No, I really did buy a dog food factory.
Which is the reason I've been rather quiet of late.
For 10 years I've bought my dog food from a small factory near me because they made dog food that was simply cooked real food. No fillers, thickeners, colouring or preservatives. Mostly it was made of Chicken with a very small amount of Carrots, Spinach, garlic, kelp, Rice and spaghetti. I walked in the day before my holiday to Robe and the guy said he was closing down and had no dog food.
His buyer had pulled out 2 hours before I got there so I asked him how much he would take for it. The figure was less than the price of the plant. So I bought it.
Working very hard to get up and running to supply orders and learn the cooking process. Which is the secret to it all.
you have very lucky dogs. wish you success
Wow ! Best of luck !
How very cool!
I wish you success too Bret, you'll be our first dog food tycoon :thumbsup:
Congrats and best of luck!
Fresh ingredients or not, I ain't coming for visits anymore!
But best of luck to your venture, I hope it is a barking success!
Does this mean you'll be living in Robe now?
Congratulations! I wish you success on all fronts.
(is there a veggie option...?) ;)
Better yet, a howling success!! :mrgreen:
Good for you. The price must have been low enough for you to make a go of it. Best wishes for your success. If it's anything like the US market, there's room for good operators.
Don't forget merchandising. ;)
Wishing you great success.
Best of luck in your new venture!!
Good luck mate! May the dogs like your food, and your music too!
I wish you the best of luck!
Here's to a great success :toast:
May I introduce a new slogan?
"Cans for Canine Connaisseurs!" :rimshot:
Wishing you succes!
Freuds Cat Dogfood?
I'm thinkin' there needs to be a bass-playing squirrel on the label.
Very Cool, congrats!
I wish you great success on your new venture!
Thanks guys :)
@Uwe: No cans here. Food is cooked, it cures for 3 days and is cryovac'ed in 1kg loaves. 5 Flavours. Chicken and Rice, Beef (Angus beef if you can believe it), Lamb, Turkey, and of course Kangaroo
@ Mark D: Its in Mt Barker near my home.
My dog was on a diet of red Kangaroo & he started getting reddish brown marks on his shoulders that resembled demon wings. I changed his food & they went away.
Best of luck
Quote from: Aussie Mark on February 07, 2011, 03:25:42 PM
Does this mean you'll be living in Robe now?
Naw probably a smoking jacket now that he owns the factory!
Good Luck!! I've been hearing that pet related stuff, is one of the few markets that are actually growing in these tough economic times. :popcorn:
Actually things in Australia haven't really been affected very much by comparison to the rest of the world economically speaking.
Quote from: Freuds_Cat on February 07, 2011, 02:15:01 PM
No, I really did buy a dog food factory.
Congrats and good luck with your new venture!!!
Quote from: Freuds_Cat on February 08, 2011, 11:12:34 AM
Thanks guys :)
@Uwe: No cans here. Food is cooked, it cures for 3 days and is cryovac'ed in 1kg loaves. 5 Flavours. Chicken and Rice, Beef (Angus beef if you can believe it), Lamb, Turkey, and of course Kangaroo
@ Mark D: Its in Mt Barker near my home.
Funny that you mention Kangaroo - I was at a grocer at Ayers Rocks and they had Roo meat packaged as dog food.
No horsemeat on the menu, so it's safe for Sarah Jessica Parker ( to visit.
Roo is fantastic for dog n cats. And people. Its beautiful to eat especially BBQ'd. It must be hung properly. If its not done correctly it retains too much blood and looks dark and brown and tastes like Liver. Unfortunately people try this stuff and understandably dont like it then tell others that Roo tastes awful.
If you buy it and its the same colour as your normal piece of beef Rump then its right up the top of the meat list as far as I'm concerned. Lean and all but fat free yet protein packed. Very healthy meat compared to Beef, Lamb or Pork.
Quote from: Freuds_Cat on February 09, 2011, 09:41:03 PM
Roo is fantastic for dog n cats. And people. Its beautiful to eat especially BBQ'd. Lean and all but fat free yet protein packed. Very healthy meat compared to Beef, Lamb or Pork.
