The Last Bass Outpost

Main Forums => The Outpost Cafe => Topic started by: uwe on November 04, 2008, 12:09:35 PM

Title: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: uwe on November 04, 2008, 12:09:35 PM
No excuses.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Darrol on November 04, 2008, 12:10:29 PM
I have an excuse, I didn't register.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Dave W on November 04, 2008, 12:16:17 PM
Texas has early voting. I voted a couple of weeks ago.

Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: ramone57 on November 04, 2008, 12:25:56 PM
I voted early and often. ;D
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: gearHed289 on November 04, 2008, 12:35:17 PM
Early voting = hour and a half wait.

Voted today. No wait.

Republicans can vote tomorrow.  ;)
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: eb2 on November 04, 2008, 12:36:33 PM
I did this morning.  Very busy and brisk.  The had radio reports this morning that there were lines of 50 people waiting at 6:30.  This one is flushing out people who may have been not so interested even a few years ago, so the Colorado election officials already warned people that they should not expect a final count this evening.  The days of calling it early are over in most places, although the polls seem to be favoring Obama.  That may not mean anything tonight, but that is the interesting part of it.  The problem a lot people are bemoaning is that so much focus has been on the presidential and senate campaigns, that people are not that aware of local ballot questions and city and state office races.  I can confess to having that problem this morning.  
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: chromium on November 04, 2008, 01:00:46 PM
I voted early last week, and I'm just watching the chaos at the polls today from afar  :o
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: bassobsessed on November 04, 2008, 01:02:38 PM
1 1/2 hour wait in NYC - even the mayor stood on line. People seemed happy to wait; well worth it for the chance to help make a change
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: gweimer on November 04, 2008, 01:11:05 PM
I voted early and often. ;D

Spoken like a Chicagoan.  I just got back.  Mid-morning and mid-afternoon are basically no-wait times.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: nofi on November 04, 2008, 01:12:59 PM
i voted by absentee ballot last month. the thirty second walk to the mailbox to send it off was torture. ;)
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: TBird1958 on November 04, 2008, 01:40:23 PM

 ;D Did my civic duty before going to work, lotsa folks but only 2 people in line ahead of me for my precint........ :thumbsup:
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Barklessdog on November 04, 2008, 01:45:29 PM
Done this morning
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Nocturnal on November 04, 2008, 01:58:33 PM
My wife waited in line for an hour this morning. I went about an hour later and was in & out in 5 minutes. Worked out good for me!!
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Dave W on November 04, 2008, 02:10:10 PM
I'm just astonished at the turnout here. 47% of all registered voters already voted early here in Guadalupe County yet there's still heavy turnout at the polls. Same in Comal and Bexar (San Antonio) .
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Dr. Aquafresh on November 04, 2008, 02:15:50 PM
Did the deed early this morning.

We normally get together Tuesdays for band practice, but tonight one of the guitar players wants to stay home and watch the election unfold.

Hell man, I'm ready to rock and you want to bag practice so you can watch another couple hours of TV  >:(

What say ye... will we know anything tonight?
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: gweimer on November 04, 2008, 02:26:24 PM
I'm just astonished at the turnout here. 47% of all registered voters already voted early here in Guadalupe County yet there's still heavy turnout at the polls. Same in Comal and Bexar (San Antonio) .

This is a historic election, no matter what the end result.  CNN, last night, was even suggesting that Election Day be made into a National holiday in order to give everyone the chance to vote.  A lot of places are going to take a lot longer than the 2 hours allotted by most companies.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Pilgrim on November 04, 2008, 03:12:31 PM
My whole family got mail-in ballots and voted last week.  Much more efficient, provides time to study each measure and compare with voter's guide and other info.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: drbassman on November 04, 2008, 04:27:51 PM
Did it this morning on the way into work.  God bless America!
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: SKATE RAT on November 04, 2008, 07:25:42 PM
me too. not too long of a line,maybe 30 min. Go O.

Delano,Fitzgerald,Baine,Milhouse,Wilson,Jefferson,Walker why do U.S. presidents have such strange middle names?they're all like surnames
i know that Bush like his daddy is named for Herbert Walker.but the rest...weird.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Darrol on November 04, 2008, 09:11:12 PM
Well Obama has the majority.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: OldManC on November 04, 2008, 09:27:24 PM
Voted over the weekend. Didn't go the way I'd hoped, but that's part of the process. Tomorrow we move forward and hope for the best in the future.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: gweimer on November 04, 2008, 09:50:11 PM
Historic night, to be sure.  McCain went out a class act.  For me, this was more a race of the vice-presidents.  There weren't enough major differences in the main candidates to sway me, but I liked Biden over Palin. 

