Chromes and EB Flats.
I see an Embassy in my future.
Quote from: Chris P. on January 02, 2017, 02:53:43 AM
And of course the see through Ampeg

And the Travis Bean short scale which was the live mainstay of his in the second half of the 1970s.  I think the EB-3 only lasted for the 1973 Pacific tour.  Of course, he then went full Steinberger in the 80s and 90s :-)
Quote from: Basvarken on December 16, 2016, 08:56:16 AM
I would be suprised if there were only two!
I'm quite sure there's a whole lot more  ;D

I'll let you off on the omission of Bill Wyman from the EB-3 pages

The Outpost Cafe / Re: RIP Rick Parfitt
December 26, 2016, 06:33:39 PM
First concert I ever went to was Quo in 1974 or 75.  RIP
The Outpost Cafe / Re: This guy loves his job!
December 21, 2016, 03:41:08 PM
On the other hand, this guy doesn't love his job so much ....