I got the body back yesterday from my friend Alan and boy does it look great ! I have the bass partly assembled, not wired up yet and the pickguard is a temporary one, I have one with the logo ready to go. I can't wait to plug this in ! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/modelGbird001.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/modelGbird002.jpg)
Wow. I always find one pick up Birds very pretty:)
Looks great Scott. Very nice job
Thanks guys I noticed in the picture the bridge is not straight :o All fixed now.
awesome as always. I have 2 of those pups ,I have not played them ,I cant get beyond the color. . I should rig one and get over it.
Looking good!!
Quote from: shadowcastaz on June 13, 2008, 06:05:12 AM
awesome as always. I have 2 of those pups ,I have not played them ,I cant get beyond the color. . I should rig one and get over it.
I find them ugly myself...................................... but they sound freak'n awsome ! Next to 60's Thunderbird pups these are my favorite.
Sweet! The pg w/stamp will be a nice touch.
Actually a cream body would look cool with the pickup, or a matching cream guard.
Looking great Scott! That's making me want a Bach Bird SO bad........
sort of the color Doc did one of his gibby's ,Fender blond :mrgreen:
Oh yeah, it's really NICE! Don't know how I missed this post. I just can't get enough of white Gibsons. Hardly any Gibson I've ever seen in white looks bad. Tearing out the kitchen's been a real pain in the butt! It keeps cutting into my bass time.
Wow, it's turning out real nice Scott. I remember it from way back in the DP times. You've had it for some time now right?
Yeah I started it a while ago,but not to long ago, it has been sitting at my friends auto body shop for 4-6 months that has been the real hold up. I'll just shot bodies myself from now on.
Quote from: godofthunder on June 13, 2008, 04:01:57 PM
I'll just shot bodies myself from now on.
I did not know you moved to Texas?
Now what about the Frosty you mentioned?
Just a tease?
Wired up and ready to rock ! The Tbird logo is just a transfer, I'll install the real deal later. Funny how a output jack and some screws can make a project look complete. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/001.jpg)
great job Scott. it gives me an idea about those 2 mahogany bolt on Martin necks i found laying around!
Looks great Scott! What pickup is that?
A Dimarzio Model G next to a 60's Tbird pup my favorite.
Is that that the former carcass body with a piece missing you got off ebay some time back? :o
Quote from: uwe on June 16, 2008, 04:35:53 AM
Is that that the former carcass body with a piece missing you got off ebay some time back? :o
No this is a body I made just for this build. This is the shard of a body I bought off ebay(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/100_1979.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/pheonix001.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/pheonix002.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/pheonix003.jpg)
A worthy resurrection that will be - why isn't it finished, were you waiting for Doc Bassman's stringholder?
Quote from: godofthunder on June 16, 2008, 05:29:54 AM
No this is a body I made just for this build. This is the shard of a body I bought off ebay(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/100_1979.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/pheonix001.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/pheonix002.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/godofthunder59/pheonix003.jpg)
WOW, talk about a job well done, as a fellow luthier I applaud you for this.
Quote from: uwe on June 16, 2008, 07:08:12 AM
A worthy resurrection that will be - why isn't it finished, were you waiting for Doc Bassman's stringholder?
Uwe I have the tail piece and the bass is primed, we are moving in 6 weeks and I just don't haver time to finish it up :sad:
Ooops, I forgot the move!
Well I built this bass for the Model G pickup and while it sounds great the string spacing is a bit narrow so I'm thinking of putting a Lindy Fralin Bassbucker in there, the chrome sure would look sharp !
Ah yes, a chromey bass bucker! :mrgreen:
What is this Bassbucker you speak of?
Made by Lindy Fralin. Tbird guts in a chrome cover standard size humbucker. I'll post a link tomorrow.