Nuff said:
"BG1652 Gibson Thunderbird VI Prototype. In 1990 Phil built this "concept bass" as an extension of the Thunderbird Bass line, which had always been limited to the TB-II and TB-IV. Like the original Thunderbirds and Firebirds, this bass features 9-piece neck-thru-body construction, with walnut and korina neck and korina body wings. Pearl block inlays and gold-plated hardware complete the ultra-deluxe look. It is in Mint condition with its original hardshell case......$8500"
As usual, the culprit for this threat of unneccesary spending is kungfusheriff/Shawn aka The Alembickerer. This man embodies sinful waste.
Guess what? If I was rich (lawyer or not) this baby would be mine. Even with that gold hardware. I_can't_resist_block_inlays.
WoW! :o
What you haven't bought it yet?
Kaufe es, ja! Das ist un Befehl!
Great! And I like blocks on a Bird!
8.500. Thats 1.500 less than the EB6-semisolid.
It even has b-b-b-binding ...
What are you waiting for!? ;D
For someone to talk me out of it!
Man...I would trade my refin unbroken sunburst reverse 65 Thunderbird IV for that!!!
Talk you out of it!!!!??
It'll make a really nice ;)
1 - You're at the wrong place. We won't talk you out of it, but in it! (*)
2 - No one here tries to argue with a witty German lawyer.
3 - Don't waste your time posting here, but mail that guy and buy it!
4 - Just work an extra day this month.
(*) You can better start a thread asking for reasons to buy it. We all supply them gladly and it'll make you feel better.
Quote from: uwe on April 15, 2009, 10:03:56 AM
For someone to talk me out of it!
Ok, I'll give it a try.
You shouldn't buy it because even I like it. (Normally I only like Rickenbacker's)
Quote from: Bionic-Joe on April 15, 2009, 10:05:47 AM
Man...I would trade my refin unbroken sunburst reverse 65 Thunderbird IV for that!!!
I would trade one of my kidneys for that!
Since when do you like binding, block inlays and gold hardware?
You're a completist. You want it anyway.
I can't see you not getting it. Its worth it if you have the cash.
If I ever get signed again and get an endorsement from Gibson...This is what i will have them make. Only it has to have the tune-O-matic bridge. What could sound better????
Quote from: Dave W on April 15, 2009, 10:38:49 AM
Since when do you like binding, block inlays and gold hardware?
You're a completist. You want it anyway.
Ouch, that is a four letter word.
Mr. Uwe, sir...I think you should buy it. And if you hate it, I would be more than willing to trade you my 1965 RS Guitarworks refin reverse thunderbird sunburst reliced IV.
go for it, Uwe! why wouldn't you add this one to your collection? you NEED it!
Needs a black pickguard. Offer the guy $4250. ;D
What color are you going to refin it ?
Those stainless steel guards would look nice on it.
Uwe, that's gonna look great on your wall. :mrgreen:
I've been considering a drastic career change lately and law keeps coming to the forefront. I can't say it's only the pictures of your office that bring that choice to mind, but they sure don't hurt! If I do it I'll end up being pretty old for a new attorney, but I figure I can get a good 20-25 years in before I drop dead, so maybe...
that is a stunning number and it deserves to reside in a true museum of sorts.
How WOULD Kornia sound with walnut ply and TB+ pickups? We need to know!
I'll jump in - keep in mind I am a cheap bastard ;D
First: 1990? Sorry, doesn't scream "vintage" to me. :bored:
Second: Prototype? FEH! Can you say "experiment"? If it had been that nice they would have built a few of them.
Third: Gold! I would ( forgive me ) rather have black - gold just ain't my thing! ;D
Forth: $8500.00!! Please
The pluses: Blocks and binding - maybe korina- have to hear it first.
This is built in the exact specs as the current model - the custom shop would probably build you a new one, with chrome no less, for a lot less. :)
Uwe, seriously if you have the dough buy the flaming thing ! I know I would. Wait that's gold not chrome ? Well ok sure why not ?
I would not even modify her, if she were mine, and that's about as high a compliment as I can pay...
If I had the money I would be trying to make a deal with the seller. And I HATE gold hardware!
