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Topics - hieronymous

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Gibson Basses / patent & schematics for RD Artist compressor/expander
« on: November 29, 2009, 09:33:07 AM »
Just stumbled across this - a write-up on the Moog patent for the compressor/expander for the RD Artist, including schematic. Thought it might be useful for someone, but I also thought his description of the guitar was cute.

I must be procrastinating if I'm reading about patents!

Gibson Basses / silverburst triumph???
« on: November 27, 2009, 05:37:00 PM »
Sorry if this has been posted before, but I was grazing through the Olivia's site and found this:

1979 Gibson Triumph Les Paul Bass SILVERBURST


Other Bass Brands / Univox EB-1 copy
« on: November 15, 2009, 10:06:10 PM »
It's a ho, but it looks like it might be an interesting alternative to an original EB-1...

Rickenbacker Basses / two jetglo cousins
« on: June 17, 2009, 10:57:43 AM »
I recently had the opportunity to head back east to Massachusetts to my buddy's studio. I have a few basses that I leave out there for when I go back, including two Jetglo Rickenbackers. This time around I was able to take some pictures and do some recordings, so I thought I'd share them here.

On the left is a 1993 4003S/8 - the one on the left is a 2004 4003:

I've had the 8-string modded to a certain extent: there's a Pickguardian pickup surround for the neck pickup, and Krishna from Cambridge, MA flipped the strings, so now the octave string is on "top" (in other words, a downstroke with a pick hits the octave string first, then the root).

The 4-string is stock as far as I know. One of the interesting things about it is that it appears to have been made for the Japanese market - there is a Japanese version of the catalog in the case. It is very unusual in that it has the 7-screw tailpiece, which hasn't been available since the '90s as far as I know (notice the 8-string has one as well). Of course, it could have been added later, but it seems like they sometimes sent interesting variations to Japan...

I have some sound clips in the works, but I just wanted to get this thread started while I have a minute.

The Bass Zone / Fretless - Yea or Nay?!!!
« on: April 13, 2009, 11:31:26 AM »
I bought my first fretless while I was in high school - an unlined Fender Japan Jazz Bass. But I wasn't mature/experienced enough to play it well, so it usually just sat there gathering dust. I finally gave it away.

Recently, however, I started playing fretless again - the bottom neck of my Alembic doubleneck is fretless, and has dots where every fret would be - that really helped! And I recently purchased an early-'70s Guild M-85 fretless, and lo and behold - even though it only has dots for 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc., they are where the fret would be instead of inbetween! The fretless I had in high school had them where they would be on a fretted bass - no wonder I had so much trouble!

So I am enjoying playing this Guild, but it can still be frustrating to hit the notes right on. I'm just noodling around the house - I don't think I would play out with it, at least for a while.

Also, fretless often brings Jaco to mind, but of course there are other players and other approaches to use. I am definitely not going for a Jaco vibe, just trying to do my own thing.

SO - any one else have experiences, positive or negative? Absolutely love fretless playing or despise it? I'm actually more interested in hearing the negative opinions, believe it or not!

The Bass Zone / Pyramid Flats and TI Jazz Flats
« on: January 30, 2009, 06:35:06 PM »
OK, I have to access the databass that is you guys' collective knowledge - I seem to remember reading somewhere that Pyramid flatwound strings changed since the late-'60s/early-'70s. This is all wrapped up in the Jack Casady/Phil Lesh/Alembic saga and the search for that sound. Apparently Pyramids used to be very low tension, but if you buy them now they are high tension (or so I've heard). The other part of the story is that TI Jazz Flats are supposed to resemble the Pyramid strings of old.

Does this ring a bell with anyone? I've tried searching the Alembic site and also just doing a general Google search, but can't find anything. I'm afraid it might have been over at the Dude Pit...

There's a great tidbit here at Fred Hammon's Darkstar site - a quote from Rick Turner - but nothing about TIs or the current state of Pyramids.

The Outpost Cafe / happy halloween!!!
« on: October 31, 2008, 04:48:52 PM »

happy halloween from hieronymous & sadie

Bass Amps & Effects / favorite phaser(s)?
« on: August 28, 2008, 06:35:02 PM »
hey all, I'm on the road right now - not music, work - but figured I'd ask - what is your favorite phaser? I've had a MoogerFooger phaser for several years - sometimes I love, sometimes I hate it - I don't think it works with distortion so well, maybe better with a nice fat Moog synth signal (take that with a grain of salt - three pints of IPA and very casual unscientific thought speaking). Back in Boston I have an aNaLoG mAn-modded EH Small Stone which has been great when I've used it but that hasn't been often and it's 5000 miles away so I can't experiment very often. Just picked up the Nano version but haven't had a chance to work with it - have to wait 'til I get back to CA.

So - any thoughts for phaser with bass?

The Bass Zone / LEMMY - THE MOVIE!
« on: August 05, 2008, 01:24:53 PM »
Lemmy - the Movie

Not safe for work!

The Bass Zone / show your multiple bass pictures!
« on: August 02, 2008, 07:03:40 PM »
The short scale basses thread is going really nicely - there's a lot of 'em around here!