I don't mind roo meat, but having lived in Tasmania for 12 years I can vouch for wallaby being even more tastier and lean. Fantastic stir fried, or with two of them sixty-nining in a Weber (not sure what our US and EU friends call a Weber - it's a dome shaped BBQ cooker)
It's a Weber here too. We just don't have any wallabies available for grilling.
We do have native marsupials, so maybe we can substitute.
Quote from: eb2 on February 10, 2011, 11:00:51 AM
We do have native marsupials, so maybe we can substitute.
Trust me, Possum is no substitute for Roo ;D
Eat the others, not us!!!
Maybe there's a chance for an alliance with Taco Bell? ;)
You'll be telling me you eat squirrels next.. :o
Quote from: Kenny's 51st State on February 12, 2011, 07:35:55 AM
You'll be telling me you eat squirrels next.. :o
You do understand that they make a right tasty stew don't you? ;)
Quote from: Lightyear on February 12, 2011, 08:32:08 AM
You do understand that they make a right tasty stew don't you? ;)
Not bad fried either :P
Quote from: uwe on February 10, 2011, 11:44:46 AM
Eat the others, not us!!!
We have these giant mice living right here within Seattle city limits.......I almost ran one over with the Subaru Thursday night - Pre Scotch ;)
Today is the first day that I have to trust that the factory can run properly without me being there. I feel like I did on my sons first day of school :sad: :rolleyes: :)
Hey, it's progress.
The factory didnt burn down but the stainless cutting wire for slicing the loaves into 1kg blocks broke. No replacement onsite and I've had to source food grade stainless wire 0.75mm quickly. Not as easy as it first seems. Packing was stopped.
As Roseanne Roseannadanna would say, "well it just goes to show you, it's always something."
Quote from: Freuds_Cat on February 14, 2011, 05:49:56 AM
The factory didnt burn down but the stainless cutting wire for slicing the loaves into 1kg blocks broke. No replacement onsite and I've had to source food grade stainless wire 0.75mm quickly. Not as easy as it first seems. Packing was stopped.
I've learned more about stainless wire than I ever wanted to ;D
Make sure to have a back-up plan for anything critical to production, and I mean anything... might be worth investigating a larger guage cutter wire...?
Quote from: Kenny's 51st State on February 15, 2011, 11:22:35 AM
Make sure to have a back-up plan for anything critical to production, and I mean anything... might be worth investigating a larger guage cutter wire...?
I've learnt that like bass strings quality matters. SS304 wire for instance has a higher tensile strength than say SS302 due to its higher carbon content. So its not so much the thickness as the grade of the wire. Even though they would both look exactly the same to the eye.
The failsafe would be to get SS316 medical grade wire I guess.
Did my first solo cook today. 2 x 750kg cooks in a day is a normal cook day. I was a little slow and had the steam jacket cooker a bit low during the 1st cook which just meant that it took longer. I have been spending time doing each and every job in the factory for a day each. Obviously the cook has the most important job and I was a bit daunted but came through OK. Nothing like looking at 1200kgs (it reduces during the cooking process) worth of dog food at the end of the day to give you inspiration ;) ;D
Quote from: Freuds_Cat on February 16, 2011, 11:29:38 AM
...Nothing like looking at 1200kgs (it reduces during the cooking process) worth of dog food at the end of the day to give you inspiration ;) ;D
And hunger pangs? ;)
Quote from: Freuds_Cat on February 16, 2011, 11:29:38 AM
Did my first solo cook today. 2 x 750kg cooks in a day is a normal cook day. I was a little slow and had the steam jacket cooker a bit low during the 1st cook which just meant that it took longer. I have been spending time doing each and every job in the factory for a day each. Obviously the cook has the most important job and I was a bit daunted but came through OK. Nothing like looking at 1200kgs (it reduces during the cooking process) worth of dog food at the end of the day to give you inspiration ;) ;D
Frankly, that seems the only way that you'll really understand the entire operation. Good Luck!
