The Last Bass Outpost

Main Forums => The Outpost Cafe => Topic started by: sniper on May 23, 2011, 10:53:35 AM

Title: Joplin, Mo
Post by: sniper on May 23, 2011, 10:53:35 AM
This is not a religious request but if I may ask for a silent prayer or a silent well wish from my brothers and sisters here for the people in my home town since 1964, as they recover from a tragic event.

My family is safe and all of my friends so far as I know.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Denis on May 23, 2011, 10:56:24 AM
Good mojo from Raleigh!
Glad you and the family are safe and hopefully ALL your friends are as well.

I'm from Columbia, Missouri myself and spent much time there as well as in Versailles and Springfield where loads of grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles live/live.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: gweimer on May 23, 2011, 11:56:40 AM
I was watching CNN this morning.  Looks awful.  Glad that you, family and friends are OK.  Images of what happened look just terrible.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Nocturnal on May 23, 2011, 01:02:22 PM
Glad to hear that everyone connected to you is ok.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Pilgrim on May 23, 2011, 02:11:51 PM
My Mom came from Doe Run MO, about 5 miles SW of Farmington MO, which is 70 miles south of St. Louis.  I don't have much contact with the relatives there, but haven't heard of anything in that area.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Spiritbass on May 23, 2011, 04:06:28 PM
The count of those gone to meet their maker is up to 116 now. So many people are assisting voluntarily, a radio announcement had to be made to not go there yourself, but to donate through the Salvation Army (I prefer Samaritan's Purse). My band was doing a week-long gig there in '81 when a tornado danced through but it was NOTHING like this. The tops of the storm clouds in Sunday's system were at 38,000 feet - powerful.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Chaser001 on May 23, 2011, 04:21:48 PM
I used to live in Boonville.  My heart goes out to all those great people in Missouri affected by this. 
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: sniper on May 23, 2011, 04:27:26 PM
My oldest daughter Mischa, lives in Joplin. She still has most of her roof but no doors or windows and the house is askew on the foundation but she is okay as is her mother (my ex), Mischa's husband and dogs. It was close. My next to oldest Jesse, lives 20 miles away and she was driving around last night checking on the family at all the places they live including my best friend (the ex marine sniper). My next daughter Christin, lives in Marshfield (about 80 miles North/West on I-44). All of my babies and all my grandchildren are safe.

My neice Heather, is an RN at St John's and is having to work double shifts so far and it looks like they are shutting down the hospital. There is another hosp nearby that has had power restored. Fire departments and emegency personel are coming from hundreds of miles away to help and there is a backlogged line of volunteers waiting to help.

Thank you all, each and everyone of you for the "MoJo". It has helped an old man who was shaking like he was passing razorblades worrying sick about his babies.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: birdie on May 23, 2011, 04:39:38 PM
You, your fam. And all affected are in my thoughts.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Aussie Mark on May 23, 2011, 05:44:11 PM
Mojo sent.  From what I heard on the news, that was nasty shit.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: OldManC on May 23, 2011, 06:15:37 PM
My best friend's uncle lives in Joplin but luckily I've heard he and his family made it through without too much damage and no injuries or worse. Prayers sent out for all involved. This has been quite a year for trials all around...
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Psycho Bass Guy on May 23, 2011, 06:18:52 PM
Be sure to let us know if there's anything your daughter needs that can be easily shipped.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: sniper on May 23, 2011, 08:15:15 PM
Quote from: Psycho Bass Guy on May 23, 2011, 06:18:52 PM
Be sure to let us know if there's anything your daughter needs that can be easily shipped.

thank you for the offer. my family is safe and my daughters have inherited; by grace i am sure, my resolve without my other less desirable qualities. i simply ask that if anyone is a mind to help then please follow guidelines to protect yourself from any less than above board "organizations" trying to capitalize on this tragedy.

this link could be a place to start:

thank you my friends. if i may say so, the comradery, gallantry and if it were called upon bravery, that i have recieved here matches that of the shipmates, Corpsman or Marines i have previously served with, bar none of you. this day has been emotionally draining and i would have had a very difficult time coping without your help.

edited to add Mischa's quote from facebook: "Mischa Phillips It hit literally 1 block away from my house. I'm on 22 nd street and at 23rd its just gone. we r OK."

dine with me, tell me of yourselves so i may toast and talk of our friendships and the hero's, lovers and drunkards we have been.

Clarence W. Andrews, Patriarch of my Andrews clan.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Chaser001 on May 23, 2011, 10:19:27 PM
Here in Alabama, we know how the people in Missouri feel.  April 27th, the day killer tornadoes killed 300 people here, was worse than a freaking nightmare.  The same applies there.  And what the local weatherman said after it was over also applies, "This is a day you will mark your lives by."

I might add that it will take a while for emotions to get back in line, since they have been ripped apart by incomprehensible danger and destruction.  Try not to be bothered by the fact that not everyone will fully understand the enormity of what happened. 
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Freuds_Cat on May 24, 2011, 01:52:54 AM

I hadn't heard about this so I did a web search and found this (

Man that was a seriously intense tornado, unbelievable scenes.

Very glad to hear your family members are all safe.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Barklessdog on May 24, 2011, 05:36:59 AM
Prayers & vibes sent.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: sniper on May 24, 2011, 11:01:28 AM
just for those curious, Google Earth at 2798 McClelland Blvd, Joplin, MO 64804 should show you what St John's Medical Center used to look like. Mc Clelland turns into Maiden Lane as one goes North from the hospital complex. Freeman hospital is at 32nd and Mc Clelland, East about three blocks on 32nd, in order to see how close it is to St. John's.

