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Messages - MARICOPAA

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Tom Petersson played a Chandler 12-String built by Paul Chandler up in Chico Ca. Paul does a huge business in pickguards.

Gibson Basses / Re: Hipshot Supertone 2 point replacement bridges
« on: April 30, 2009, 11:52:45 PM »
Update: Well I got an e-mail from Hipshot to set up shipping. I'm sending them my 1966 EB-2D to use as a guinea pig for developing the 'Vintage' version of their new two-point bridge. They seem genuinely interested in pursuing a version with off-set stud holes to accomodate all of us folks playing older pre-1967 Gibson & Epiphone basses...maybe I should say 1966 and earlier.

Interestingly, I have seen a number of later (1968 and I think even as late as 1969) Epiphone Rivoli's that were loaded with the v.2 two-point while EB-O's, EB-2's & EB-3's were being built with the v.3 two-point bridge (that Uwe loves to hate ;-) So technically the 'Vintage' version of the Hipshot two-point bridge will work on those as well.

If any of you have had the experience of playing a bass with one of these new Hipshot two-point bridges you'll know what I mean when I say they are a bit angular. Hopefully the good folks @ Hipshot will also round the edges of the 'Vintage' version to be more hand friendly. More to be revealed.

Here's another pic of the current version of the Hipshot two-point on a Rivoli.

Gibson Basses / Re: Hipshot Supertone 2 point replacement bridges
« on: April 26, 2009, 11:48:47 AM »
Thanks for the cudos Dave. I've been working my tail off with a Live album by The RaveUps. We are going to affectionately call it..."HAVING A YARDBIRD WITH THE RAVEUPS". As you know it is a twist on my favorite Yardbirds album (and the one we took our name from) Having a Raveup with the Yardbirds'. While we are definitely not a look-alike band by any stretch (it's ALL about the music...period!).

Nothing but 'choked' 1964 Rivoli through a Versatone bass amp played with a pick. We decided to do a twist on the album cover too (see below ;-). It's just a test edit pic of the one we will graphics yet but imagine a similar font and colors to the original. if you know the original album cover you should get a kick out of this test pic. This is as close as The RaveUps will ever come to the look-alike aspect of out tribute to The Yardbirds. This cover is definitely a tongue-in-cheek effort but I thought some of you would appreciate.

That and doing a bunch of sessions lately along with my teaching schedule and playing rhythm guitar in a new instrumental stuff but many movie themes and even some TV shows. You have not lived until you have played Bonanza or Hawaii Five-O correctly ;-)) Lastly but firstly, all my time has been taken up moving! Have you ever had to organize and move 20+ years of stuff... unbelievable the amount of stuff I accumulate and then to sort/organize it, pack it all and move it. Then there is unpacking and doing everything in reverse while figuring what to throw away (I'm terrible at that!).

PS...the last chord to the James Bond Theme is...EmM7add9...whew! (Yep...E minor major 7 add 9)

PSS...I should be hearing from Hipshot this week and get this 'Vintage' version (1966 and earlier?) of their Two-Point up and on the boards.

Gibson Basses / Re: Hipshot Supertone 2 point replacement bridges
« on: April 25, 2009, 09:12:09 PM »
I put one of these on a 1964 Epiphone Rivoli. It works but looks pretty uncomfortably funny...sits at an odd angle because the studs on a pre 67 Gibson or Epiphone are not symmetrical. The bridge is flat so you have to be careful how hard you screw down the stud screws on an arch topped EB-2 or Rivoli.

I am trying to get Dave @ Hipshot to make a "Vintage" model with offset holes so one of these will sit perpendicular on any of our older Gibson or Epiphone basses. I'm sending him a bass per his request to use as a guinea pig ;-) Also trying to get the edges rounded for hand comfort...the stock bridge is fairly sharp edged.

Gibson Basses / Gibson Sleuths / EB-? Little Mystery
« on: July 25, 2008, 10:28:39 PM »
So take a look at this auction:

The facts Ma'am...just the facts:

1) Auction lists the bass as an EB-3

2) ?

3) ?

4) ?


