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Messages - Grog

Pages: 1 ... 99 100 [101] 102 103 ... 105
The Outpost Cafe / Re: Merry Christmas...! Happy Hollidays...!
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:07:52 PM »
Merry Christmas! Hoping your holiday was nowhere near as snowy as ours was here in Minnesota! Enough White Christmas already!! :toast:

Gibson Basses / Re: Who's close to Davison (Flint), MI? Great deal....
« on: December 20, 2009, 07:41:07 PM »
Did anybody tell him that it was a Q-80 with an EB-0 truss rod cover? My son has the exact same bass, right down to the color. A very nice playing bass................... ;D

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Facebook pics
« on: December 16, 2009, 07:13:51 PM »
I had that same early Peavey Bass amp from about 1976. It was the first amp I owned that could handle the all the balls my '67 EB-2 put out at high volume. Prior to that I had a Mosrite Award amp, a piece of crap. It would break down constantly. I carried a Fender Bassman, (blackface), along as a spare, using just the speaker of the Mosrite.

The Bass Zone / Re: Buying basses online
« on: December 08, 2009, 07:33:44 PM »
I seem to have a knack for always coming in second best on eBay. No matter how high I bid, only one person in the world wants it more. I've had two times that someone has offered me a second chance scam, claiming the winner couldn't come up with the money. After contacting the origional seller & confirming it's a scam, I turned them into eBay.
I've bought quite a few amps on eBay & had good luck, the largest being my LP-12. UPS seems to be the weak link.
I bought my EB-4L from a dealer online, when the UPS man threw it on his shoulder to bring it to the door, it flew over his head & landed on it's headstock. My wife watched & told him she saw it happen, that there was a vintage guitar in the box, he could have cared less. Luckily, due to good packing on the venders part, it arived in one piece.  :bored:

Gibson Basses / Re: Uncorroberated Gossip ...
« on: December 08, 2009, 02:50:55 PM »
If I refinish my 20/20 black, do you think it will be worth more?  :puke:

Gibson Basses / Re: 60's Black EB-2?
« on: December 08, 2009, 10:18:15 AM »
I have always tried to collect clean, origional vintage Gibsons. If I come across a better guitar, I try to trade up.
This goes against every anal retentive bone in my body.  ???  ???  ???

Gibson Basses / Re: 60's Black EB-2?
« on: December 07, 2009, 08:51:35 PM »
Must be a trend of the new economy.......Refins are worth more than Totally Origional! Weird times indeed!

Gibson Basses / Re: 60's Black EB-2?
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:04:48 PM »
This thing is up to $2,550.00 with a little less than two days to go? And a refin yet!  :o  :o  :o

Gibson Basses / EB-1 Reissue Bass Case
« on: December 02, 2009, 06:30:13 PM »
Most of the EB-1 reissue's have had the yellow lined case. My first EB-1 had a case like this one, I thought it was an aftermarket case but this is about the fifth one I've seen on eBay with a case like it. They all have the bare blocks of foam. Looks kinda un-Gibson like to me. I don't think anything else came in a case quite like this.............    :-\

Gibson Basses / Re: 60's Black EB-2?
« on: November 30, 2009, 08:50:46 PM »
If I ever win the lotto, I've been eyeball'in an EB-6 for a long time, it's only $10,000.00!  :o  :o  :o

Gibson Basses / 60's Black EB-2?
« on: November 29, 2009, 07:38:56 AM »

Gibson Basses / Re: Uncorroberated Gossip ...
« on: November 29, 2009, 07:34:50 AM »
For a limited time only! On this special TV offer....You can have the neck plate personalized on your new Les Paul Custom!!  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

Gibson Basses / Re: Uncorroberated Gossip ...
« on: November 28, 2009, 07:10:35 PM »
 "One other thing the storeowner said was that Gibson's push for less dealers selling more had backfired."

A dealer I knew, closed his store, partialy because Gibson was letting too many stores sell their guitars. Many of the Best Buys are selling Gibson, Fenders & Epiphones.

Gibson Basses / Re: Triumph bass in the house !
« on: November 28, 2009, 07:01:51 PM »
I kinda forgot about Bleem. It was just Skip & Bleem as employees. I delt with Bleem most of the time. I have one of his picks somewhere. Nate started in the small corner store, moved next door to a bigger store and when Kawalski's moved out on the other side, Nate cut a hole in the wall & added that whole area also. I only stop in a couple times a year now, check online often. He never has shipped outside of the US. He figures that if he sells only in the US, you may come back someday & trade for something else. If he ships it out of the country, it's gone............

Gibson Basses / Re: Triumph bass in the house !
« on: November 28, 2009, 03:06:52 PM »
I thought Nate took it in on trade & sold it again. As I recall, it wasn't in the store long, I thought it sold quicker since it was priced lower. Maybe it didn't sell & the lady ended up with my origional bass. I bought the first one from Nate when he was in his first store, on the corner of the building he is still in.

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