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Messages - mc2NY

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The Bass Zone / Re: Double neck, anyone?
« on: September 16, 2015, 05:58:05 PM »

That is a fascinating bass.

I could see it used by one person with two tunings.

But I could see it as a steller jazz club act featuring a Les Paul/Mary Ford type bass on each side....simultaneuosly duo bass duo interplaya in an ensemble!!

I would DEFINITELY pay to go see something like that.

......or Michael Jackson and his monkey doing a duo act. :)
(Especially a Zombie Michael Jackson and his monkey :)

Other Bass Brands / Re: NHBBD (New hollow-body bass day!)
« on: September 16, 2015, 03:59:35 AM »
Spaking of interesting hollowbody basses.....

Here is one from my stash of 8-strings. An Espana branded 8-string from 1967.
Believed to be a Prototype built by Landola in Finland for Hagstrom back when they were developing the original 8-string bass.  The Landola company pre-dated Hagstrom and taught them how to build the hollowbody Viking series and/or build some of them for Hagstrom. So, one of the very first 8-string basses ever built....possibly THE first, if Hagstrom tried the hollowbody idea before going with the final H8 solidbody version.

This is NOT a conversion. It is a factory original 8-string with a SET TWO-PIECE NECK !!
So, not one of the Italian made bolt-on Espanas. The biggest expert on these brands confirmed it to be a "very rare Landola-made prototype."

Hagstrom used the Espana name for its higher quality Swedish and Finnish made classical/electric guitars and the Espana name was used in the U.S. to import electrics made in Italy, which were bolt-ons. They eventually moved production to lower cost Italian made ones.

The original tuners have been replaced with more modern ones. Real nice quality bass.

The Bass Zone / Re: that cant be real
« on: September 05, 2015, 01:40:24 PM »

For a politician and minister, Huckabee can hold his own on bass.

The Bass Zone / Bass Players in Scientific Study
« on: September 03, 2015, 09:14:24 PM »

....sort of an oxymoron of a title but science has proven bassists are the most important member of the band.

Keep on mind this WAS a CANADIAN study. :)

The Bass Zone / Re: How much on the Wussometer do I climb by admitting ...
« on: September 02, 2015, 04:38:58 PM »
A friend of mine was selling one of those goofy Manring basses of your are REAAAAALLY getting into him Uwe.

You can meeedley meeedly meeedly all day long up that neck. :)

I'd like to see Manring with Rick Neilsen from Cheap Trick jamming with all those gipuiatrs hanging off them and piled around.  Two polar opposites, musically, but with the same need for too many guitars at once.

Other Bass Brands / Re: Incoming Hamer...Slammer
« on: September 01, 2015, 05:00:38 PM »



Other Bass Brands / Re: Incoming Hamer...Slammer
« on: August 29, 2015, 01:55:40 AM »

Yeah, I recall the bar room shootout and hole thru the neck discussion.

Definitely a cool solution for the repair.

Also looks like great work and a well matched patch.

Doesn't really matter that Hamer previously did something similar 20 years ago for Johnny Colt.

The back story on the Gibson with the real bullet hole is what makes that one cool as hell.

Other Bass Brands / Re: Incoming Hamer...Slammer
« on: August 28, 2015, 08:39:24 PM »

Nah!!! You're just 20 years too late for it to be a "original" idea :)

But it is still a very cool one. would HaVE to either be a German idea or a Southern U.S. one, to have bullet shell casings for dot inlays.

The Bass Zone / Re: Sheehan Bassics
« on: August 28, 2015, 07:31:26 PM »

Other Bass Brands / Re: Incoming Hamer...Slammer
« on: August 28, 2015, 03:15:22 PM »
Uwe.....I've also got a bass with similar dot inlays, using real Colt 45 shell casing for all the dot markers. Factory original Hamer B12A made for.....Johnny Colt. (HaHa...get it...Johnny "Colt"....Colt 45 inlays....duh!....Much better that a joke using "Johnny" and making tiny toilet seat inlays, no? :)

I got it from John around 2000. He told me he also loaned it to Marcy Playground to use on the album with the "Sex and Candy" hit.

Other Bass Brands / Re: Incoming Hamer...Slammer
« on: August 28, 2015, 01:48:50 AM »
Didn't Herr Blades of my favorite AOR band Night Ranger always play these (and still does)?

Blades is now playing a near exact copy of his Most recent hollowbody Hamer Basses by a brand called Atomic.

They look like dead on copies but with the rare early "Dan Armstrong" headstocks that Hamer did for Rockpile and a few other limited one-offs.

Saw Nightranger on TV a week ago and researched it a bit. Cannot believe how much they look like his Hamers.

......and man, those guys sure jumped around a lot. But the drummer still looks like Will Ferell from that movie where he kept playing his step-brother's drums :)

Apparently Ferrell can actually play drumes....and looks like Chad Smith's twin brother. See below.

(Ironic that Imjust post this as they announce Blue Oyster Cult is about to play live on TV)

Gibson Basses / Re: Rare Bird - What's it worth
« on: August 27, 2015, 06:29:02 PM »
I don't know......still a broken neck TBird.

A broken one is worth maybe $3000-3500, depending on the break and repair.

Custom color but still broken and refinned.....IMO, not much more.

I'd rather have an unbroken, refinned 'Bird, than a broken custom color one any day.

Does it have a black front headstock or a matching Pelham Blue?

The Bass Zone / Re: Isn't it terrible ...
« on: August 22, 2015, 06:26:22 PM »
I would also put singers who sing off key and drummers with timing issues on the list of abominations against God & nature.

My GF LOVES to sing.....but is so tone deaf and off key that it hurts to listen to her. But she dances around singing and looks so happy that I just try to bear it...usually from a different room. Driving long distance with her in the passenger seat, singing along to the radio is truly unbearable. I use earplugs.

The funniest part is, she has two large parrots that sort of dance to the music as she sings.....and then they sing along miming her TOTALLY OFF KEY!!  Nornally the parrots sing or whistle sort of on key when not singing with it is really funny to hear them immitate her :)

------- Regarding the B3..... Man, that Vanilla Fudge track is a prefect argument in defense of the B3!!! i hadn't listened to it in ages. Just steller, especially considering when it was recorded.
One of the best cover songs ever, up there with Hendrix' "All Along the Watchtower."

The Bass Zone / Re: Isn't it terrible ...
« on: August 21, 2015, 04:49:30 PM »
... that we all tend to make disparaging jokes about active basses here, but whenever I play a 9-volt-battery-entrailed bass at a rehearsal the guitarists inevitably (and not knowing that it is battery-fed) go: "Oh, that one sounds real good!"

It's like they have a certain active sound downloaded in their rodent brains and when they hear it they just can't resist.  :mrgreen:

I would think guitarists gravitate to the active bass sound over passive because, IMO, an active bass sounds more "guitar like," or at least can.  A passive bass is more bass-like.
....and we all know how guitarists love themseleves and their sound. So it seems natural that they would most like other instruments that seem to more emulate them, between their glances in the rehearsal room mirrors :)

The Bass Zone / Re: Uwe's dream bass
« on: August 16, 2015, 03:52:56 PM »
It's a bi-bass (two strings), but has a triple decker headstock?  :o Doesn't make sense.

I do like DAD (or Disneyland after Dark as they were once called before Disney cracked down on them) though. I think he only plays two-stringers, at least live. He probably records with a six-string!  :mrgreen:

Ah....but he IS using a pick, Uwe !!

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