I've never spent more than $400 for a bass... but I might make an exception here. Unfortunately, I have Custom Shop taste and an SX budget. *sob*
Uwe that must go home with you and reside next to the Explorer. I think the seller will move on the price - the economy is bad.
That would be a wonderful addition to "Ze kolleshön" and as to get funding, maybe THIS would be an option...
Das böse ist immer und überall...
If you really wanted to be talked out of it, you would have asked your Ex, your kids or your parents
i'm not seeing any picture of this bass , so i've no idea what you guys are talking about , can someone try to post another picture ,
regards dexter
Uwe thanks for trying , but i can't get this link to work. you'll have to buy it and take pics ,and post them !
sounds like a nice bass anyway :)
Do you still want us to talk you out of it?
Well let's see:
Do you need another bass?
Does this bass sound drastically different from other basses you have?
What is the chance you will be using it more often than let's say once or twice a year?
Is it a bargain?
Do you have money burning in your pocket?
Did you pay the alimony this month?
Oh well... I give up.
Just buy it, okay?
You sound like my mother: "Do you need another bass? You can only play one at a time..." (*)
My mother sounds like Wim T. Schippers, so think that voice with it.
I've written Phil Jones an email and he graciously replied, making a fair offer, so I think we have a deal. He has shed a little more light on the bass too:
"This T-bird is the world's only Thunderbird VI. Gibson made a Firebird 1,3,5,and 7,and a T-bird 2,and 4, but there was always a gap, in the numerical series of the instruments. So I made this as a T-bird 6,with ebony fgbd. with block pearl inlay and white binding, gold hardware, and it is the only one of it's kind,in the world. It also has a unique history to it's Korina 9-ply neck through construction. It was originally built in Kalamazoo for the Scorpions band bass player,in 1981, and had an ugly tobacco sunburst on it, which was so ugly, they did not want it. I pulled it from the prototype collection, and kept it near my bench, for the 15 years I was master luthier at Gibson custom shop, in Nashville. I stripped the tobacco finish, got the color out of the grain, and finished it in antique natural, and slowly gathered parts for it. It was my final, and penultimate instrument that I took with me from Gibson,and I was planning to keep it for the rest of my life."
So while I'm not knowingly related to Francis Buchholz (= the Scorpions bass player mentioned), in a way that bass is - to quote a Scorpions song of that particular era - "Coming Home".
congrats- that's absolutely gorgeous!
So its a refin!
What color are you going with?
Silly purple clown burst.
It's been done ;)
Congratulations Herr Moderator. It goes to a fitting home.
Gratuliere! A Korina bass sounds like a good idea.
If even the Scorpions thought is was ugly it must have been disastrous ;D
@ Chris:
I was trying to sound like Uwe's mother (in law)
Quote from: Basvarken on April 16, 2009, 12:04:12 PM
If even the Scorpions thought is was ugly it must have been disastrous ;D
Ain't THAT the truth!
Nice bass, but dare I say it would look ten times better with black pickups, hardware & pickguard?
Please don't tempt him!
You know his *weakness* for black plastic! ;D
Great!! Can't wait to visit you again!! ;) Great score!!! And the German link is almost too good to be true:)
Actually I'm not kidding.
Have I steered you wrong yet? Temped you to spend vast sums, absolutely, but steered you wrong? Never.
The Scorps connection is the clincher. This is kismet. I hope it gives you great enjoyment. Actually, I hope you can find room for it in your office. :mrgreen:
With that story behind it, you know he had to buy it.
Quote from: Basvarken on April 16, 2009, 12:04:12 PM
If even the Scorpions thought is was ugly it must have been disastrous ;D
Quote from: lowend1 on April 16, 2009, 12:30:26 PM
Ain't THAT the truth!
Francis was known to play NRs around that time so he definitely knew his ugly Gibsons... (Spoken with love from one who grew to like that shape after thinking it fugly for years). Congrats, Uwe. The story behind that bass makes it even more special. How many of Phil's basses do you own now?
And I LOVE that nice, large headstock!
