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Messages - Highlander

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Gibson Basses / Re: live eb4l
« on: May 27, 2009, 07:10:04 AM »
Yep, working now...

Sounds a bit like one of my cousins earlier bands (Mr Blonde)... he lived in Wellington some years back... now lurking round Sydney still dreaming of making it...

Gibson Basses / Re: Gene Simmons and his burgundy Grabber.
« on: May 27, 2009, 06:53:34 AM »
I knew where the negs for these were but I gave the prints away years back so no frame of reference until I scanned today - sadly degenerated and scratched - I was about 10 rows back or so and excuse condition of shots... 2 rolls of film used that night... about 1/2 were reasonable... not my best work...

I'll post some of Gene if you want, but same sort of condition...  :sad:

I run them passive, Tony, but they were the originals when the Moog board was in her, the damaged one now in the Peter Cook T'bird and the other still in the RD - both in the bridge position... they are both around the 6.5K mark and have a great sound...

I stripped down George's MB prior to fitting, as I was curious to find out how and where the coils were linked and have been tempted to tap-in a connection on the white pairs, to play with the sound... I agree with your option as I need to balance the pups, too, if only with a second pot...

One of my other concerns at present is what to refill my Marshall slope cab with and I'm trying to do some research re my 50w '68 "Smallbox" and my Hiwatt DR103 - both valve amps - and an ideal pairing for my cab, which I will almost certainly keep running, no matter how disgustingly scuffy and beaten to hell, but she will look much better when resprayed black...  8)

Anyone out there with experience of Mudbuckers, 12" speakers, and British valve amps...?

The Bass Zone / Re: Cool Picking Technique
« on: May 26, 2009, 05:36:35 PM »
Dave, Terr, Wouter... none of you will ever persuade me to eat a bacon sandwich...  ;D

My daughter runs with the opinion that I only have 2 rules...

1) dad is always right...
2) if wrong, see rule one...

The latter is usually followed by a raspberry...

My photography runs to similar rules...

"I only take pictures of 2 things - things that move and things that don't..."

Equally dumb...

The older we get the more obscure the things we took for granted tend to become, a bit like my train of thought...?

If I don't play in a trad style I use my whole hand, a flicking action similar to Stanley CLarke but nothing like anyone I've ever seen and I can't post a video of it because I haven't found it on youtube...  :o

ps... any fans of "Hector The Helicopter" out there...?

pps still haven't found all the bits of my brain...  :sad:

The Bass Zone / Re: On the road with The Nasty Habits
« on: May 26, 2009, 05:11:24 PM »
There was a billboard on the A4 (main road from Heathrow to central London) in the Earls Court area sponsored by the Meat Marketing Board showing sizziling bacon rashers in a frying pan and a big neon sign with numbers counting down declaring the "... Number Of Vegetarians In Britain..."

Reputedly one of the toughest "flavours" to give up...

Over 20 years since I've had a "bacon-buttie" - that's a "sandwich", usually served with HP sauce, to those not up-to-speed in "UK-speak"  ;D

I once had a form returned because I put "Vegetarian" down as my religion...  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

My family came from Island fishing communities, Pilgrim, and one of my uncles used to regularly bring home very fresh wild salmon... 20 years since that, too, and I can be precise on dates of going fully veggie as it's now my 20th wedding anniversary, here...

They make an evil pairing, Tony, in a very good way...

Tried to listen to your latest posting but I may have a bandwidth issue at moment as it would just not open properly, even via the direct link... I'll try again in the next few days...

Still have not had the time to work on your 20/20 pup in my RD... as I noted elsewhere the pairing did not work out but she fills the "hole" perfectly, and as I also noted I have an EMG Select (same as my Hohner Jack) which was nice and loud but too bright when in the bridge position of the Tequilabird, but if I take great care removing the contents of your old pup, the EMG will fit the shell, so I still hold out great hope for your generosity... gotta sort the replacement shed before I undertake that bit of butchery... :o

Gibson Basses / Re: Gene Simmons and his burgundy Grabber.
« on: May 26, 2009, 04:43:14 PM »
I saw them at the Hammersmith Odeon in '76, both nights, got some reasonable shots and an odd one (so I was told by a Kiss obsessionist I knew) of Frehley playing an Explorer for the encores...? I may even still have some "KISS ARMY" armbands in the loft, somewhere...

I always thought they crafted some very clever "pop", if you listen to their "hits" seperated from the main body of their work - "Alive" is the only CD I have these days, but I still want to get "Destroyer" some time (again)...

I would not consider myself to be a "fan"...

Other Bass Brands / Re: New neck for my Dano
« on: May 26, 2009, 04:12:48 PM »
Ray Lowry was a regular contributor to the NME and Punch, amongst others and I used to collect his cartoons; I have a scrapbook full of them and have been watching out for his originals, but never got one; probably could not afford one, and now he has gone, October last year...

He was particularly associated with The Clash, even designing the cover for "London Calling" ...

Google images has loads of his work...

Other Bass Brands / Re: The big Legendary eighties basses thread
« on: May 26, 2009, 03:48:39 PM »
I tried the Aria's at the time, but I was Gibson, through and through so they just felt alien, but how did I fall for the Hohner's sister instrument, "The Jack"...? I consider that to be a stunning instrument, exceptionally good at staying in tune, an exceptional action and a great sound... similar to, and a poor man's "Status"...?

My daughter has taken to mine like the proverbial duck to water... I have been sort of watching out for one, or a "paddle" but none have been coming up cheaply...

Never tried the NS2, but visually not to my taste...

Gibson Basses / Re: Les Paul Standard bass for sale
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:44:20 PM »
... and I'm still stony...  :sad:

The Bass Zone / Re: If
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:41:48 PM »
'fraid so... suicide, last year, reputedly due to meds bills...

Nugent was/is a showman... saw him loads of times from '76 thru to mid 80's... he changed his style after having an accident with his favourite Byrdland, the really nasty one he did his feedback pyrotechnics with... never seen anyone ever control feedback so well... 4 Fender stacks and a worn to hell Gibson...  8)

Bret's grinning because it's Autumn down there... cheeky swine...  ;)

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Remember The Heroes
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:32:42 PM »
New Guinea was nasty, Nofi... a lot of canibalism took place there...

If your dad was involved in "Blackpool" I would like to talk, re my book about my late father... pm or ignore...  ;) I have had no luck in finding any living survivors, let alone any willing to talk...

We were over in the US for MD 2003 where we got to lay flowers at my wife's late father's grave (ex USAF) ...

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Live Long and Prosper
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:24:41 PM »
That's just the tip of the iceberg, Pilgrim...  ;)

Still picking up bits of my brain... Gawd, what a mess...

Hmm... Mel Brooks "Young Frankenstein" fits the SF bill, too, but tonight I intend to view a Clint Spag classic so my wife can do some cruising...

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