Here's to the new boss, same as the old boss.  Let's hope the next four years prove we were right.  Only time will tell.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: eb2 on November 04, 2008, 11:13:17 PM
I have hope that things will go well.  I did feel a great respect for McCain's concession, very humble yet optimistic in defeat.  But I always remember Calvin Trillin's commentary on first year of the Reagan presidency, which was something to the effect of " I guess Carter wasn't so bad." 
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: uwe on November 05, 2008, 01:34:13 AM
You've done it again. What you so excel at. Reinventing yourself and your country. Only a bit more than 40 years after segregation fell you've elected the son of a black man whose father wasn't even an American. Change indeed. I honestly believe that this could not have happened anywhere else. The American Dream at work.

Obama might be one of your great Presidents or he might turn out a disappointment, but the fact that he got there at all is compelling evidence for American virtues and qualities. Wow, you can be a great place after all! Congrats and happy next four years.

Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: exiledarchangel on November 05, 2008, 01:59:04 AM
Well, you know what they are sayin', once you go black you can never go back!  ;D
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Chris P. on November 05, 2008, 02:01:11 AM
Man, I could stop watching last night! Great night. Also because I'm in love with this Dutch host Eva Jinek;)

I had to bring my car to the garage this morning, but I hardly had any sleep.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on November 05, 2008, 03:53:31 AM
Well, you know what they are sayin', once you go black you can never go back!  ;D

Thanks for makin' me laff when I've been feelin' like crying all night.

Here's another good laff for y'all:

Politicians are like diapers. You have change them often, for the same reason.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: uwe on November 05, 2008, 03:57:59 AM
McCain's concession speech was extremely gracious, fitting the moment and statesman like. Which he in fact is. I wonder how long it will be before Obama sends him on the first troubleshooting mission?
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: drbassman on November 05, 2008, 05:35:15 AM
McCain's concession speech was extremely gracious, fitting the moment and statesman like. Which he in fact is. I wonder how long it will be before Obama sends him on the first troubleshooting mission?

Tomorrow?   ;D
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Barklessdog on November 05, 2008, 07:10:11 AM
I liked both candidates and did not see how we could go wrong until McCain made Palin VP. That really turned me toward Obama. I feel McCain would have done a good job as president, but the thought of Palin being president, I could not handle. Bush's horrible dark presidency was the dooming factor along with the economic melt down, probably no matter who McCain chose.

Both, Presidential candidates are class acts. I don't know anyone who dislikes Mccain, I know a lot of people who really disliked Pailin (Women).

I agree that it could not hurt to include McCain in the future.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: godofthunder on November 05, 2008, 07:12:37 AM
 Certainly a election for the record books ! Didn't go my way but that's ok We can always make a  change (yes I used that word on purpose) in four years or even sooner if he really screws up. Where else can ya do that ? What a great country ! I was very conflicted about each canidate but McCain's bravery, character and service to his country won me over. I have no party loyalty. To quote Ian Hunter " don't wanna vote for the left wing, don't wanna vote for the right, I gotta have both to make me fly"  GBA !
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: gweimer on November 05, 2008, 08:02:02 AM
Barklessdog, I think you sum things up for me (and probably a lot of people) in a nutshell.  The only thing I didn't care for in McCain was the health care thing.

Another little tidbit that CNN threw out there last night - McCain would have been the first non-American born president.  He was born in the Panama Canal Zone.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: drbassman on November 05, 2008, 08:34:06 AM
Hey, we're the United States.  We always do the right thing, after we try everything else!  (Winston Churchill)  And we never stop trying.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Nocturnal on November 05, 2008, 08:53:08 AM
Certainly a election for the record books ! Didn't go my way but that's ok We can always make a  change (yes I used that word on purpose) in four years or even sooner if he really screws up. Where else can ya do that ? What a great country ! I was very conflicted about each canidate but McCain's bravery, character and service to his country won me over. I have no party loyalty. To quote Ian Hunter " don't wanna vote for the left wing, don't wanna vote for the right, I gotta have both to make me fly"  GBA !

You pretty much sum up my feelings. I don't like either party at all, but I always vote.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Barklessdog on November 05, 2008, 09:55:50 AM
The worst kind are people who are so opinionated but never vote. They don't have a say and should not talk.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: drbassman on November 05, 2008, 04:03:31 PM
I agree.  Not voting is just plain stupid.  Although, I sometimes think we should have a "voter test" just to see if people actually know anything about the issues or candidates.  Uninformed voters are scary to me.

I also believe we are a very resilient country and we'll do fine whether or not Obama does.  We've survived some pretty mediocre and awful Presidents in over 200 years.  I firmly believe we deserve the government we elect, no matter what party they come from.  Every election is a crap shoot and a learning experience.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: the mojo hobo on November 06, 2008, 08:23:39 AM
Although, I sometimes think we should have a "voter test" just to see if people actually know anything about the issues or candidates.  Uninformed voters are scary to me.

Yea, and there are a lot of them.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Dave W on November 06, 2008, 09:29:15 AM
There will always be uninformed voters, just a fact of life.

