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Messages - Basvarken

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There's already a few other interesting projects in the works guys. I'll keep you posted.

While working on the NR Tbird, BaCH was trying to find a way to make the tooling of the bridge and tailstop affordable. So I suggested they maybe could make more models to use that bridge and tailstop combination, such as a Reverse Thunderbird, a Fenderbird and I even suggested an Embassy. Don't know if they're already working on those. I will ask. Okay?
Can any of you guys provide the measurements and detailed pix?

Gibson Basses / Re: Gibson NAMM Photos
« on: January 23, 2008, 09:53:51 AM »
Allen Woody Rumblekat

Gibson Basses / Re: A leader by any other, um, name..
« on: January 23, 2008, 05:11:18 AM »
Like Chris said:


Other Bass Brands / Ibanez Retro Jet King Bass
« on: January 22, 2008, 02:44:06 PM »
I think I kinda like these new retro Ibanez basses:
A strange hybrid of MusicMan, Gibson and Italia...



Close up:

neck type 3pc JTKB neck
body Mahogany body
frets Medium frets
bridge JTB10 bridge (19mm string spacing)
neck pu ACHB-2 neck pu
bridge pu ACHB-2 bridge pu
string Elixir® string


Any of you guys ever played one of those?

Other Bass Brands / Re: Danelectro Longhorn
« on: January 15, 2008, 04:19:16 PM »
A friend of mine has a Danelectro Long Horn (not a reissue). They even named the band after that silly little bass made of masonite (sort of compressed cardboard fibre). It sounds real cool.

Gibson Basses / Re: Modified Jack Casady Signature recording
« on: January 15, 2008, 03:33:36 PM »
Almost nailed it:
The effect is a Precision Electronics Vibe Unit plus Fender Vibratone Leslie in the slow mode. Plus a Menatone Red Snapper as a distortion.

Gibson Basses / Re: Modified Jack Casady Signature recording
« on: January 15, 2008, 12:43:49 PM »
I was curious what is you guitarist playing?  Great tone. 
No, it.s not a Strat. It's a handbuilt Aspe. Aspe is a Dutch luthier who until recently had his shop in Arnhem where we live.
The Aspe Superfrankrocker is a strange hybrid mixture between a Strat (pickup configuration), A Les Paul (scale length and bridge/tailstop) and a Gretsch (large and extra thick body).
Frank experimented with a few different kinds of pickups, but he now uses Kinman pickups. The bridge pickup is a minihumbucker.
He use a special gauge 013 strings to get that fat SRV tone.
His amp is a Marshall Super Tremelo (basicly a super lead with a tremelo unit). He bought it from Brian "Robbo" Robertson a few years ago.

I was also curious what is providing that rotary/phaser effect at ~4:00.   

I'm not sure what Frank used on this song exactly. I think it's a combination of a Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face with a Fender Vibratone. Or maybe a Univibe.
I'll ask our producer. I'm sure he remembers, since it was his idea ;)

Gibson Basses / Re: How do I record my NR?
« on: January 15, 2008, 09:39:39 AM »
I always use my mini-disk multitrack desk as an interface.

On my iMac I use Garageband to record it with.

Other Bass Brands / Warwick Star Bass II
« on: January 15, 2008, 05:28:25 AM »
Never been a fan of Warwick basses. The shapes were always a bit too "amoebic" for my liking. And the "hanging dog ear" machine heads have always looked silly to me.

But I must admit that their latest Star Bass II look downright appealing...

The description on the Warwick site is confusing me. They mention a bolt on whereas the pics show a set neck.

And why would Warwick want to make pickups that look like mudbuckers when they're not?

Gibson Basses / Re: Modified Jack Casady Signature recording
« on: January 15, 2008, 03:24:54 AM »
Thanx Chris,
but we still don't know if you can use it without a DI...

Gibson Basses / Re: ripper project completed
« on: January 14, 2008, 01:40:17 AM »
Typical those hybrid Gibsons we've seen lately.
Wonder what took "us" so long.

Gibson Basses / Re: Modified Jack Casady Signature recording
« on: January 13, 2008, 03:29:05 PM »
I had the volume of the Ampeg V4B a little over 3. Which is fairly loud. Beyond that point you only get more and more drive.
But of course it is only a 100 watt amp.

The Orange AD200 is a whole lot louder.
I haven't tried the slave output of my AD200 as a DI yet.

Gibson Basses / Re: Modified Jack Casady Signature recording
« on: January 13, 2008, 01:52:19 PM »
Thank you guys.  :)

Did you use a passive DI box for the slave output Rob? I'm curious of using it on my Orange.

No, just a balanced stereo jack plug into the amp and on the other end an XLR straight into the desk.
The result was so good I immediately made a balanced Jack plug for myself to use live on stage.
I remember telling Chris P Dekker this last summer. Because he too needed a pre-amp out for gigs. He doubted if that would work on the Orange AD200B Mk3 he has.
Maybe Chris can chime in and tell us if it worked? Chris, are you there?

Gibson Basses / Re: Gibson Namm 2008?
« on: January 13, 2008, 12:48:41 PM »
I would even buy an Epi version of the EB-2 or another Rivoli if they'd upgrade that mudbucker somehow.

Maybe that Artec EBC4-CR pickup is an option? I remember Johnny Crab measured it at about 30 ohms!

Gibson Basses / Modified Jack Casady Signature recording
« on: January 12, 2008, 04:36:15 PM »
Some of you may remember the modification I did to the Epiphone Jack Casady Signature of mine.
Those who don't: I replaced the Elektar pickup with a Gibson Lo-Z pickup from a Les Paul Bass/Triumph.

Recently we (Superfloor) finished our new album. And there's one tune that features the JCS.
I used the middle setting of the tone selector. The treble rolled of just a bit.
Plus I used my Ampeg V4B (1972 I think) and an Eden XLT210D cab.

Three signals went into the soundboard:
- a DI signal (Avalon U5)
- a microphone signal (can't remember type nor brand)
- the external amp out on the back of the amp. Which is officially meant for a slave amp. But it sounded surprisingly good.

Our good friend Rob Lamothe joined in on the second part of the song. I always think Floor and Rob is a very special combination.

Hope you dig it :)

(We hope to release the album this month)

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