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Messages - Highlander

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Guess what - She writes nearly as much as me...! the rest is her's Doc...

Dave... I was going to set her up as a separate user but we only use 1 address... she now can play about three songs - do I risk letting her play thru my rig...  :o

Roshina's trip to Berlin - April 28th to May 1st...

Heathrow, terminal 5…

With the reputation of terminal 5 we were all expecting at least one or two bags to go missing and end up on another continent if it left the airport at all, however, I will quickly add that both outgoing and incoming not a single item of luggage was lost by the staff of terminal 5 and the service was excellent.

Please note, apologies in advance, but I am like my father, this may…will end up as an essay..!  :)

So we checked in and continued to security, we discovered wearing lace up converses was not so much fun when we had to take them off for the x-ray machine…oops. I also realised I was wearing earrings I had made from old computer chips, I was sure there was going to be some questions as they went through the machine, but no it was fine. After the items passed through the machine the woman supervising on the other side, who appeared to have difficulty with English confused us totally; the sign said DO NOT REMOVE TRAYS, yet the woman persisted and said, take all your stuff, take the trays, go, go over there, so we did, then she decided to shout at us and say something along the lines of can’t you read, the sign says not to remove the trays etc etc, but nonetheless we did what she said… but enough of that.

We had an hour or so before the flight so we split off into groups to wander which involved one of my friend’s rucksacks falling off its straps and another trying to eat it (don’t ask) whilst another bought about 3 packs of 40 bars of kinder chocolate as it was on an offer for £10, one of the packs was gone by the time we returned to the UK…  When the class regrouped we discovered one of the boys had lost their bag containing their boarding pass; however I think they still had their passport but I didn’t catch the full story, nonetheless it was sorted out and I think the bag was found. As we walked into the boarding lounge (or whatever it’s called) I saw a number of faces drop as the prospect as a flight with 26 unruly teenagers dawned on them! We then got on a bus; sadly it didn’t do a chitty chitty bang bang and sprout wings, but spoilt our fun and dropped us off at the plane. We boarded the plane, sadly only passing through business class and were set for Berlin.

I won’t bother with the details of the flight, I’m not quite as sad as my dad…yet

Oh actually….it was quite amusing when a few of my friends discovered if you take crisps on an airplane the bag blows up as if it is going to explode, it was funny…

Anyway, we arrived in Berlin at Tegel airport and moments before passport patrol one of my friends was greeted by a breathless flight attendant who had ran from the plane as she had left her bag on board… We collected our bags after a long wait and me being my paranoid self sure that my bag had been lost, rummaged through or stolen, but after a while it arrived. We went to the coach, but had to go back to the airport for a snack for lunch as the teachers were expecting something on the flight but they had nothing more than cereal bars. Being vegetarian, well almost vegan as I am fussy as I detest cheese, can not stomach cream and any milk sauces or mayonnaises etc blah blah, eating out, let alone overseas can be difficult, all the boys and a few girls went to Burger King but the other five of us found a bakery type shop opposite it and I found a nice cheap bread roll.

As we were just about to set off on the coach with out tour guide, someone piped up that they needed the loo, the one on the coach was locked, then the key didn’t work so it was back to the airport and a few minutes later he received a round of applause as he returned…

We then got to the hotel, we were scheduled to arrive at 3.50 or so and leave the hotel again at 4.30, we arrived at 4.27. We were staying at a hotel called Transit Loft and as the lift didn’t seem to work we all had to climb the 7 flights of stairs with our suitcases…fun… the staircase stank a bit and the first impression of the hotel wasn’t so great. We checked in and had enough time to splash some water on our faces, shove our suitcases on the beds and run back down the hall. Our group of four friends and I, 2 studying history like myself, one studying humanities and one tagging along for a cheap holiday as she put it….. 2 nights, £450…cheap…???  were the first back to the lobby followed by the other 4 girls who had had time to change in 4 minutes!! However, to our, and the teachers surprise we waited another ten minutes before all the boys showed up, nearly everyone of them had changed clothes, shoes and put on their make up or whatever. So we set off to a bowling alley, not much to say there, followed by a stop off at Aldi as we had had practically nothing all day and the hotel didn’t provide drinks, the tap water in the bathroom was a little dubious…The boys were under strict instruction to only buy water and soft drinks as the teachers couldn’t cope with them high on coca cola, but it seemed we couldn’t buy any water anywhere in Berlin that was still. So we stepped into the Hard Rock Café for another dose of carbohydrate, chips, salad, griddled courgette and veggie burger, swallowed with a nice glass or two of descent music (and cola) as opposed to the dance and rap stuff we had heard on the coach. Although, for the Hard Rock Café, the hardest rock I heard was only the Foo Fighters, not that I’m complaining as you can’t really have too much of their music. I then managed to get some photos and saw some cool guitars (Metallica, Guns n Roses, ZZ top, Green Day, AC DC, Def Leppard.) I also saw a Prince shirt and a tambourine from the Who but sadly people were eating at that table and I thought it rude to push their food out the way, kneel on the table and get a photo, plus I didn’t know how to say ‘sorry’ in German.