In the late seventies, early eighties, Buchholz certainly dabbled with Gibson basses, though you mostly see him with a P. I saw him play a whole concert with a natural Grabber (or maybe Ripper, I was unable to differentiate between the two back then) on the Virgin Killer tour in 1977 (thought the bass horribly fugly then) and he played a Bicentennial on a Jap TV show plus did the Rock you like a Hurricane vid with a NonRev. And of course Rudolf Schenker and Mathias Jabs were good Gibson Custom Shop customers with their Flying Vs and Explorers they solely (Schenker) or mostly (Jabs) played.
Last I heard Buchholz was in the car parts/brakes/friction systems business doing very well (his home town Hannover is a hub for that type of industry), it seems that following his less than glorious and non-voluntary departure from the Scorps for tax fraud, he built himself an industrial career. He must have played a few gigs with Uli Roth lately (he and Uli were in Hendrix-type three piece "Dawn Road" which merged into the Scorpions after Michael Schenker had left for UFO) and I heard from a record company guy that he was even in the studio with Uli Roth, but nothing has been released so far.
Quote from: OldManC on April 16, 2009, 03:10:44 PM
And I LOVE that nice, large headstock!
In essence, this is a very late Bicentennial - in 1981 the rerelease of the new TBs was still some years off. A predecessor to the white 86 TB II you so graciously bequeathed on me!
Late to the party again. Congrats on yet another, and one with such a glorious metal history yet. Was this at Gruhn's? That would have been one caveat from me. Other than that, it is so fancy pants and shiny, I would say this is the one to take with you to the Altenheim.
Uwe bought all his earlier Gibson Phil Jones prototypes from Gruhn's too. That's where Phil chose to consign them.
Phil worked before and after his 15 year stint with Gibson at Gruhn's if I'm not mistaken.
I'm hopeful that we'll hear more of him here because part of our deal was that he sign up here and contribute! No snide remarks about 80ies and 90ies Gibson basses then! :mrgreen:
He'd be great for DrBassman's/Bill's Projects hangout too.
That's great Uwe! Cool bass. And thanks for the update on Herr Buchholz.
I'm glad you got it,
It saved me from spending 8500.00 I don't have - I'm totally weak for that 'Bird, it's way cool!
Quote from: uwe on April 17, 2009, 08:36:44 AMI'm hopeful that we'll hear more of him here because part of our deal was that he sign up here and contribute! No snide remarks about 80ies and 90ies Gibson basses then!
He built a Thunderbird with the proper headstock and shiny parts. He'd get no stick from me! I like what he was trying to do with Gibson and for the most part I've liked the basses I've seen that he had a hand (literally) in. I hope he comes to visit.
Quote from: uwe on April 17, 2009, 08:36:44 AMI'm hopeful that we'll hear more of him here because part of our deal was that he sign up here and contribute! No snide remarks about 80ies and 90ies Gibson basses then! :mrgreen:
Quote from: gearHed289 on April 17, 2009, 09:42:26 AM
That's great Uwe! Cool bass. And thanks for the update on Herr Buchholz.
That's him on the recent Uli Roth tour in 2005/6 (playing a Warwick Streamer, thankfully out of sight), gracefully aged:
He had no part in the purple clown basses right?
Naw, that was Wayne Richard Charvel. I believe Phil's first job with Gibson was actually to make the WRC inheritance that was called Q-80 into the slightly more appealing Q-90. And Phil was never a friend of the Victory either ...
Quote from: Barklessdog on April 17, 2009, 12:07:52 PM
He had no part in the purple clown basses right?
Even if he did, that bird and the Les Pauls he made more than make up for it!
Sorry I got here too late to talk you out of it, Uwe, so congratulations!
Is that a hundred & one now or what?
Getting there, Terry, getting there! With Epis, Orvilles and Kalamazoos I'm beyond that figure, but if I just count real Gibbos, it's something like 91. Korinabird and this years new releases (Grabber II, Ripper, BFG) not included.
Quote from: uwe on April 17, 2009, 04:00:46 AM
In essence, this is a very late Bicentennial - in 1981 the rerelease of the new TBs was still some years off. A predecessor to the white 86 TB II you so graciously bequeathed on me!
Uwe, do you have a picture of your white 86 TB II? I'd heard about these before but have never seen one.