Mores the irony Dave. This stuff is made of things that we would all be happy to eat and smells great. Its one of the reasons we bought it. Much easier to sell something that you believe in than something less than edible. Because its made entirely of real food I'm very happy spruiking it.
This is all that is in it.
Small amounts of Rice and Spaghetti
We add Roo, Beef, Turkey or Lamb to each of the different cooks depending on how many orders for that flavour we have in the system.
Seriously there is nothing else in it.
Its all cooked from fresh produce.
We pick the chickens up ourselves on the day they are sent to chicken heaven in a big refrigerated Mercedes Sprinter van.
Quote from: Rob on February 16, 2011, 06:19:02 PM
Frankly, that seems the only way that you'll really understand the entire operation. Good Luck!
my attitude entirely, thanks.
... and none of that Chef's Special Sauce I used to hear about in kitchens over the years... :o
There are some things I draw the line at, mind you... :mrgreen: (
I may be, but I just wouldn't...
Where does one buy large quantities of 'Roo wholesale??
...Used 'Roo dealers?
Quote from: Pilgrim on February 17, 2011, 04:18:25 PM
Where does one buy large quantities of 'Roo wholesale??
...Used 'Roo dealers?
From licensed roo shooters.
Quote from: Pilgrim on February 17, 2011, 04:18:25 PM
Where does one buy large quantities of 'Roo wholesale??
...Used 'Roo dealers?
Roo's breed like rabbits, especially when theres been lots of rain. Which there has. Buying Roo here is seriously not a problem. $2.00 a Kilo wholesale for what is probably the best quality red meat in the world. One of the great resources on the planet IMHO.
Quote from: Aussie Mark on February 17, 2011, 05:07:38 PM
From licensed roo shooters.
Evidently the good folks with PETA haven't emigrated Down Under yet.
Quote from: Pilgrim on February 17, 2011, 05:10:08 PM
Evidently the good folks with PETA haven't emigrated Down Under yet.
licensed roo shooters should keep 'em at bay ;D
The ingredient list sounds pretty good. . . well 'cept for the kelp.
Quote from: Pilgrim on February 17, 2011, 05:10:08 PM
Evidently the good folks with PETA haven't emigrated Down Under yet.
Do PETA kick up a stink in the US about beef cattle ranches or chicken coops? Kangaroos might look cute and cuddly to Japanese tourists, but they are so numerous it is not a problem at all for them to be culled for human and pet food. Otherwise, they decimate crops and grazing pasture in the same way rabbits do. We're not talking about whales here.
Despite commercial hunting, they continue to breed (like rabbits) and there are many more of them on this continent than there are people. Long before the white man arrived here, the natives were hunting them daily for food as well.
What is a Kangaroo's natural predator? Anything? They seem pretty damn big when mature and aren't they fairly fast?
Quote from: Lightyear on February 17, 2011, 07:29:53 PM
What is a Kangaroo's natural predator? Anything? They seem pretty damn big when mature and aren't they fairly fast?
A mature red kangaroo stands around 6 foot tall when he's up on his toes :-)
Natural predator in the absence of humans? Maybe dingoes or crocodiles, but I reckon both the dingo and croc would prefer something that is easier to catch and doesn't have as powerful back legs as a kangaroo. They can really kick your ass at close quarters. And yes, they are very fast, and can jump fences more easily than us.
I agree totally with Marks comments.
To that I'd add that dingoes are really an introduced species if we are being pedantic about it. As are the Aborigines. They (apparently) came to Australia at the same time about 30-40,000 years ago from Asia. Most of the animals here are marsupials. Which means that they are grass/leaf eaters. At worst they eat insects. Snakes, Crocodiles and Dingoes are the only 'Native' predators apart from birds/sharks etc. (I've probably forgotten something but I think thats right).