Gibson Basses / Re: Green JCS
« on: July 10, 2008, 12:01:38 AM »
I was born in Madison Wisconsin and a true green & gold fan during the Lombardi years as well as during the betting debacle with Hornung and Karas in 1963. To his credit he (Hornung) owned up right away but still crushed dozens of us young lads who looked up to him way back then ;-) Hornung...isn't that a German name? Hmmmm.

Hornung was also the center of athletes vs taxes with his Corvette. 1962 Corvette was awarded to Hornung for being named outstanding player in the 1961 Championship Game. He didn't include the prize on either 61 or 62 tax returns and because of that incident it became impossible for athletes to exclude awards from gross income on their returns. There goes Paul again causing trouble!

Ah Bart Starr, Jim Taylor, Ray Nitschke, Herb Adderly and Jerry Kramer...and of course Vince Lombardi...great teamll!

So somebody create the "Green & Gold Packer JCS Bass. A new collectors market...basses dressed in your favorite team colors/logos.

Gibson Basses / Re: Green JCS
« on: July 09, 2008, 12:12:21 AM »
This may work and it may not...for those of you tired of scrolling page after page of foreign text ;-))

You might have to go to the third page of general threads...find JCS Project...and click away ;-)))

Gibson Basses / Re: Green JCS
« on: July 06, 2008, 01:45:18 PM »
Where is this green JC Bass? I clicked on the link and it definitely went to bass forum but the only JC basses were either sunburst or gold. Where do you find it. I'm curious if he did it in the 60's Guild Starfire emerald green that looks so cool.

Gibson Basses / Re: What the hell is this???
« on: June 13, 2008, 03:41:03 PM »
While it looks sketchy it looks like a good experiment. The measurements sound like it will fit an EB-0, EB-2, EB-3...definitely need cleaning up and some work but still an interesting alternative. My worry would be the bridge chassis is not actually thick enough to be snug on the studs (they do look like vintage studs...then again all of us older guys here are 'vintage studs' ;)

Now I know this is not a gibson product let alone a bass but I had to post it (move it...delete it as you see fit ;-)

An eBay seller has lowered the bar yet another notch:-))))

Gibson Basses / Re: An old friend resurfaces
« on: June 05, 2008, 10:53:59 AM »
You have to copy/paste the link. Seems to work AOK.

It was actor David Carradine and/or his brother Robert who owned the EB-6D.

Strange 'Cavern" spacing of the two pickups with only one volume and tone control. Claims i to be stock...hmmmm...interesting.

Gibson Basses / Re: Fair Price for a 63 Rivoli w/issues?
« on: May 31, 2008, 10:45:43 PM »
Thanks for the input...we'll see what happens. ;-))

If anyone else has price opinions I'm curious!

Gibson Basses / Fair Price for a 63 Rivoli w/issues?
« on: May 30, 2008, 01:15:38 PM »
Could I get a few 2ยข from you guys regarding the value of a 1963 Epi Rivoli in fair condition.

Issues are:

1) Refretted up to the 12th fret

2) Electronics need rewiring (boogered). Bass sounds wrong with present wiring (mudbucker reads 28.6K ohms taken directly from the pickup but output at the jack is strange and unuseable.

3) Replaced 'Baritone' bakelite button w/toggle

4) Back of the neck pretty hagged (more than a comfortable amount of nicks and gouges...a couple severe.

5) Finish is about a 7-8 (sunburst faded and usual nicks, gouges and a number of worn spots)

6) Non-stock handmade slightly weird large wooden case (I only mention this cuz I saw a 60's Gibson EB-2 case go for over $500 the other day...amazing

7) No pickguard.

Can I get your guys perspective as to what you think a fair market value and/or range of pricing would be in your experience? I have a guess but I'm curious what your experience tells you without me stating #'s.

Help Please ;-)

Gibson Basses / Re: anybody need a choke?
« on: May 27, 2008, 10:39:27 PM »
I'm so sorry for not getting back on this sooner. I have been in the studio for 5 days (13 hour days) and I'm fuzzy around the edges. It appears this choke is not of the same value as an EB-2 and also does not have the "canister" that is embedded in the route under the bridge of an please accept my apologies for not following through or replying decisively sooner.

The good news is The RaveUps have got 99% of their record in the can ;-))

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