Quote from: FrankieTbird on April 18, 2009, 10:45:36 AM
Uwe, do you have a picture of your white 86 TB II? I'd heard about these before but have never seen one.
Oh Man,
Don't make him post that too!
He knows I want it so bad! ;)
Whatever happened to the plan to photograph all your basses for a book? My coffee table is waiting for something suitable.....
There's only one place that bird will go if it ever returns to the States... It's actually the only one I've sold that I really want back.
That Bass is SEX.................
There I said it............. ;)
Now I have to go clean up, so please excuse me :-[
Quote from: TBird1958 on April 18, 2009, 01:54:56 PM
That Bass is SEX.................
There I said it............. ;)
Now I have to go clean up, so please excuse me :-[
And I have to clean off my keyboard after your answer...
(In Terry Gilliam "it's only a model" voice):
It's only a photo.
Yeah, but I'm an (easily) excitable girl ;)
Quote from: OldManC on April 18, 2009, 01:10:33 PM
There's only one place that bird will go if it ever returns to the States... It's actually the only one I've sold that I really want back.
That is KILLER! I'm a new guy here so can you share some details on that baby?
I'd prefer it in "Clownburst" ... ;)
and whilst on the subject Uwe, could I possibly see a pic of the original (EB3?), purely out of curiosity, you understand...
Anyone care to start a competition for what will be Uwe's 100th Big "G" ...? and no rigging it Mr H !
Quote from: FrankieTbird on April 18, 2009, 07:16:58 PM
That is KILLER! I'm a new guy here so can you share some details on that baby?
Gibson made a batch of these in 1986 for sale in Japan. The story is sketchy but as I understand it, Gibson will make anything a dealer wants if they order enough of them. Someone in Japan must have ordered enough! I've seen pictures of two white ones, one black one, and one sunburst (which was beautiful). I bought the white one Uwe now owns. Mine was the only one I ever saw for sale in the U.S. The others I saw pictures of were all in Japan.
Wait a minute. I know they're here somewhere... Ah, here ya go:
( (
Probably my favorite Thunderbird model. And Uwe, yours certainly looks nicer than this one (IMHO, of course):
It's best in white.................
Very Mott the Hoople, yet different.
I NEED a one pick up rev Bird once... The 'Japanese' three pick up one's great too!
@ Ken: The Clownburst used to be an EBO-L. It's still on the TRC.
Quote from: Doug Fyghter on April 19, 2009, 07:49:10 AM
I NEED a one pick up rev Bird once... The 'Japanese' three pick up one's great too!
@ Ken: The Clownburst used to be an EBO-L. It's still on the TRC.
Well I still have a one pickup Fenderbird for sale.
And I also have that Melody maker still for sale Chris.
I have no money left after the Buzzard, but I'm working on Loes!
Quote from: Doug Fyghter on April 19, 2009, 07:49:10 AM
@ Ken: The Clownburst used to be an EBO-L. It's still on the TRC.
Now I'm confused. "Clownburst" is Gibson's Heritage Cherry Sunburst. AFAIK the only EB-0L Uwe has is the one I found for him with the gunshot that he had refinished in orange and blueburst. It's loud but it's not "clown" loud. ;D
Great :rolleyes:
Now I have to go clean up again........ ;)
When will the new baby be in, Uwe?
all ridicule accepted if this is something I should know...
truss rod cover, the bell shaped plastic thingy on the headstock. No problem:)
Ah... now I understand... the thingy I've mislaid from my RDA... still hunting for it, you would not believe the amount of junk I've accumulated, but then again... ;D
and Dave, thanks for that, found what HCSB looks like - quite nice...
like this... (
That's it, only on some models in some eras the yellows and reds are brighter and the combination looks more garish than that.
Quote from: Dave W on April 19, 2009, 10:11:42 AM
Now I'm confused. "Clownburst" is Gibson's Heritage Cherry Sunburst. AFAIK the only EB-0L Uwe has is the one I found for him with the gunshot that he had refinished in orange and blueburst. It's loud but it's not "clown" loud. ;D
naaaaw, thats N.Y. Knicks 'burst
More garish....!
