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Messages - Granny Gremlin

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The Outpost Cafe / Re: Looking for advice from Bay-area folks
« on: August 12, 2008, 08:07:15 AM »
I made a day trip to Death Valley in March - I won a trip to Vegas from work and decided to rent a car go to Death Valley to kill a day.  It was fantastic but IIRC it is THE hottest spot in North America!!  I spent about five hours looking around - I didn't hike much but did get out of the car often.  If you plan on spending much time outside make sure you are well prepared - big hat, proper footgear, water, sunblock etc.  There is a nice looking motel that I saw in the middle of the park if you're interested - nothing fancy but it looked pretty decent from the outside - probably pricey though :)

You do know about the 3 to 1 rule in marriage don't you?  If you get a toy that costs $100 your wife gets something that costs $300!  Honest!  That jewel of Tbird you find might cost you $5K in the long run ;D

Congrats on the nuptials :)


Yeah, Death Valley is the only place in the list above where we won't be camping, only driving through with a few stops (taking the scenic route from Sequoia to Yosemite).  I hear it's not only shit hot all day, but f*** cold at night.

I hope to go where no man has gone before as regards the 3:1 rule.  Things look promising in this regard: for my wedding present to her, she has asked me to build her some custom speakers (she hated her old 3-way, 15" woofer Technics because they were too big for her concept for the new living room - "we no longer live in a student appartment" - and made me sell them off a couple months ago despite my protests).

What do I get?  I've been looking to buy a mixing console and she's decided that's what I'll get (that's gotta be 3:1 in my favour easy).

I kinda win on both counts there.  :mrgreen:  The drive units came in the mail last week, and I just finished the design last night.  Let me tell you, designing a speaker is tough enough with all the trade offs that must be made, but when a woman's aesthetic demands are thrown into the mix it gets really tough. 

Thanks for the tip Dave - that just might work out for me as I seem to recall Dana wanting to check something out in Berkley.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Looking for advice from Bay-area folks
« on: August 11, 2008, 01:18:31 PM »
Unfortuneately they won't (this time) ... we were considering a quick jaunt down there when we went to BC for vacation last summer, but we didn't have the time; it was a bit further away then we originally thought. 

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Plan ahead
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:43:03 PM »
Reminds me of the time my (engineer fyi) friend decided to remove the front wheel off his motorcycle while it was on the kickstand.  I warned him ahead of time, but for some reason he didn't believe me, so I made sure to move to the back of the bike, and sure enough, it started to tip forward as he removed the wheel - I hopped onto the seat from the back and saved his forks from damage. He felt real dumb.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Looking for advice from Bay-area folks
« on: August 11, 2008, 11:08:14 AM »
Yeah, definately looking forward to all that, but one of my favoraite vacation things to do is cruise the local gear shops.  Now unless there's a guy running a shop out of a hollowed out sequoia tree, then I'll have to do that in the city.

Forest fires are not something I'm worried about as we're not doing anything really back-country, though I guess there's a risk of some campsites being closed.  Also, the smoke may be toxic  :o :

Gibson Basses / Re: eb4l revived
« on: August 11, 2008, 10:45:49 AM »
i put the 3 point bridge on there back when the bass was in its fugly state.i didnt have the old holes filled because i thought i might be able to get a 60s t bird bridge in there. i dont think that can be done though.

You're right - wouldn't work.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Looking for advice from Bay-area folks
« on: August 11, 2008, 10:27:54 AM »
Oh, don't worry - the hole in the dates I gave is one big camping road trip loop down from San Fran thru Big Sur, Sequoia, Death Valley, Yosemite and back again.

The Outpost Cafe / Looking for advice from Bay-area folks
« on: August 11, 2008, 10:15:39 AM »
I'll be in San Fran for my honeymoon next month and am looking for advice on what to get up to.

We've already spoken to people about some things to check out and some cool restaurants (more suggestions welcome), but I'm wondering if some of you fine folks could give me the lowdown on good local (used) gear shops (guitar/bass/drums/recording).  Also, I wonder if there's any live music (or other shows I guess) worth checking out, specifically on the nights of Sept 15-18 and the 26th.

edit: dates corrected

The Outpost Cafe / Re: The big "The show-must-go-on" thread
« on: August 08, 2008, 11:10:38 AM »
One of my fave clips of The Cult..........A particularly bad night for guitarist Billy Duffy, 3 different guitars for one rendition of Sanctuary.

Oh no! I hope the White Falcon was OK in the end.  (I love the Cult.... and Grestch Hollowbodies).

Anyway, We Love has had a few mishapps on stage - we kind of pride ourselves on recovery.  The drummachine dying was not so bad (and the band played on). Once, in the sound guy hit the mute on the drum machine track with his elbow (or something) and didn't realise what he'd done until a minute later. We'd just kept on playing because we thought the thing died (again)... but then the tech realised what he'd done and the dunce unmuted it.  We weren't quite in time with it but we made it work. He got some cut-eye for that one.

At our EP release our vocalist's mic died.  I motioned her over to mine and had to share with the guitard.  At least we got a descent pic out of it.

Our guitard also has a talent for breaking E or B  strings during the 2nd song. 

Bass Amps & Effects / Re: What's your favorite bass overdrive / fuzz?
« on: August 07, 2008, 08:41:17 AM »
I actually like the Boss Dual Overdrive pedal to add crunch to a slightly overdriven tube amp.  When recording I sometimes daisy-chain the 2 channels on a Bellari tube mic pre instead.

This would be cool to do, with one of those bodies, using Greatdealz G-3 pups is a bass version of this -

I was considering this for my Blueshawk, but really calls out for a flat top LP body.

Given Gibson's history of using the same pups on both guitars and basses what makes you think that the S1 pups are not the same as G3 pups?  Even the naming convention implies similarity.

Isn't the S1 a flat top?  Or did I completely misunderstand you there.

Gibson Basses / Re: The evil that men do ...
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:57:11 AM »
I've been around lurking, just not posting. I'll try to be more visible.

I won't be married until Sept 13th (a Saturday, but it is the anniversery of our first date.... which was a Friday). Looking forward to it (actually the honeymoon - we've been so crazy busy with work and putting the wedding together).

The house is good.  Just got new windows top to bottom and we're looking at gutting the upstairs (gay porn star) bathroom (looks all blingy, but many underlying issues).

Gibson Basses / Re: Gibson Pit Cd
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:52:04 AM »
Hey - my ears are burning (thanks for the kind words guys).

I was actually listening to that disc the other week while reorganising the record collection onto the new shelves I built (Dana and I have merged our collections - it's serious). 

Dana: " THAT is Uwe's band - but they sound so ... British'

... also, We Love's guitarist got hit by a car a few months ago.  He's still in the hospital/rehab but they expect him to be recover fully - it'll just take time. 

Gibson Basses / Re: The evil that men do ...
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:44:40 AM »
Or a hockey stick from a NHL game , Aye?

I just had to drop in to correct John here: it's 'eh' buddy.

(Hi guys).

Gibson Basses / Re: New Gibson bass model?
« on: May 07, 2008, 09:38:30 AM »
I think a reissue of the LP Triumph i... They could even do a semi-hollow version.


Gibson Basses / Re: Better by the pair..........2 white LPs
« on: May 07, 2008, 09:34:09 AM »
Yeah, just booked the caterer and confirmed the menu yesterday - what an ordeal.

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