While there I bought a Hard Rock Café pin, it was 8 Euros so not a cheapy, but I thought that it was unlikely I would ever be there again so… One of my friends however bought a T shirt and a hat totalling about £45. On the way back to the hotel our driver kindly gave us a mini night tour of the city including the Brandenburg gate, the site of the Berlin wall and the Reichstag.

a Billy Gibbons guitar...

A Byrds guitar - Dad say its Roger McGuinns Rickenbacker...

Angus Young's SG...

We got back to hotel, and settled in to our room. The ceilings were very tall, sadly it was a room with nothing more than the basics, but I’m not complaining. However it was disappointing when I found the bottom of the itchy duvet cover had several rips in it, now that’s not really what you expect from a hotel is it? We closed our curtains which was a task as they were so long, later we heard a noise next door in one of the teachers rooms and the curtain shook, we discovered the curtain cord went through our room to the next and so on. Not much more to say there other than the fact that we all nearly fell out of the shower every time we used it because the step was so high, about one and a half foot! and there was nowhere to put your towel to dry your eyes before you got out, luckily we didn’t break our necks.


The Bass Zone / Re: On the road with The Nasty Habits
« on: May 20, 2009, 12:39:34 PM »
Looks like it was a great road trip... Wonderful scenery...

Oh yeah, and the watering hole at the end of the trip, of course...  ;)

One of my great ambitions is to travel north from California up the Pacific Highway to my mother's birthplace in Vancouver, and maybe keep going... that would be some trip - the entire Pacific rim... err... one of my more spaced moments... movin' on...

The Outpost Cafe / "Cherished" numbers... car stuff...
« on: May 19, 2009, 04:51:08 PM »
The UK has an unhealthy obsession with personalised number plates which used to be/are called "cherished numbers"... you know, having fun, or being posy, or really sad, by making a bunch of letters or numbers into a name or word...

I always find a car with the make/model mimiced extra sad and some I've seen are a Saab Turbo with TUR130, and also TUR80, or one with AUD137 or any variant of BMW or M3 or M5 or J33P or AML, etc... RR1 is an exception... Many of these, I presume, are followed or preceded by the initials of the owner - one of my old bosses had a car plate given to him by his brother which read V8 with his initials which he was dumb enough to put straight on his "P" plate Jag, not knowing that the rule applies that the plate can only go on a car that age or newer... what is sadder still is that I recently saw him in a newer Jag with that plate... so he bought a car to match the plate...  :sad:  :sad:  :sad:  :sad:  :sad:

A fun one I've seen is BAD 80Y or possibly V33 WEE and V33 DUB on Beetles, or ELV1S, but my favourite was a foreign plate high-end white Porsche that simply had GONE as the plate...

There are also the risque plates... one of the most notorious plates to slip through the censors net was/is owned by an "actress" called Fiona Richmond, and that plate was PEN15 ...

What about foreign plates, and the misunderstandings of language... I have seen a German Porsche in London with the plate which begun RO*CK xxx, but I have also seen another hi-end car which begun FU*CK xxx ... And I believe that there is an ex-pat. Brit living in California with a plate that reads B*LL*CKS and no one is the wiser, other than a few enlightened souls...

Another line of thought goes like this - German tourists were up in arms over a yoghurt drink advert emblazoned all over London Red bus's a few years back which stated in big friendly letters... "FRIJJ  - FRESH, FILLING AND FICK" ...  I don't get what all the fuss was about...

BTW, Uwe... there is a high end motor-chain called Guy Salmon near us and the guvnor and his wife used to own V1 and V2 ...  ;)

So, whilst on my way home on Saturday from an overtime job at a BAe site in Essex I saw a silver/grey Porsche convertible (probably a Boxster), but I did-not get past the plate as it read EB03 EBO - a Gibson fan, perhaps...?

Anyone else found better, or willing to stand up and admit to one...?

