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Gibson Basses / EB(ay)
« on: January 28, 2009, 11:17:11 AM »
Even with the headstock repair, the non-banjo-tuners and the non-original pup (even if this was a late fifties mudbucker as used on EB-2s - I'm not sure with the loose frame around it -, I'm not aware that the fifties EB-1s ever came with anything else but the original brown "mudcoiler" which hat the screws at the side rather than the middle) not a bad BIN. Whether this is really a 1953 is another matter, did they really already have serial numbers back then?

Gibson Basses / Cat rips New York
« on: January 02, 2009, 09:57:01 AM »
Cat Power's Doors'ish and "No, I'm not gonna use the original melody ever" cover of the old Sinatra chestnut will probably prove divisive here (I hated it initially, but it has since grown on me though it is a different song from the original now really), but it does feature the comparatively recent Epi GRipp3r (recognizable by the outsize body which is even larger than on the earliest Gibson models, the Fenderish J/P pup combo and the ABM-rip off modern bridge), which sounds nice on both versions here:

For those of you with rusty French, the song starts at 1.13:

You don't see a lot of Epis with a pro act, but then the Epi GRipp3r is a quality instrument belying its budget price.


Gibson Basses / Ebony Board 1982 G 3 in black ...
« on: December 15, 2008, 05:31:50 AM »
Rare for the ebony board which they only did in the last production years, I've never seen a black one from that era either, most were CAR. Many years ago there was a Grabber twin of it on Ebay: also black, from 1982 and with an ebony board. Kick myself for not buying it then (at 800 bucks), it never cropped up again.  :-\


Gibson Basses / And you thought you had seen the worst ...
« on: December 15, 2008, 05:26:48 AM »
We've gotten used to that sorry chopped up Ripper that has been vagabonding on European Ebay for years, but it now has a Grabber sibling:

What about the Grabber/Ripper/G 3 shape filled people with so much hate they would do this?  ???

The Outpost Cafe / Don't read this Rhythm N. Bliss!!!
« on: December 05, 2008, 02:59:31 AM »
I saw Whitesnake opening for Alice Cooper last Friday.

Rumors that Coverdale's voice is so shot by now (I still think his mid-eighties vocal cords operation is to blame for it, he reached stratospheric heights on the 1987 album - and he doesn't naturally have a voice like that at all -, but never sounded like himself again live) that he mimes part of Whitesnake's performance on this tour have abounded on the net and on youtube.

I did not want to believe it - EX-DP members don't do that my fervent loyalty to the cause told me.

So I stood real close when Whitesnake hit the stage. The Coverdale voice coming out of the speakers on the first few songs was either inaudible/badly mixed/distorted or it was clean and clear, totally disassociated from the music and what was going on on stage. We all know how heavy microphone breathing is Coverdale's trademark - you hear none of that. He stretches the mike farther away from himself, yet his voice gets louder. He holds the mike frequently into the audience for sing-along chorusses and beams happily, yet at the same time you hear the chorus sung by the band with his lead voice prominently in front. Sad. This is the same guy who auditioned with DP and got the job of following Gillan as an unknown on the strength of singing bluesy versions of the Beatles' Yesterday and Nilson's Everybody's talking "without hardly ever using the original melody" (Ian Paice).

What he obviously has is a guide/safetynet vocal track running throughout and he sings along with that sometimes (and not very well as regards pitch). Two acoustic songs were done (Deeper the Love and Ain't gonna cry no more) and while they were in a deeper register where his voice can still sound rich, even those weren't live all the way through. It was horrible.

His backing band ain't bad, I liked Aldrich's and Beach's guitar interplay, the new drummer has more feel than Aldridge and the Asian bass player is cute (and knows it), I was sometimes wondering whether he and Herr Beach have become an item ... not creating rumours here!!! With a better singer they could be quite some band.

I've meanwhile heard from someone who mixed Whitesnake in the past that Coverdale has been working with a vocal backing track to some extent on former tours too, but that these tricks pale in comparison to the mass deception of this tour.

It hurt to get that out. If essentially a dance act like Madonna does a couple of tracks with playback I don't mind, she has other things to do and think of after all. But Coverdale? It's time to get a haircut, David, let some grey show, stop the botox, tune a few steps down and sing in that rich baritone that got you out of Redcar in the first place. As a performer you should now be orienting yourself more on vintage Van Morrison than a young Robert Plant which you never were in the first place. When he left DP, Coverdale mouthed off that he was "sick and tired of screaming his balls off over the music". Ironically, that is what he has been doing without DP for the better part of the last three decades.

