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Messages - senmen

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Oh and Amptech:
Your build really nails the originality!

Oliver (Spyderman)

in fact the bass Jason Momoa is playing is owned by him and was
ordered by him with Gibson. 
And yes, the chrome cover is definitely the later add to the original
bass owned by Ken Collins but that is how it had been pictured most
in the magazines and also at the time Robb Lawrence sold it. 
But of course, the brown bakelite cover is the correct one as you
can see in the old Lonnie Mack photos. 
And to be original, in that early phase it didn’t have the third knob
but had a baritone switch at that position. 
And yes also the tuners changed from time to time
Going via three banjos and one conventional to metal knob
banjos.  But the originals are of course the banjos with the classic
Despite Uwes great bass Gibson also had at least one other replica
buildt some years ago and there was also a replica buildt
(don’t remember the builder) for Tom Petersson of Cheap Trick. 

Oliver (Spyderman)

Fender Basses / Re: Fender Slabs, and what made them tick.
« on: August 17, 2015, 12:21:48 AM »
I am absolutely with you on that Point. 
I Tried several Maple capped Ps and they do sound different. 
I also have a Custom Shop Masterbuilt Slab with a
Maple cap Maple neck and this one is Most aggressive. 
Electronicswise it is completely stock they Chose. 
But one of the Most aggressive Ps I have ever played. 

The Hybrid Hunter

Fender Basses / Re: Fender Slabs, and what made them tick.
« on: August 16, 2015, 02:33:51 AM »
The Main Facto soundwise is the Maple Capped Maple neck.  My rosewood Board Original P Bass does Not have that extreme agressive Sound in the highs, But also Shows a massive low end punch. 
Electronics and pickup Are definetely Standard.
As for Body Mass that Could possibly be a factor.  The Slab Bodies Do Look bigger compared to normal P bodies due to the non-contoured edges

The Hybrid Hunter

Fender Basses / Re: Fender Slabs, and what made them tick.
« on: August 13, 2015, 02:39:43 AM »
I Do own an Original 66 and it is electronicswise. 
But you cannot ignore the facts that a seperate Maple fingerboard
And the Body Mass itself Do Influence the sound.

The Hybrid Hunter

Fender Basses / Re: Fender Slabs, and what made them tick.
« on: August 12, 2015, 11:51:33 PM »
No, although John Said Different in Different Interviews he only smashed one Slab.  The First one, the Three knob, is preserved and is owned by my Friend. I Will Play that extensively Next Month.  After JE had no luck in Having the Three knob restored to Original Condition he Went to Slab No 2.  This one was partially smashed during a Gig and Made it's way to Frankenstein. 
As for Electronics and Pickups, Nothing Different here.  All Stock. The Main fact responsible for the sound is the Maple Capped Maple neck!

The Hybrid Hunter

Fender Basses / Re: Fender Slabs, and what made them tick.
« on: August 10, 2015, 03:33:14 AM »
As for the wiring on JE's No1 Slab, the Three knob, he had each coil
Of the pickup wired seperately to Different Outputs to run two Amps. 
He was very unhappy with that and tried several times to have it rewired
to stock wiring but it die Not work.  I guess that this was the reason aswell
why the Bass Sounded crap.  After the Different tries to rewire it
he bought another Slab which led to Frankenstein. 
I will have a Chance to Play the Three knob ex JE Slab very soon....

Many greetings
The Hybrid Hunter

Fender Basses / Re: Fender Slabs, and what made them tick.
« on: August 10, 2015, 03:07:01 AM »
Guys, Chris,
Ok here I am.
Haven't Been in this Forum for quite some time now. 
Well I do own, as Chris mentioned, a Custom Shop Masterbuilt Slab made
by Todd Krause and an Original 66 yet.
Another 66 will be added soon. 
As for the FCS I am currently selling it as I want to
go for Vintage ones only now. 
Well As for the "normal" Slabs the secret lies in the neck
mainly and here the separate maple fingerboard on the Maple
neck is the main factor. This causes that the Bass throws out massive
highes and gets very aggressive growly in Sound.
The wiring and pickups are stock. 
My Slab is one of 4 existing ones with a rosewood board and the only
one with a Stock Black pickguard....
Many greetings
The Hybrid Hunter

Gibson Basses / Re: Early Explorer
« on: December 21, 2011, 01:55:58 PM »
I need to step in again....
Well as for the controls of the original Explorer bass I don't think that the middle pot was a dummy because I have seen old photos of Wayne Bullock with that bass and those show clearly that the last pot position is without any knob and could possibly also be an input jack....


Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: 60's TB tailpieces!
« on: October 16, 2010, 03:12:38 AM »
...would be in for a bunch.....

Other Bass Brands / Re: My first Bachbird.....
« on: October 14, 2010, 01:17:47 PM »
this actually is the bass from Frederik, bought it from him. Simply great....
As for your new FT, do you possibly have a second one in stock for sale (not the left handed...)


Other Bass Brands / My first Bachbird.....
« on: October 14, 2010, 12:48:31 PM »
Well Guys,
finally, after having owned Alembics and Status and so on I am on the bas(s)ic trip. I started some time ago with two Greco T-Birds, which are simply gorgeous for the money.
And now I got my first Bachbird, NR, white one, first series, used at a very low price including Bachcase and this thing is simply awesome. Really great sound!
I think I need to buy more.....

I needed to put on our band's sticker.......


Other Bass Brands / Re: alembic mania
« on: July 17, 2009, 06:04:42 PM »
thanks for the link to the poll.
Hadn´t awaited any other result.
But for me personally, the Alembic Spyders were my first love and the awesome sound with his Sunns back then, and the Stramp preamps of course.
I think we are one of very few WHO tribute bands that also do have a keyboard player as we also wanted to play 80ies and solo material of the WHO and not only Live at Leeds like most of the other guys do.
And, on the other hand, I haven´t seen any WHO tribute yet with a real close Spyder.....
BTW we are currently rehearsing DANGEROUS...
Believe me, this is an awesome song played with the Spyder.....

Oliver (Spyderman)

Other Bass Brands / Re: alembic mania
« on: July 16, 2009, 11:43:56 AM »
I know....
I am working on that.... :-)

Oliver (Spyderman)

Other Bass Brands / Re: alembic mania
« on: July 16, 2009, 10:09:07 AM »

wanted to share this photo with you.
Had the first rehearsal with the Spyder on tuesday and that bass is really awesome.....

Many greets
Oliver (Spyderman)

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