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Messages - dc10bass

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Gibson Basses / Gibson Pelham Blue - Question...
« on: July 18, 2008, 05:51:25 AM »

I have an Orville Thunderbird that is ready for paint... FTR, I'm having it professional done.
I'm going with Pelham Blue, but am curious about two things;

1. Where is a reputable place to find what would be considered "Gibson" Pelham Blue?

2. Is there a "Vintage" shade of Pelham Blue available?
I ask because some Vintage Pelham Blue Gibson's I have seen have almost a greenish tint to it.
As seen here;

Thank you all for your input!

The Bass Zone / ...6 Years Ago Today
« on: June 27, 2008, 06:06:51 AM »
OCTOBER 9, 1944 - JUNE 27, 2002

Gibson Basses / WANTED: '66 or earlier EB-0 / EB-3 Project Bass
« on: June 20, 2008, 10:58:38 AM »

I'm looking for a model year 1966 or earlier EB-0 / EB-3 bass project bass in almost any condition...
Not concerened if it had or has a neck break...
...Just as long as the front of the main body is in decent condition so it can be refinished in cherry.
(the back of the body is not a big deal)

...Yes, I'm also keeping an eye on eBay and Craigslist.

I already have early 60's EB pickups and a bridge.

Just thought I'd post the request here because some of us have "Project" basses that sometimes never get
started ...or finished for that matter. ;D

If you have one or know where I can get my hands on one, let me know...

I'm looking to make a Jack Bruce replica EB-3 with the 3 way toggle switch in place of the Varitone switch,
and white fender control knobs.


Thanks for the help!


Gibson Basses / Re: "67 Thunderbird come to papa
« on: June 17, 2008, 05:10:59 AM »
...Nice one

My offer for it was $75 short of what you got it for.
...When I went to submit another offer I got an email that said it was sold! :sad:

Enjoy it!~

I was going to give it the "Entwistle treatment" and have it painted red like the one he used in 1971 & 72.

The Bass Zone / Re: Entwistle Sunn Coliseum bass Rig!
« on: June 06, 2008, 09:37:46 PM »
check out a few clips...

Gibson Basses / Epiphone Elitist Thunderbird Pickup Question
« on: June 02, 2008, 03:49:10 PM »

A while ago I bought an Epiphone Elitist Thunderbird bass with a broken headstock and just had it rebuilt by a highly reputable luthier here in Metro Detroit...
The bass was missing all of the hardware as well...

I replaced the tuners and bridge but have yet to do anything with the pickups.
I have a few two hole chrome covers that I could use to cover a set of Seymour Duncan SSB-4 pickups.

The reason I ask is that I may be selling it in the future and would like to put desirable pickups in this bass.

…Any other possible pickup options?

You input is greatly appreciated!


The Bass Zone / Entwistle Sunn Coliseum bass Rig!
« on: May 26, 2008, 02:39:23 PM »
I play bass for "Live The WHO"; a WHO Tribute band out of Metro Detroit.

Here are some pics of my early 70's Entwistle Sunn Coliseum rig!
We played the 94.7FM WCSX "Concert That Never Was" this past Saturday night...

...yes, they are all plugged in!


John was a massive dog fan... He had Rottweilers and Wolf Hounds...
Cats... not so much!

Hell, The WHO even had two songs about dogs; "Dogs" & "Dogs Part 2". ;)

Gibson Basses / Re: QUESTION - 60's Thunderbird Chrome Cover Issue
« on: April 02, 2008, 03:37:18 AM »

 I actually had the three holes filled in, then added the two 60's side holes and had it re-chromed... so it looks like a 60's pickup.
...the 70's holes are not the issue for me.

Let me know how you like your pickups!!!


Gibson Basses / QUESTION - 60's Thunderbird Chrome Cover Issue
« on: April 01, 2008, 12:42:17 PM »

Has anyone here had Seymour Duncan build them the guts for a replica 60's two hole Thunderbird pickup?

Here is what I have…

I had four 70’s three hole chrome TBird covers cut down to 10.35mm high;
which is the height dimension I measured from a 60’s two hole TBird pickup I had.

The guy from the machine shop ended up taking them down a little more than I requested;
they vary from 9.50mm to 10.25mm in height.

What I’m trying to figure out is if Seymour Duncan will be able to use these covers…
I called MJ from the Custom Shop but when I asked her she gave me a bobbin and backing plate height that was around 16.5mm,
which is larger than the stock 60’s chrome cover all together. When I told her my dilemma she said to send them to her and they
could make the bobbins to properly fit the covers.

So if the Custom Shop makes bobbins to fit my covers, will they still sound like proper 60’s style TBird replica pickups,
or will the shorter cover make that much of a difference.

I know that people have bought replica covers here from “OVERDRIVEN66” and had Seymour Duncan make the guts,
but I believe those covers are around ½” in height.

Anyone’s support would be greatly appreciated!!!



The Bass Zone / Re: John Entwistle Bass Rigs!
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:02:01 PM »
Now I'm sorry I sold my Coliseum !

godofthunder - Be sorry... be very sorry!

n!k... I think I just heard your rig!

The Bass Zone / Re: John Entwistle Bass Rigs!
« on: March 25, 2008, 08:43:06 PM »
Can you post a picture of this rig? I'm a huge Sunn fanatic!

I would have voted for Sunn + Thunderbirds, naturally, but Fenderbird is what I picked. 8)

Sunn Coliseum Bass
Sunn Coliseum 880
(2) Sunn 4x12 Cabs
(2) Sunn 1x18 Cabs

(Not Shown)
Sunn Coliseum Lead
Sunn Coliseum Slave

In process... currently being built;
(2) Sunn 3x12 "replica" cabs w/ Celestion G12T-75 (Made In England)

Gibson Basses / Re: Refinishing an Orville Thunderbird
« on: March 21, 2008, 07:55:38 PM »
I have noticed another possible color that would look awesome on a Thunderbird...

"Gold Mist Poly" (I added it to the poll options)

...of course with gold knobs!!!

What do you guys think?!

For the record: I will not be the one painting it... I'm having it professionally done.

Thanks for all the input, very informative!!!

Gibson Basses / Refinishing an Orville Thunderbird
« on: March 17, 2008, 03:26:41 AM »

Need your input on the color...

I have noticed that the refinished TBird jobs I have seen are never in Sunburst?
Is it just too difficult to get it to look right? ...or too expensive?

There are no breaks or cracks on this bass.
...I am also adding a two piece bridge.

Let me know guys...


BTW...if you have time, check out my other Poll in "The Bass Zone": "John Entwistle Bass Rigs"

The Bass Zone / Re: John Entwistle Bass Rigs!
« on: March 16, 2008, 06:51:19 AM »
As Johns Career was so long it is going to be impossible to have all the right gear on stage. I would pick the amp rig that suits me best, for me Hiwatt.  Then have the right bass for the  different phases of Johns career.


The idea was not to use multiple rigs on stage... (At least at the same time  ;D).
I already own the Sunn Coliseum rig. (Coliseum Bass, 880, & Lead heads - with two 4x12 Sunn cabs & two 1x18 Sunn cabs)
Just wanted to get input from those who play bass and are aware of John's history of equipment use.

I also own two Sunn 300T heads with four 4x10 Sunn cabs & two 2x15 Sunn cabs.
To be honest, in my opinion, this rig beats them all hands down! I am able to get such a wide range of sounds from them.

What I find interesting is how he utilized each rig... as each rig got more extreme, so did his playing.

Personally, I like each of Entwistle's rigs... they all have something different to bring to the table.

Thanks to everyone so far for their input... looking forward to more.

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