Just watched a DeNiro called "Hide And Seek" and whilst trying to remember another film we thought we had seen with Dakota Fanning in (which we thought this was but wasn't) and trying to remember why Famke Janssen looked familiar (duh...) stumbled on this...

Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie...? I don't think she's hit 16 yet...

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Jaw-Dropping Video
« on: May 19, 2009, 04:06:12 PM »
Remind me to get a T-shirt printed with "I'M NOT WITH STOOPID" emblazoned on the front...  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o

Kinda reminds me of that line in "Finding Nemo" - "you've got some serious thrills issues dude..."  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)

I jumped out of a plane once, a Cessna 162 (which I'd never heard of at the time - looks like a 172...). We had to climb out and hang onto the wing strut and crouch with one foot on a wheel plate, with the other leg dangling, then look at the jumpmaster and await the order...  only from 2,600 feet... tethered... only 6 seconds of freefall before the chute opened, but a cool memory... once only... no money for more and I don't think the back would be up to it 25 years later... ;D

The Bass Zone / Re: Bad Co. Bassplayer
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:52:43 PM »
Can I put you down as a "not a fan" then... ?  ;D

I liked Boz when he was in "Chuck Farley" (cos that was a nice pub band that played 1-200 audiences...) and yes, that is a "Spoonerism"...  ;)

The Bass Zone / Re: Has the economy affected your bass buying?
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:37:19 PM »
Damn it Bret... sounds like you work for the same government outfit that we have over here...  ;D

I heard that accusations have been flying over Mr Garretts expenses, too...!

Wouter... When you do something, anything, if it is "work", that is all it is...

Be patient and get to the end...

When my present band got "back together" in 2001 to meet (no playing involved) a rather strange German based ex-pat. doing a book on 80's Surrey, UK. based pub-rock acts (yes, that obscure - do not look for it on at any book store near you... I have a copy which he gifted to us all) I created a CD of our few studio recordings and produced a very limited run with a profesional finish cover/insert/label (5) - one for each of the band and one for the writer, which we all signed (a kinda joke) ...

Anyway, on the sleeve-notes I pointed out that, "It was fun but was always going to cost more than it would return..."

That is what life should be... F... U... N...

You, with some pro assistance, have breathed life back into the dead...

What more could you ask for... now chill...

Gibson Basses / Re: Reverse Flying V bass
« on: May 19, 2009, 02:27:19 PM »
WHY...? that is the answer to the question you have formulated... certainly rates amongst one of the ugliest instruments I've ever seen... bet it was/is a real neck diver...!

Just a thought... I've seen no double-neck Gibbies in Uwe's collection; would a 4/6 just be...? definitely seen one live and have a good pic of her...

Never played a "V" of any kind but told the best way is with one fin "between the legs" - Only ever seen one Moderne "in the flesh", in a London showroom, shortly after the "re-issue"...

The Bass Zone / Re: Bad Co. Bassplayer
« on: May 19, 2009, 02:12:21 PM »
... But at least he's still Chris...  ;D

I had a work colleague during the 70's that used to wear make-up and haunt the discos claiming to be gay and putting it about that he had never "slept with a lady"... he had all sorts of women offering to "cure him" and was never short of partners...  ;)

The last Heart line-up I saw had Carmassi and Andes... the encore featured Randy California and Brian May, all playing "Rock 'n' Roll"... quite enjoyed that... That's a great story, Mark, nice to have that sort of material on your doorstep... Nirvana were locals to you too... never saw them - knew the stuff but only really got into them post; my daughter really likes then and the FF's...

Gibson Basses / Re: A funky Five string Les Paul with Fishbone
« on: May 19, 2009, 01:58:45 PM »
Used to play "bumper-cars" with a VW T2 van - that was a tough beast - one night I had a London black cab crash straight into the back when I stopped at a crossing and it went nearly 2 feet under the engine before the tha cab's engine block hit the rear of the van - I drove away with a broken off outlet of the exhaust and all the light housings smashed - freakiest bit was all the lights STILL WORKED...!

How's that for off thread...  ;D

Unique... beautiful... extraordinary... superlatives fail, etc...

Looking forward to the final pages of this story with great interest...  8)

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Live Long and Prosper
« on: May 18, 2009, 03:02:22 PM »
They're signed up for 2 more (but that is a standard package these days)

The Bass Zone / Re: Bad Co. Bassplayer
« on: May 18, 2009, 02:59:19 PM »
There's more to the T'bird than meets the eye... as she said... she has to keep some secrets...  ;)

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