The Last Bass Outpost

Gear Discussion Forums => Gibson Basses => Topic started by: Iome on February 21, 2008, 12:46:11 AM

Title: interesting (?) Eb2 - 2D
Post by: Iome on February 21, 2008, 12:46:11 AM
Would this be a good deal?
Title: Re: interesting (?) Eb2 - 2D
Post by: chromium on February 21, 2008, 11:59:52 AM
I know it's my anal retentive/trainspotting nature talking, but little things make me shy away from stuff like this.  The tuners for example.  Why use those and modify the bass when - with just a little patience - you can find a set of original Kluson elephant ears to use in the restoration?  I just bought a vintage set a few months ago for $75 - not much difference in price than some new set of tuners that don't fit.  Just makes it seem like it was slapped back together.  Makes me wonder about the quality of the other modifications or repairs.

I guess what I'm saying is, to me- it'd be worth waiting for an unmolested candidtate, unless the work that had already been done had been executed with some amount of care - and that's really hard to tell from the pics.  All I've got is stuff like the wonky tuners to tell the story.  I'd rather just start fresh with a clean slate, than have to undo someone's questionable repair work.  Whether or not it's a good deal depends on how much bad work you'll be faced with having to redo.

That is a pretty cool bass - looks like a '66 EB-2D (if it was an EB-2 conversion, they at least positioned the holes right).  That cherry sunburst is kinda rare.
Title: Re: interesting (?) Eb2 - 2D
Post by: Iome on February 21, 2008, 01:53:29 PM
I believe your right, with the non original parts and a homemade neck repair, it's not even cheap, IMHO.