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Messages - uwe

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The Outpost Cafe / Re: My Friend Dale
« on: February 19, 2011, 03:45:54 AM »
This is horrible, losing a loved like that. But you'll be around for him and so will hopefully others. And he'll have the time for a proper good bye to his wife which can help the healing process later on.

Be the best friend on earth.

That's a nice bass except for the bridge. It looks cheap on everything but Fenders.

Gibson Basses / Re: So Barkless
« on: February 18, 2011, 11:17:48 AM »
Ooops, now I get it! I thought you were referring to Validation, Verification, Testing. I'm so bad at acronyms, sorry.

Yes, vol, vol, tone. One of the control routings used to be the jack which is now at the side.

Pic of the action?  :vader:

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: Horseshoes are in.
« on: February 18, 2011, 11:13:33 AM »
How and why do they sound better?

Gibson Basses / Re: So Barkless
« on: February 18, 2011, 10:34:10 AM »
My love for the Evertilt/Tiltomatic/two-point-bridge is well-documented in this forum. It's the second-worst American engineering invention/crime since the electric chair.

And that at least worked. Most of the time.

Gibson Basses / Re: So Barkless
« on: February 18, 2011, 09:17:10 AM »
Just by the range of the string the Pitbull reads, I'd say any minibucker doesn't stand a chance against it especially in the bridge position.

John (the hound without howl) posted only recently that his whitey EB sounds like a Yamaha Attitude, that mix of Fender and Gibson worlds popularized by Herr Sheehan.

I have an EB-O with an RD Standard stacked humbucker pup in the bridge position, sounds great and in connection with the mudbucker even a little Ric'ish overall. Anything is better than those minipups really.

The Bass Zone / Re: difference between Vintage & Current basses?
« on: February 18, 2011, 05:33:19 AM »
I think that is true. Any of todays 600 buck Yamaha or Ibanez basses would have been considered the epitome of bass building in 1970.

The Bass Zone / Re: difference between Vintage & Current basses?
« on: February 17, 2011, 04:46:06 PM »
Rule of thumb:

Vintage = not hifi, more mids than highs and lows, some overdrive and distortion, signal not compressed to death, i.e. notes drop in and out, side noises, fret buzz, amp hiss,

Current: Clean signal, presence and bass stronger than mids, ample sublows you only hear over the right speakers, no distortion unless wanted, even, but sometimes lifeless signal due to compression, bass drum and bass battle for the same frequencies and bass drum wins everytime

Silly remark. Because it's from a Dunderbird, that's why.

Save when involving furry rodents, your imagination leaves much to be desired, Ken!

The Outpost Cafe / Re: New...but not Green.
« on: February 17, 2011, 08:38:52 AM »
By-Tor and the sacred Snow Dog may then help us in the Temples of Syrinx!!!

Gibson Basses / Re: Need pix of the brothers!
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:13:23 AM »
The artist as a young man and before his "ooops, how did I wake up in this girls' dress and my face all made up?"-phase OR his "darn, all I wanted to do was photograph that pup and now I have this strange reflection of my manhood"-phase.

I'm happy you apparently had innocent days too, George.  :-X

The Outpost Cafe / Re: New...but not Green.
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:09:56 AM »
What kind of music do you play/like to play?

Hey, and it could have been a lot worse, we could have welcomed you with jokes about Canadian bands that write instrumentals about license plates ... But we really didn't want to rush things. Yet.

Please feel uninhibited und turn yourself loose here, we cannuck get enough of ...

The Outpost Cafe / Re: George Michael visits Sydney - and he did .... what?
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:03:47 AM »
He should have joined Queen (no pun intended). He's one of the few singers who can almost match Freddie Mercury's bombast and range. The tracks he did with them for the memorial concert are stellar, far superior to anything Paul Rodgers can muster.

How he creamed (pun intended?) everyone into the ground vocally on that day is firmly embedded in public memory. He felt that song.

The album Rick Rubin will do with him ten years from now will be brilliant.

Paul Rodgers was as good a fit in (the remnants of) Queen as Simon Kirke would have been in Return to Forever or Mick Ralphs in the Mahavishnu Orchestra.

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