I've been thinking about taking pictures of multiple basses for a while, and I finally went into the back yard, dragged out a bunch of stands, and took a bunch of pictures! Some of them are kind of standard, like pictures of my Alembics together or pictures of my Gibsons - if you've got any, post them! Here's one of my Alembic shots:

But I took a thematic one too - I give you:
"short scale basses with low impedance pickups"

Maybe you already have some group shots, or maybe this thread will inspire you to drag your gear out onto the back porch, or even your floor, and take some new ones!

The Bass Zone / show your short-scales!
« on: July 26, 2008, 04:49:32 PM »
I don't think this has been done here, and with all the Gibsonites here it shouldn't be too hard - so let's see your short-scale basses! I'm thinking around 30" scale length. Less is fine of course, and let's consider 32" medium scale.

I'll get it started with my most recent bass - an Alembic Signature Standard Stanley Clarke 5-string:

It was originally made BEADG but I put EADGC strings on it and love it! It's definitely heavy, but I expect that from an Alembic.

OK, so what'cha got!

Fender Basses / Fender Telecaster Bass transformation
« on: May 24, 2008, 08:16:43 PM »
Back in the early '90s, a friend offered me a mid-'70s Telecaster Bass. He loved P-Basses, and was offering me the Tele because he never played it. He had had it refinished black, but his greatest sin was trying to turn it from the later humbucker-equipped version to the earlier single-coil version. Then he decided that he didn't like the sound of the single-coil pickup and had it routed for a regular split-coil pup. Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of it in that state. Anyway, he sold it to me for $250!

I used to drool over the mid-'80s Fender Japan reissue version, black with black pickguard and the humbucker, so I asked Jim Mouradian if he could find a humbucker for it. He found a NOS in the box at a guitar show for $100, and I had him put it in with probably a Warmoth replacement pickguard. At various times either one or the other pup was wired exclusively (so the other wasn't usable), or at one time I had them wired together so instead of volume & tone, it was volume/volume for each pup. The Telecaster humbucker is very high-powered, kind of like a mudbucker (though with more mids), so you either had the P at one volume, the 'bucker at least twice as loud, and together they were closer to the P volume but with a really round, fat tone. Oh yeah, he put a Badass II on it as well.

Here's a (bad) pic of it as it ended up:

And a close-up (I wish I had taken a few just regular shots when I had the chance!):

There were two things that I really liked about this bass. One was the neck - kind of like a baseball bat sawn in half! I like thin necks too, but sometimes a fat chunky neck is what you need to get you (or me that is) to stop overplaying! The other thing was that the G-string was just as fat and powerful as the other strings, unlike my MIJ Jazz whose G-string could be kind of thin compared to the others.

But then I stopped playing (back around '95), and it languished in its case. I never really liked the finish or the P pup. When I found a used set of Alembic Activators for $275 (they usually go for close to a grand!), I jumped on them. I've also been jonesing for a "root beer" finish lately (though I found out it's really called "mocha"), so I got in touch with our very own Boston Guitar Repair, and shipped it out to him last week. He just called me today, we talked about what's going to be done with it. I'm going to have it refinned mocha, he's going to cut a black pickguard for me, tweaked slightly from the original design to cover the hole for the single-coil (even if the hole gets plugged, since mocha is a transparent finish):

I want the pickups wired completely independently, so he's looking into routing another hole on the side next to the current one, though I think I'm going to have the humbucker go through the original plug and the Alembic controls and plug all top-mounted. I also put on an old MIJ reissue bridge.

I'll update as details come in - also, BGR will probably blog it as well!

Hi everyone - over at this interesting forum called*, I've been trying to help the new owner of a vintage Mustang Bass regarding strings. I had one of the reissues, and because the bridge is string-through-body, LaBella medium scale strings worked really well. But would short scale strings work as well? If you have any experience with this, please respond here or at the original thread over there if you want. Thanks in advance!

*This forum appears to have been born out of frustration with the FDP.

The Bass Zone / anyone want some LaBella James Jamerson flatwounds?
« on: May 05, 2008, 09:48:19 PM »
A year or so ago I picked up some LaBella James Jamerson flatwounds - for some reason I thought they might be low tension, but they are like bridge cables! It seemed like it was bowing the neck of my Telecaster bass, which has a neck like a baseball bat sawn in half!

It was so bad that I loosened the strings and just left it like that. Well, I'm finally going to have the bass refinished and souped up a bit, with separate outputs for the humbucker and a set of Alembic Activators that I recently scored, and so I put on a set of D'Addario Chromes so that it could get used to normal tension.

Soooo, if anyone wants the Jamersons, you are more than welcome to them! I might just want to be reimbursed for the shipping. They have barely been used at all. I just don't see myself ever putting them on another bass. If I put them on my 4001, I think the tailpiece would just bend like butter!

So let me know! They are long scale. Oh, and I accept PayPal.

The Bass Zone / frozen tuners
« on: April 28, 2008, 05:02:54 PM »
Hey everybody, I've got a mid-'70s Telecaster Bass with a big problem. Three of the tuners are original (one is a Hipshot D-Tuner), and they are so stiff as to be almost impossible to move. I can't remember if it was always like this - it was untouched for several years at a time, I have changed the strings maybe 3 times since I bought it back around '93/'94. Any advice on how to un-stick them? Or should I just get new tuners?

Thanks in advance!

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