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Topics - Rhythm N. Bliss

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The Outpost Cafe / Brian Wilson Interview
« on: September 19, 2008, 02:55:14 AM »
This is a cool lil interview:

I got to meet Brian at the NAMM show in 2007. What a thrill!

The Outpost Cafe / Sept.18,1970~Jimi Checked Out
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:10:27 PM »
Blast some Hendrix today--I am!

I remember hearin' the sad, sad news when I had just returned to high school for my senior year after a WILD Summer....I even dropped acid my first day back which was just a few days before Jimi's death.
I just walked out of school & got in my car & drove...listenin' to Jimi on my 8 track car stereo.

Still REIGNIN', Still Dreamin'

The Outpost Cafe / New Metallica!
« on: September 14, 2008, 01:39:07 PM »

The Outpost Cafe / 9-11 again. >sigh<
« on: September 11, 2008, 03:07:31 AM »
Damn. I've got the 911 Blues & I'm here to share 'em with ya.
Well actually, this song ain't Blues...but it sure is sad--Never Be The Same by Tony Franklin:

Sad...but sooothing.  Tony is a sweet guy who's been into yoga philosophy for about 17 years now.
He's SO mellow & just the cooolest guy....besides bein' probly the best bassplayer ever!

Then there's this DT cd cover that was released right on 9-11-2001:

Ain't that FREAKY?

There's gonna be a show on the HISTORY channel tonight about home movies of the tragedy.
I'll be watchin' it.

The Outpost Cafe / Into The Void
« on: September 09, 2008, 08:30:00 PM »

This is the cut I've been wanting to hear the most off the Limited Edition SOUNGARDEN cd BADMOTORFINGER that a bud has had for awjile. I've been askin' & askin' time & again for him to give it back to me....& I finally got it back tonight!

You may know that this track is Black Sabbath music combined with an Indian Chief's words:


How can you buy or sell the sky
Or the warmth of the land it's strange to us
We don't own the freshness of the air
Or the sparkle of the water
How can you buy them from us
The white man doesn't understand our ways
For he's a stranger who comes in the night
And takes from the land just what he needs

Oh yeah

He treats his brothers like his enemies

When it's completed he moves on
He leaves his father's grave and his birthright
His birthright is forgotten
The air is precious to the red man
For all things share the same breath
The white man won't notice the air he breathes
Like a man dying for many days

All right now

The whites must treat the beasts of his land
As his brothers not his enemies
Tell me what is man without the beasts
I'll bet he will die of loneliness

One thing we know that the white man will
We know our god is the same god
You may think you wish to own him
Own him as you wish to own our land
But he is the body of man
And the earth is precious to him
Continue to contaminate your bed
And you will suffocate in your waste

Music: F. Iommi, W. Ward, J. Osbourne, T. Butler
Lyrics: Chief Sealth

This track is now on youtube for those of you that don't have this:

Great to hear again! All the songs on the Bonus Disc are real good:

2 more are covers--

Girl U Want ~ DEVO

Stray Cat Blues ~ Stones

These may be covers too, but if so, don't know who did 'em originally. Lost my cd booklet.

She's A Politician

Slaves & Bulldozers

Of course, the main cd is great too! Rusty Cage, Outshined, etc.

The Outpost Cafe / Some Skins Would Be Nice
« on: September 08, 2008, 11:02:54 AM »
On my fav site you can choose from several "skins"--like black background with white lettering- which is REALLY easy on the eyes.
This site is like stepping into bright sunlight after bein' up all night.
Can we get some skins to choose from, please?

The Bass Zone / Coool Rasta Bassmon
« on: September 04, 2008, 06:54:28 PM »
T. M. Stevens just may be the COOOLEST Bassmon ever:

...even tho he's playin' a Warwick. heh
...but Dusty Hill is nearly as coool with his lefty flipped righty:

They both appear in the new UK Bass Guitar Magazine along with Rudy Sarzo, Will Lee, & Jeff Berlin & all kinds of Stomp Boxes.

The Outpost Cafe / Fav Movies
« on: September 02, 2008, 03:29:30 PM »
Two o' my fav flicks--Paint Your Wagon

....even tho it's a cheesy Musical! & Val Kilmer at his best in TOMBSTONE:

Westerns used to be gooood!!

The Bass Zone / Surfers/Rockers & Beautiful People
« on: August 31, 2008, 06:11:48 PM »
I was lookin' for vids of Beautiful People on youtube & found this:

I love the spontaneous music ideas...& cool bass playing!....& I love to watch surfing vids!!

Beautiful People were some tripped out ravers from the UK who jammed mellow RAVE style with Hendrix samples.

Jimi Hendrix's music briefly went into the public domain in the early nineties, and this UK electronic band gained permission to sample at will. Could have been a really cool idea, if say Bill Laswell had been behind it. Shortly after "If 60s Were 90s" was released, Jimi's family re-obtained the rights to his catalog and the album was almost instantaneously deleted.
So this isn't one you should have because it is revelatory or anything, but because it's fun, oddball and kind of silly. After all, Jimi once said (and it's reprinted on the digipack), "When I die I want people to just play my music, go wild and freak out, and do anything they wanna do."

After listening to Beautiful People awhile, I invariably wanna blast the Real Deal:

The Bass Zone / Gerry McAvoy
« on: August 29, 2008, 10:01:56 PM »
Man, this cat is FIERCE! I'm LOVIN' the Rory Gallagher Live At Montreux dvd!!!

Calling Card: 

Gerry's FIERCER on other songs but this is my fav era of RG---circa '77.
It's AWESOME when Rory & Gerry face off & do that call an' response stuff.
Get the dvd if you don't already have it!

The Outpost Cafe / Stomping Plant & Krauss
« on: August 25, 2008, 01:28:31 PM »

The Outpost Cafe / Happy Birthday Phil Lynott & Robert Plant!!
« on: August 20, 2008, 02:52:04 AM »


Hats off to 2 great ROCKER lead singers!!

The Bass Zone / Duane & Berry Forever!!
« on: August 08, 2008, 03:57:08 PM »

The Outpost Cafe / Olympics In Beijing
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:51:07 AM »

The Outpost Cafe / Morph!
« on: August 01, 2008, 08:43:04 AM »
An angry Rhythm N. Bliss becomes a Happy Tiger:


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