20th and Indiana is where the high school is and what it used to look like.

the school is up to 20th street, with your Google Earth North at the top of the page, then to the right (East) past main street. Indiana (runs N and S) has a small jog just south of 20th (looking at it from the air) and has three baseball diamonds visable. one across the street to the Northwest and two on campus. Franklin Tech is the long building to the left across the street looking at the school from above.

farther to the East follow 20th to Rangline and there is where Home Depot was and the Walmart super center that got wiped. the total diatance from Mc Clelland to Rangeline is about 4-5 miles, it was a totally populated area.

*goggle earth is a free install at this addy. i have had no problems with it the three years i have had it installed on XP Pro. please backup your files before using to be safe.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: sniper on May 24, 2011, 04:26:03 PM
Thanks all.

A prose I composed and sent to the editor of the Joplin Globe dedicated to the people of Joplin.

Dine With Me

Come dine with me, tell of yourselves so we may toast and talk of friendships and the hero's, lovers and drunkards we have been.

Spill your sorrow upon the table that we may drown them with glories and never have to unsheathe our reverend swords again, whilst hearts rest till the late morn.

The remembrance is always within and there abides the gallant we knew, the best of us echoing.

The light will bring to life and what is left will be magnanimity chosen.

Dedicated to the people of Joplin, MO, May 24th, 2011.

My home town since 1964 and graduate of JHS 1967.

Copyright C W Andrews,
Pecos, Texas, 2011

Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: uwe on May 24, 2011, 04:50:24 PM
Truly horrible. Hope those who were safe stay safe.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Pilgrim on May 24, 2011, 05:31:16 PM
Sniper, events like this bring us all together and remind us of our shared humanity.  Thanks for your posts, and I'm delighted your family members are OK.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: OldManC on May 25, 2011, 03:38:36 PM
I got word of a second cousin of mine who lives in Joplin. She was in a meeting at her church with three or four others when it hit. They all huddled on the floor of a bathroom while the rest of the building was completely destroyed around them and ended up climbing out of the rubble; shocked but no worse for wear. After seeing pictures of the aftermath I'm amazed that so many people found safety through the storm.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Barklessdog on May 25, 2011, 03:54:06 PM
I saw an interview with a family and how they watched as their dog got sucked out the window, miraculously the dog lived. Another man interviewed spoke how he was holding on to his wife's hand, but she was sucked away.

Truly horrible experiences, my heart goes out to all those people.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Barklessdog on May 27, 2011, 06:39:50 AM
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Barklessdog on June 02, 2011, 10:50:02 AM
Getting to be a stranger & stranger world we live in.,0,3484975.story
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: gweimer on June 02, 2011, 02:13:20 PM
The weather has been unusually polarizing. It's been in the 90's here in Ohio, and I know it's been in the 40's up north of Illinois.  The conditions are ripe for all this storm activity.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Lightyear on June 02, 2011, 08:07:38 PM
Has anyone else read about the kevlar storm shelters that are being sold?  4X4 to 12X12 emergency box that is bolted to the slab - I read an article about one homeowner that had one and used it - the house was flattened but she was safe and sound.  Seems like the small one was $2K installed.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Highlander on June 03, 2011, 02:18:34 PM
Thoughts sent from the UK
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Chaser001 on June 03, 2011, 02:25:24 PM
Quote from: Lightyear on June 02, 2011, 08:07:38 PM
Has anyone else read about the kevlar storm shelters that are being sold?  4X4 to 12X12 emergency box that is bolted to the slab - I read an article about one homeowner that had one and used it - the house was flattened but she was safe and sound.  Seems like the small one was $2K installed.

I think they are $5,000.  Not sure, though. 
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Lightyear on June 03, 2011, 05:21:58 PM
Quote from: Chaser001 on June 03, 2011, 02:25:24 PM
I think they are $5,000.  Not sure, though. 

Still, would be worth having.  If I built a new house in tornado alley I would absolutely spend the cash to build a hardened safe room, typcially a closet, for sure.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Barklessdog on June 04, 2011, 06:29:33 AM
People built "storm cellars" for a reason on farms. Who would have though Massachusetts would get a violent tornado?
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Lightyear on June 04, 2011, 04:13:52 PM
At least most homes in new england have basements - if you know it's coming you have a chance.  Here in south Texas, actually most of Texas, homes are build on slabs or on pier and beam.  Some folks do build with a basement in the pan handle - far north.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Dave W on June 04, 2011, 04:15:41 PM
One story I read said that most houses in Joplin don't have basements.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Lightyear on June 04, 2011, 04:18:22 PM
Huh, learn something every day.  I bet that these Kevlar boxes sell prettty good in Joplin now.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: Barklessdog on June 11, 2011, 05:49:03 AM
The hardship continues with fungus - 3 people have died from this-,0,7589625.story
QuoteThe more unusual variant — which has been affecting residents of Joplin — is the cutaneous form, in which fungal spores get under the skin. Experts believe that the tornado's 200 mph winds blew contaminated dirt and debris directly into victims' skin, or that it got into open wounds caused by flying debris. Symptoms include redness or inflammation, swelling, tenderness or pain, heat in the area of the wound and fever.

Treatment for both types typically involves surgical removal of dead tissue and intravenous infusion of the antifungal medication amphotericin. An oral drug called posaconazole is also used.
Title: Re: Joplin, Mo
Post by: sniper on June 11, 2011, 07:14:34 AM
a little over 30 years ago, a company was demolishing the Conner hotel in Joplin. by using an explosive collapsing technique. they weakened the building too much and it collapsed on three workers killing two of them. following the collapse a couple of weeks later there was an outbreak of Histoplasmosis in town mainly due to an exposure to bird droppings. my guess would be this is similiar.