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Messages - wellREDman

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Gibson Basses / Re: Music videos that feature Thunderbirds
« on: September 21, 2019, 12:07:09 PM »
Found this on a google image search

so what is it?
looks like the love child of a Tbird and a Jbass

Gibson Basses / Re: Music videos that feature Thunderbirds
« on: September 21, 2019, 09:37:53 AM »
So after the shock of finding out my love of T-Birds was started by hearing an RD I've done a bit more watching and perhaps I was not mistaken, this video dates from not too long after my epiphany and although its mostly and RD or an EB there are several shots where it looks like craig is playing a bird, can you guys confirm? the most obvious being at 4:19

and just in case I'm wrong, to justify this posts prescence on this thread, Craig playing a bird for sure a few years ago

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: Music videos that feature Rics
« on: September 15, 2019, 03:45:03 AM »

To me the picture just emphasizes what an idiot Sid Vicious was.

 True Story

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: Music videos that feature Rics
« on: September 15, 2019, 03:43:44 AM »
Im not proud of it now, but likewise 14 year old me idolised Sid, but even then I was aware that his swastika was for shock value rather than a political position, he was a thug, not very bright, and easily led.
 Back then all us punks knew was that the swastika made Grannies clutch their pearls, and didn't really stop to think why, we just did whatever got a rise out of the older generation.
 looking back now I cringe at our naivety 

The Outpost Cafe / Re: So, what have you been listening to lately?
« on: September 13, 2019, 03:33:14 PM »
You are forgiven to mistake an RD for a TBird - a lot of people have before.

 I just feel very sheepish that the foundations of my love for this instrument turned out to be based on an error !

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: S. Korean Lemmy knockoff... what's next?
« on: September 13, 2019, 02:51:06 PM »


You mean, like a turkey?  :mrgreen:

The Outpost Cafe / Re: So, what have you been listening to lately?
« on: September 13, 2019, 10:31:25 AM »
This Month I have been mostly listening to The Mission

 That feeling you get when you go to a small local barto check out a one hit wonder from your teens and then find out that their new bass player is the guy who inspired you to play bass in the first place  "Bloody hell. its Craig Adams ! "

after spending most of my life voraciously seeking new music, my late 40s have been charecterised by relistening to bands that I loved as a kid but havent paid attention to in years, and rexperiencing them with the ears of a musician and producer that I now have

the wonder of the internet means that this rediscovering has an amazing depth, the show below was exactly 3 days after I was one of the spiky haired ejits jumping around at the front of their Brighton show on this tour. this was the night that hearing, nay feeling Craig's thunderous basslines made me decide that playing the bass was the job for me

the funny thing is I have always remembered it as a Thunderbird and it turns out its (I Think) an RD !


The Outpost Cafe / Re: So, what have you been listening to lately?
« on: September 05, 2019, 08:46:51 AM »
Someone in that overrated 70ies outfit (whose name I have conveniently forgotten) had real talent, classy Brit songwriting between Ian Hunter and Nick Lowe:

Thank you Uwe that was just what I needed
 Ive always felt that "Happy"  was the sonic equivalent to sand under your eyelid, but that version redeemed the song and cheered me up when I was feeling sad

Gibson Basses / Re: A little tweaked 20/20 on Italian ebay
« on: September 02, 2019, 01:54:06 AM »
For an apocalypse ?  :mrgreen:

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: Brooks EB-N
« on: August 28, 2019, 01:36:43 PM »
That is just lovely

Guitars Etc. / Re: cool pickup switching guitar
« on: July 28, 2019, 01:49:44 PM »
That ciari is pretty cool,
 likewise bring on the bass version

Trevor Bolder on Top Of The Pops with David Bowie.

A little mistake at 2:58 where Trevor wants to go into the chorus too early

wow my new favourite version of one of my favourite Bowie songs, love hearing the bass high in the mix and the harp is fab too

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: Lowe Shop Notes
« on: June 30, 2019, 01:54:27 PM »
The Summer NAMM booth display concept is a go.

I'm not usually one for white instruments but that Ridler looks spanking

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: Lowe Shop Notes
« on: June 24, 2019, 02:56:37 PM »
I just ordered 400 of these for Summer NAMM:

Lol, whenever I see your 3x3 headstock I think to myself "wouldn't it be cool if that was an actual bottle opener built into the heastock" 

Gibson Basses / Re: It takes a special kind of stupid...
« on: June 23, 2019, 03:07:25 PM »
They've had functional aircraft in that basic shape for years, but it seems to me that the tubular body design of conventional aircraft provides a lot more room for passengers and cargo, making better financial sense.

 no thats the USP of the blended wing design, by making the whole body be the wing (lifting surface) you can fit payload in the whole aircraft, doubling or tripling capacity.
 I think that 1/2 of the passengers not being able to see a window might be a factor, the last piece I read on it was talking about using screens and cameras to give passengers in the middle a virtual window. that shouldnt be an impediment to cargo tho

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