The average size of kangaroos, specifically the Macropus rufus or the red kangaroo, is 6-feet and 7-inches or 2 meters tall. In terms of weight an adult male can be as heavy as 200 pounds or 90 kilograms. Another common species is Macropus giganteus or the eastern grey kangaroo. This one is slightly smaller, which has an average height of 6-feet or 2 meters and an average weight of 145 pounds or 66 kilograms.
The third common species is Macropus fuliginosus or the western grey kangaroo. It is smaller than the previous two species, which only stands at an average of 4-feet and 3-inches or approximately 1.3 meters tall. It only weighs around 52.91 to 127.87 pounds or 24 to 58 kilograms.
A red kangaroo can reach speeds of over 35 miles (56 kilometers) an hour
Current populations stand around the 25 million mark
Average life expectancy is about 5 years. However some Roo's have been known to live up to 25 years
So you are talking about 25 million animals at 6 foot and 135pounds + (65kg) of pure, fat free, high protien, low cholesterol red meat hopping about the country without damaging the natural landscape (I'll avoid the crop damage issue for now) that is all but an untapped replenishable resourse.
And thats without going into the whole ferral camel thing again ;)
Hmmmm.... New flavour maybe? Camel and chicken dog food............*
Comments? ideas? ;D
In these soft-hearted times you might want to stick with "All-natural meat product" on the label. :D
Best of luck it sounds great. A guy I used to work with approached me about doing something similar here in NH.Building a business between here & Boston southern NH area. I had to laugh because I have been a chef for 30+ years so it would be a hoot if I finish my career doin da dog!
Id love to stay in touch to see how it goes.. If I jump to the K9 side Ill be sure to be in touch.
Quote from: shadowcastaz on February 18, 2011, 01:33:37 PM
Best of luck it sounds great. A guy I used to work with approached me about doing something similar here in NH.Building a business between here & Boston southern NH area. I had to laugh because I have been a chef for 30+ years so it would be a hoot if I finish my career doin da dog!
Id love to stay in touch to see how it goes.. If I jump to the K9 side Ill be sure to be in touch.
Not a problem. :)
What about Cassowaries?
Quote from: Barklessdog on February 18, 2011, 02:24:57 PM
What about Cassowaries?
Does it taste like chicken? ;)
There was Emu frenzy here in Texas several years back - for some reason people thought that they could get rich with Emu farms ??? Turned out to be a total bust and lots of Emus just got turned loose. There were several attacks reported. Seems like the native predator population eventually cleaned them up
Thats funny John. I've seen plenty of Cassowaries in animal parks. There are 3 within 30 mins of me here but I've never seen one in the wild. I know they are in PNG and the Solomon Islands but didnt know they were on the Aussie Mainland.
Thankfully Emus are just annoying rather than violent. Emu meat is also great. Its red and meaty and very lean like Roo. Cassowary? ...sorry, never tried it :P
@Buzz. Thats interesting, One of the great stupid things that Australians have done is to believe all the hype and sales pitch of the South African push for guessed it right? ...Osterich farms back in the 80's. I mean c'mon. All those free Emu's and we need to import and breed Osterich's right? :rolleyes:
( ;D
I have this lingering, even nagging question: Have you tried your new dogfood yet? Bottom up customer approach, no less.
If you mean have I fed it to my dogs, of course. If you mean have I tried it personally well, as its being poured out of the bottom of the cooker onto molds it splashes a little. Tastes like you would expect chicken and veggies to taste. :P :)
Validation, Verification and Testing!(
I think I'm going to leave the room... (stop cheering...!) ;D
It's a bit like Haggis, Kenny, you wouldn't know the difference.
Personally thinking, I think there's an offal lot of difference... :o
We have a pretty good recipe for veggie haggis... you wouldn't notice the difference...
I do remember a comment made by the (UK) Meat Marketing Board... "Black pudding's almost vegetarian, there's hardly any meat in it at all..." (yes, I know, salivating for some blutwurst now, aren't you... :mrgreen:)
No offense intended to your northern heritage Ken but I rather eat my dog food than any haggis. :P ;)
(we may have more in common than you think...) ;D