Decisions decisions - what to do with my Tequilabird...?
It hath arrived!!! Beautiful, flawless piece of work. Never had a Bird with as low a buzz-free action - it's certainly handy to have a master luthier around devoting himself to the perfect fret job!
Pics and a report (need to restring her with fresh strings) soon.
All will come to thee who waits... except the lottery win... and btw... thanks for the decent shot of that lovely EB... an inspiration for me...
Cool, Uwe! I can't wait!
Quote from: uwe on April 15, 2009, 09:36:11 AM
Nuff said:
"BG1652 Gibson Thunderbird VI Prototype. In 1990 Phil built this "concept bass" as an extension of the Thunderbird Bass line, which had always been limited to the TB-II and TB-IV. Like the original Thunderbirds and Firebirds, this bass features 9-piece neck-thru-body construction, with walnut and korina neck and korina body wings. Pearl block inlays and gold-plated hardware complete the ultra-deluxe look. It is in Mint condition with its original hardshell case......$8500"
As usual, the culprit for this threat of unneccesary spending is kungfusheriff/Shawn aka The Alembickerer. This man embodies sinful waste.
Wow, that's beautiful!
It's gorgeous. Still haven't gotten round to photographing it though. I went all gold with it and in a moment of weakness even strung it with gold D'Addario Phosphour Wounds which are for acoustic basses but work fine on it.
lucky you. bronzes don't usually work very well with magnetic pickups. in fact some manufacturers state as much on the package. ???
I know they are not supposed to, but I've done it before. Volume is a bit lower sometimes, but they work in principle, at least steel core ones (like most of them have), not sure whether the TI's with their silk core actually would. The D'Addarios I now use don't seem any quieter than regular strings to me, but I was holding my breath when I tried it. Silver strings just looked wrong on that bass.
Many moons ago there was a now sadly deceased German bassplayer (Horst Stachelhaus of Satin Whale and Birth Control fame or non-fame) and he started stringing his Ovation Magnum II with Ernie Ball Bronze Wounds (made for the Ernie Ball acoustic basses of that time) and liking the sound, advocating them as "the best strings ever" for him.
That's him, albeit not with his Magnum and most likely not playing Ernie Ball Bronze strings:
That's where I picked it up from. IIRC, JE liked Maxima Gold Strings (until the company went defunct) and those weren't the loudest strings either, probably due to the gold coating. These days with amps having so much headroom, string volume really isn't an issue.
I certainly hope that you get all these in the Gibson Bass book.
As long as the core is steel they'll work.
I'm just wondering why someone who claims he's not hung up on color would go crazy and match string color.
How decidedly vicious you can be, David! Good thing rattlesnakes are a protected species where you live. :mrgreen:
Would you believe that I've strung some of my blue, black and red basses color matching with DR color coated strings? :-[ :-[ :-[
To quote Marc Bolan: "I've got a Rolly Royce 'cause it's good for my voice!"
I think I've found the proper suit coat and hair color to match your new bass and strings.
You probably had this in mind when you bought it.
Quote from: uwe on May 06, 2009, 11:12:23 AM
Would you believe that I've strung some of my blue, black and red basses color matching with DR color coated strings? :-[ :-[ :-[
Looks perfect on a Monkey Bass. :P
Quote from: Dave W on May 06, 2009, 11:25:06 AM
Looks perfect on a Monkey Bass. :P
LOL! That blue one is mighty purdy though.
Colour coded strings...? nope, that's just a step too far...!!! ;)
Sorry Uwe, Blue strings on a Blue bass just looks wrong.
You know, German is such a beautiful language to sing in ;)
Thank you, Heino
...some exceptionally dubious British humour (?) from the eighties...
back to the original topic...
Ah, I see you get Stew-Mac's Trade Secrets too.
Now Uwe will have to make an offer on the korina Steinie. 8)
There was once a crazed moment that I thought of doing something that radical to my RD, but I'm past that point of my life, now... ;)
That looks kinda cool...
By perjury of eviction order from this forum you will not, absolutely not turn your poor RD whose sufferings have already been endless into a paddle bass!
Uwe, Uwe, Uwe......
