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Topics - jumbodbassman

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Other Bass Brands / dano 56 bass - black $200
« on: August 15, 2011, 03:31:43 PM »
anyone ever been tempted to try out a dano MF has the 56 in black only down to 199.99,

Bass Amps & Effects / ampeg 4 input tube head.
« on: July 05, 2011, 12:16:58 PM »
i have never done this but seems that some people do.  What does using more than one input into a tube head do.  Increase power?,  blend tones,  ???  and what is the way to do it - AB or y,  plug one into another.

 also best way to hook up 2 tube heads together??

Lots of amp knowledge out there so ???

The amps in play are the 2 B15S's in my avatar.  "only" 60 watts/138 each

The Bass Zone / Jess Oliver
« on: June 30, 2011, 01:08:58 PM »
Just saw a post on TB that Jess Oliver has passed away.  trying to confirm.   IMHO only man more important than Jesse to the bassworld would be Leo.  RIP

Fender Basses / fender custom shop.
« on: June 08, 2011, 08:03:10 AM »
nice bass,  nice concept.  price is WTF

built mine about 10 years ago.   should have patented it   ;)

Bass Amps & Effects / I went and did it again.
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:48:22 AM »
Well after many years away I have seemed to gotten back on the tube amp saddle.    Probably Scott's fault with his Hiwatt love... :mrgreen:  Anyway so i stumbled across another  B15S and i could't resist. :-[  This was was recently reconditioned and in much better overall shape then the one i got 2 weeks ago.  Also has the altec speaker in it.  Haven't spent much time with it yet but at first blush it appears to be slightly lower volume and more mid rangey.  It has the all the correct tubes including the 7027's.   The other amp has  fatter looking sovtek 5881's in it and the CTS speaker and appears more beastly.  i will spend more time AB/b ing them when i get some time....

the first amp's  insides

 a family portrait with the B15N cab from fliptops in the middle - decising on a speaker right now.

Bass Amps & Effects / B15S
« on: May 05, 2011, 08:57:00 AM »
Having owned an SVT,  V-4B and B 25B in the past I have always loved Ampeg tube amps.  I currently have several SS ampegs in my quiver and I briefly owned a b15 in the early 80's but stupidly sold it because it was "only" 30 watts..   As a result of the insanely priced reiisue of the b15 i have had a yearning....  Result I found a B15S at a music store in brooklyn i used to frequent 20+ years ago.  Has a few issues but i just love the tone.  Black switches - i would guess mid 70's.  The S is supposed to be 60/138 watts.  8/4/2 ohm switch which is something i really like/wanted so i can add some cabs and bring her out once in a while.  Prior owner changed the tubes to 5881,  not sure how much that matters but i am sure you guys will answer that for me..  Cab has a broken latch (ordered one from fliptops already)  and some notes below A cause a rumble at any decent volume. Not sure yet how to attack that...

But the head is a beast.  I can not believe how loud it is.  If my memory is correct (but that is questionable)  it appears louder than my B25B was and is very close in volume and tone to my V4B.  With 2 cabs and volume about 9 oclock it feels louder than most of my SS amps ( 300 watts at least)   at 12 oclock.  I know it is not apples to apples with the newer amps having a gain and volume but it just cranks.  It weighs over 100 pounds with the current square magnet speaker.  If i upgrade it may be unmanageable.....but

a few weeks ago i also got an aftermarket b15N off feebay from somebody that bought it but didn't use it.  I am pretty sure it is a fliptops product.  

The Outpost Cafe / go UCONN
« on: March 26, 2011, 06:37:18 PM »
I myself am a grad of CUNY (was part of SUNY at the time)  but  i have 2 kids  at UCONN right now.  Guess it makes me second?  alum....  Anyway they are going to the big dance.

 Congrats to them (the kids really)  and that other powerhouse that got in so far Butler.....  Butler is a great story and I hope we get to beat them in the final....

Go Huskies !!!

Gibson Basses / bridge bar
« on: March 09, 2011, 03:26:15 PM »
has anybody tried one of these??  seems like it might work some .

The Bass Zone / birthday today....
« on: March 07, 2011, 08:44:48 AM »
Holy sh#t... hit 54 today.....   Sometimes i feel like i am still 34 and other days 64...  I quess that is normal....

cake at my gig saturday night ....

and Joe's mid 80's ampeg scroll is being delivered today.....perfect timing....

Gibson Basses / tbird decals - vinyl on ebay
« on: February 27, 2011, 07:13:40 AM »
i ordered one.  will let you know how it is....

Gibson Basses / lollar tbird pups
« on: January 19, 2011, 03:55:44 PM »
has anybody tried these out?  They any good?.  i know they are black but just asking

The Bass Zone / cancelled gig
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:11:19 PM »
My friday night gig was canceled /rescheduled due to the weather .  sucks.  I was so looking forward to taking the JAEbird out in public for  the first time.  Will have to wait a few weeks more.... :sad:

anyone else lose to mother nature this weekend?

The Bass Zone / ugly bassplayer pics
« on: December 08, 2010, 01:12:14 PM »
some pictures from saturdays gig with one of my groups.  warning some mold involved

my engagement gift.  my wife got her ring and told me to order another bass from Fodera  - which was (is) my 5th.  Back in 1985 they were "reasonably priced - $1600 with my sales rep discount)    Spaulted sycamore over walnut body,  ebony fretboard with abalone inlays.  Black hardware. Hipshot.  just an awesome bass

to think i had a pony tail and 28" waist at my first gig at 15 back in 1972

tough to see but a rack with 2 ampeg  heads and tuner in it sitting on an avatar 2 - 12 cabinet.  great small venue rig....

my baby up close

The Outpost Cafe / JOHN - RIP
« on: December 08, 2010, 12:43:39 PM »
30 years ago today    :sad:

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