The Last Bass Outpost

Gear Discussion Forums => Gibson Basses => Topic started by: mc2NY on March 24, 2015, 04:25:30 PM

Title: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: mc2NY on March 24, 2015, 04:25:30 PM ain't a bass.

BUT, it is SOOOOO ridiculous that it needs a mention.

As usual, no bass version. (Thank God!)  Henry must know bass players are either broke or smart.

Could just be Henry's clever marketing sense on how to make the rest of the 2015 Gibson line seem inexpensive by comparison ?
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: the mojo hobo on March 24, 2015, 04:51:05 PM
Already discussed in the guitars section, but sad that the 2 million dollars could have been spent on research and development of products that people would actually purchase. Wait a minute, Gibson doesn't do research and development, do they?
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: Dave W on March 24, 2015, 06:06:20 PM
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: chromium on March 24, 2015, 07:23:43 PM
They're working on a matching "grill" as we speak...

Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: uwe on March 25, 2015, 04:33:04 AM
It fits in the life style brand image thing - looks a bit like someone in the Alice Cooper Band might have played. Can't get too aggravated about this, obviously a one-off publicity stunt. If someone has the money and wish to buy this - fine with me, I hope it provided some jobs with Gibson along the way. Most luxury stuff is labor intensive, that is the best thing about it IMHO.

If it had been a bass I would have had to reinterpret my definition of not collecting for fins though ... Danke Henry, for not blowing my wallet.

Actually, I'm not much of a fan of jewelry in any shape or form, man or woman. Much like chrome, it only distracts. I'd die a death with a bling-bling watch, I can't even stand gold except as hardware on some types of basses and guitars.
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: mc2NY on March 25, 2015, 05:04:48 AM
It looks like the big broach that my 86 y.o. Grandmother used to pin onto her Sunday dress coat.

....or something for the Elephant Man.

Really, the "Custon Shop" creativity level of Gibson pales in comparison to Fender's....and I'm not even a huge Fender fan. For a "2 Million Dollar Guitar," it looks like some housewife just glued on a bunch of hobby shop costume jewelry over a white SG. No hardware embellishment or inlay work or paint. Hideous.

Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: Highlander on March 26, 2015, 12:29:32 AM
... If it had been a bass I would have had to reinterpret my definition of not collecting for fins though...

My world has been shaken to the core... :o

Anyway, I think I can save you a mint ( with this DIY option and no-one but you and I would know the difference from here... ;)
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: uwe on March 26, 2015, 04:04:42 AM
It looks like the big broach that my 86 y.o. Grandmother used to pin onto her Sunday dress coat.

....or something for the Elephant Man.

Really, the "Custon Shop" creativity level of Gibson pales in comparison to Fender's....and I'm not even a huge Fender fan. For a "2 Million Dollar Guitar," it looks like some housewife just glued on a bunch of hobby shop costume jewelry over a white SG. No hardware embellishment or inlay work or paint. Hideous.

As Dolly P once said (talking about herself) and I paraphrase: "People have no idea how much it costs to look this cheap!"

It's certainly nothing like a Ritter bass. I don't like those either, but at least they look valuable and like a lot of craft went into them. But this is more like a prop anyhow, I doubt that anyone who will buy this will ever play a note on it.

By the way: Those garish multi-wood SGs that Kenny spoofed ...


... I really liked those! Would have gobbled up a bass version in a heartbeat. Great for any reggae outfit - Uwe & The Wailers - and it reminds me pleasantly of my years in Zaire.
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: Dave W on March 26, 2015, 06:54:11 AM
I'll bet the Hamburglar wouldn't bother to steal Ronald's Zoot Suit Gibson.
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: Pilgrim on March 26, 2015, 08:12:24 AM
Where is Liberace now that they've made his guitar?   :-\
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: uwe on March 26, 2015, 10:58:57 AM
So true!
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: Dave W on March 26, 2015, 03:01:55 PM
Even Liberace had better taste than that.
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: Highlander on March 26, 2015, 03:10:35 PM
Ahem... you were saying...? :mrgreen:

Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: Dave W on March 26, 2015, 03:12:07 PM
Yes, even that is more tasteful than the diamond SG.
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: Highlander on March 26, 2015, 03:29:02 PM
Come on Dave, admit it... you really hate that fin... ;)
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: uwe on March 27, 2015, 05:43:28 AM
I really liked that biopic with Michael Douglas and Matt Damon (as his "driver"/significant other). Those were brave roles and they played them well. And Liberace knew how to play, the way he would sometimes double or triple the speed of something he was playing for a laugh - good hand coordination.
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: Dave W on March 27, 2015, 11:52:15 AM
..... And Liberace knew how to play, the way he would sometimes double or triple the speed of something he was playing for a laugh - good hand coordination.

Did you ever hear the story about cartoonist Al Capp and Liberace? Back in the late 50s Capp's Lii'l Abner had an adventure featuring a caricature of Liberace, a character named Loverboynik. Liberace's attorney's threatened to sue for libel. Capp told them that if they did, he would testify in court that the difference between Loverboynik and their client was that Loverboynik was actually a good pianist.  The matter was quietly dropped.
Title: Re: Gibson's Latest & Greatest Turd !!
Post by: uwe on March 27, 2015, 07:26:36 PM
Ole Liberace would be a good enough pianist for any of my bands. I don't mind flowery piano. And I liked how he could talk over the music while playing without ever singing a note. Ok, he's not Glenn Gould or Mike Garson (who played the otherworldly piano on Bowie's Aladdin Sane and some consecutive albums).