You already have the only inside track on my plans, why do you think I'm working so hard on getting this shed up and running...?
Trust me, I'm enjoying myself far too much to risk eviction... ;)
But will you be hunting for that korina paddle...?
And what of the "Shadocastz Special" ... surely you have some influence at the "custom shop" to get one of those beauties in your sites...
But Uwe, there are gold-plated strings to purchase of the non-acoustic variety.
I thought the Optima strings were no longer produced, whenever I see a forlorn set at a shop it looks vintage and either has some strange gauge or scale (which is why it has been sitting in the shelf probably). Never heard of the Alchemy ones, only found out now, sounds interesting, have to get a pack, thanks!
EDIT: Thanks for the tip, just ordered three sets of the alchemy and two of the Optima ones.
Herr N!K, thanks for your exquisite recommendation, I've put a set of Alchemy strings on my Korinabird and the bass has really come alive (the D'Addario acoustic bronzes had sounded a little flat/docile as you would expect), the strings finally do the pups (which are sixties remakes, not TB Plus pups, i.e. they have that slightly overdriven sound) justice.
Never mind that they look more "greenish mustard-yellow" than gold to me!
Uwe, Are those Gold pickups like the Orvilles or the real 60's??? Because in my opinion, the Orvilles kick the $h!T out of the original 60's pickups. The new black ones and the 70's aren't a pimple on the ass of those USA made (for export only) chrome jobbers.
AFAIK they're modern pickups.
You're welcome, Uwe! Being a rather reserved man myself I had heard good things about the Randy Jackson strings but couldn't justify the outlandish gold coloring.
Quote from: Dave W on July 09, 2009, 05:03:40 PM
AFAIK they're modern pickups.
I thought as much too initially (though they really didn't sound like them, too clear, missing that pronounced low mid thump TB Plus pups are renowned for), so I wrote to Phil and asked:"----- Original Message -----
From: "Uwe Hornung" <>
To: phil
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2009 6:48:42 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: AW: Korina Bird VI
It's a beautifully crafted instrument, Phil, and features the best fret job/lowest action of any of my many Birds - truly the Master Luthier at work!!! It's a joy to play and while I generally find gold hardware an acquired taste, it looks awesome on this one!
What's lurking underneath those gold pup covers though? TB Plus pups?
Kind Regards
Uwe" and Herr Jones then dutifully elucidated things for me:"From: phil
Sent: Freitag, 8. Mai 2009 01:58
To: Hornung, Uwe (Litigation-FRA)
Subject: Re: AW: Korina Bird VI
Hi Uwe!
Great! I am glad you like it! And those are just like the original pickups, with 2 lap steel coils,magnet-loaded, just as per the original 60's production Thunderbird pickups. I prefer the sound and tone of those, over any other T-bird pickup.
Best regards,
Phil"So now I probably own what you could call "Phil Jones Custom Wound TB Pups"!
Nothing compared to a custom-built Warwick of course.
I may have some nice Warwick custom news soon. No not about me. Maybe next week. Can't say any more.
Have you finally received the Holzschuh-Buzzard? We want pics!
NOT about me. And I can't say more. :D
So they're modern pickups built like the original.
And Chris is having custom clogs made in the shape of a Wankwick Buzzard.
Is that right?
YIPPEE... just found my chainsaw...
I was finally able to play this thing in a band setting now with the Alchemy strings as I was auditioning with a "Dark Wave" (think New Model Army, Joy Division, New Order, Cure, but they do their own songs) band yesterday. Didn't have my own rig, but used a Hartke amp imstead with a Peavey 2x12 (10?) + horn, which sounded surprisingly good without me having to touch anything. Anyway, the Korinabird has more sparkle and less blurry mids than a reg maho TBird which would sound raunchier, but less focused. Mids are there, but they are of "tidy" nature whereas on a maho TBird things tend to overspill a bit more in the low mid department. Enjoyed playing it and band liked its sound (the other bass I had with me was my Grabber II, which sounded raunchier, but again not as focused). I don't think any of them realized what I was playing, but the guitarist said after our session: "One can tell from your sound that these are not 300 Euro basses ...". ;)
someday i wanna do a band that has that sound.