How was Alice Cooper? Great - I've seen him twice before (early eighties as an anorectic alcoholic on the Special Forces Tour at Cobo Hall, Detroit, and comparatively recently opening for DP), he was never nearly as good as this. Cooper has never been a great singer, he has no depth and a limited range and overall vocal agility, on harder songs he quickly sounds brittle, but he is wise enough not to overstep his limits. And you know something is very wrong (with Coverdale) if Cooper's ten years senior voice sounds fuller and more agile than Coverdale's. Great young band too (all of them unknown to me, except for Eric Singer on the drums who is very entertaining to watch and listen to, all 5 foot 2" of him!  :mrgreen: ). It was heartwarming to see them hit the stage with a Gibson Les Paul, a Gibson Explorer and a Gibson Thunderbird, you can't get more iconic, can you?


Gibson Basses / EB-2 1959 Mudbucker Question
« on: December 02, 2008, 09:46:22 AM »
Does anybody have a schematic of an early EB-2 and how the then-mudbucker with the black plastic cover with the pole piece screws in the middle (not the original singlecoil) is constructed? I'm asking because my luthier and I noticed today that the mudbucker of my resurrected blondie (which was rewired) has issues. I sounds out of phase (it is not wired that way, that was checked) and the magnetic field is all weird: As you move the string away from the polepiece screw the signal gets stronger instead of weaker. Currently, the bass sounds as if played through a broken compression stomp box - something is wrong. Possibly an issue with the magnets.


Gibson Basses / Blondes have more fun ...
« on: November 27, 2008, 11:25:44 AM »
Remember the 59 sunburst banjo head EB-2 I bought on Ebay many moons ago. With the defect pup, possibly a neck reset and a less than inconspiciously repaired horizontal headstock fissure. Pup has been rewound and I've had her strip for me (pic from my luthier, haven't seen her in actual beauty yet):

Gibson Basses / TB Plus Pups on Ebay
« on: November 21, 2008, 06:26:54 AM »
I've ordered a few of those chrome and gold cap guitar-size TB Plus humbuckers that are currently on offer (again) on ebay for a moderate bin of US-$ 120 and it just occurred to me that these have most likely only become available again (they were off the market for a while) because Gibson has meanwhile abandoned all models that featured them.

- This was the standard pup of the Les Paul Standard throughout the nineties and the first half of this decade, but the LP Standard is (lamentably so) deleted now.

- It also saw service on the EB-650 in the early nineties, but that bass was a shortlived affair.

- The Epiphone Elitist TBirds most likely featured them as well (or something that looked uncannily similar). Again deleted.

- The last/final model to feature those pups was then the likewise ill-fated and additionally ill-named Doublecut/Money bass (hence the gold version of the pups as the rootbeer fin Doublecut/Money bass had gold hardware and pups). And when that didn't set the world on fire it was deleted last year too.

Why am I rambling? Because my guess is Gibson is now clearing this type of pup out for good passing it on to retail and won't be building it in the future anymore. Which makes those current ebay supplies finite, jawohl!

Gibson Basses / With some delay ...
« on: November 20, 2008, 12:44:26 PM »
... the Nikki Sixx Signature TBird has hit the official Gibson web site:

It blurbs: "The first collaboration between Gibson and Sixx - the Gibson Blackbird -was released almost 10 years ago and enjoyed immense popularity from both players and fans alike."

Define "immense".  :mrgreen:

The Outpost Cafe / You're all voting, are you???
« on: November 04, 2008, 12:09:35 PM »
No excuses.

The Outpost Cafe / Father and Son
« on: November 03, 2008, 07:35:19 AM »
I jammed with my 14 year old on Sunday - he had learned a couple of jazzy-bluesy chords from his guitar instructor. I'm glad he is now beginning to see the importance of chords rather than just soloing all the time (even though he has immensely progressed and become quite adept at soloing). Anyway we jam for about a quarter of an hour, he playing my acoustic 12 string (in absence of any other guitar at my apartment) when at the end he suddenly muses: "You know you're actually a very good bassist if you didn't play those thirds all the time, you're playing would sound less gay  :gay: then."  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Yes, and the other revealing weekend experience was when he caught sight of this here

Now you must remember that my son has metarmorphosed from a Korn and Marilyn Manson fan to someone who thinks that the only reputable guitar companies are Gibson, Fender and Gretsch in the last year or so. So he looks at the open case aghast, then gives me the eye and says: "How old are you again?" And: "You are not ever gonna play this in public and embarrass me, are you?"  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Never mind that he then proceeded to play it for the rest of the evening to ultimately grudgingly admit: "It sounds really good though."


The Outpost Cafe / New Disney Movie
« on: October 29, 2008, 05:05:00 AM »
Without any political connotation, this is funny:

And this heartmoving. You tell me Russians ain't romantics:

Gibson Basses / Birdies 'n' Flowers ...
« on: October 28, 2008, 08:34:13 AM »
Introducing the Floralbird:

It's not horrible, actually. Someone put some love in it I guess, though flower inlays remain a matter of taste. The cherry refin is tasteful and the added controls and toggle probably make sense if you are a twiddler. The tuners aren't exactly beauties but probably combat neck heaviness.

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