Some people don't vote out of laziness, others out of principle. I can respect someone who makes a conscious choice not to vote if he doesn't like any of the candidates, since we're not allowed an official choice to vote for "none of the above."

Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Darrol on November 06, 2008, 10:05:45 AM
I just want to point out that I did not register because I did not want to vote. That's my choice right now and I know it prevents me from having a say in the matter so I just point out things others look over. I for one just don't trust politicians and I know how much politics can fuel arguments among some people.

Maybe I will vote next election.

Sent from my iPhone.

Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Barklessdog on November 06, 2008, 10:21:57 AM
That's your right as well.

My wife works with a bunch of Republican women who were all bitching & moaning about Obama & the election. Guess what?

None of them even voted.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: drbassman on November 06, 2008, 11:09:32 AM
There's no need to argue and I don't blame someone for not voting to make a statement as well.  It's a form of meta-communication:  to not communicate is to communicate.  I do it all the time!
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Pilgrim on November 06, 2008, 02:28:15 PM
You've done it again. What you so excel at. Reinventing yourself and your country. Only a bit more than 40 years after segregation fell you've elected the son of a black man whose father wasn't even an American. Change indeed. I honestly believe that this could not have happened anywhere else. The American Dream at work.

Obama might be one of your great Presidents or he might turn out a disappointment, but the fact that he got there at all is compelling evidence for American virtues and qualities. Wow, you can be a great place after all! Congrats and happy next four years.

Uwe, thanks for your gracious comments.  I think that we in the U.S. don't realize how much the rest of the world has been following this election.  The responses to the outcome have been positive in a world-wide sense...and it appears to have generated an unprecedented and enthusiastic response.  Kenya declared today a holiday in honor of Obama and his Father!  I'm hoping that this at least gives us a start on improving our international relationships.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: OldManC on November 06, 2008, 02:55:50 PM
My wife works with a bunch of Republican women who were all bitching & moaning about Obama & the election.

No one but those women know if they voted or not. After all the things I've personally heard non-Obama voters being called by some of his more enthusiastic supporters in the media and general population, I don't blame anyone for keeping quiet about their vote.

I'm not one to voice strong political opinions on a bass board. I wouldn't do it even if we weren't asked not to by our hosts because I'd rather celebrate what we have in common than point out where we differ, so I try carefully to choose my words when I post in threads that are bound to go there. But, considering the amount of 'bitching & moaning' Republicans have heard over the last eight years I find it ironic that anyone would complain about that activity in the days after such a contentious election season.

Can we celebrate an historic election without bringing political philosophies into it?
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Dave W on November 06, 2008, 03:06:11 PM
Hear, hear!
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Barklessdog on November 07, 2008, 05:41:28 AM
Sorry, I did not mean it as a stab at anyone other than the people involved, although I can see it came off that way.

My apoligies.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: drbassman on November 07, 2008, 06:17:48 AM
I wasn't offended, but I too don't want politics creeping into our little corner of the internet.  Life is good here and the rest of this stuff will sort itself out over the next 4 years.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: uwe on November 07, 2008, 06:19:59 AM
I think George is still aching!  :-\

I didn't take John's comment to be a stab against Republicans, but against Republicans that don't vote and then complain that the other guy wins. If his wife's colleagues had been black Obama supporters, not voted, but complained about McCain winning the election and how "blacks never get a chance here" it would have been the same thing.

Obama won for a couple of reasons. Yes, he is/was a figure of hope and appeals to American sympathies for the underdog making it. And he's a black man that doesn't scare off whites by going into emotional fits like Jesse Jackson did nor did affirmative action pave the way for him, but hard work and talent (which went down well with Hispanics I'm sure). But he wouldn't have won like he did (or possibly not at all) if people hadn't been so disenchanted about the current administration and the quagmire of the Iraq war. And then the financial crisis was the last straw that broke the GOP elephant's back. Conservative parties worldwide are elected by swing voters outside of their ardent followership for generally three things: 1. economic competence, 2. internal security/law & order and 3. external security. The Republican administration (and I'm not saying that the financial crisis was their making alone; cheap houses for minority groups is more a Democrat idea) lost in the public perception its economic competence (whatever little there was of it, I don't think that anybody thinks that George W. ever had a passion for business administration issues). Once that happens to a conservative party and "the left" is trusted more with the economy than "the right", a conservative party is doomed in elections, especially if you have a costly nasty war at your hands, that you couldn't "win" (in the sense or erecting a stable government) as quickly as you thought.

Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Barklessdog on November 07, 2008, 06:33:38 AM
I didn't take John's comment to be a stab against Republicans, but against Republicans that don't vote and then complain that the other guy wins. If his wife's colleagues had been black Obama supporters, not voted, but complained about McCain winning the election and how "blacks never get a chance here" it would have been the same thing.

Exactly. Our companies old investor (deceased) used to come in and complain about the Republicans non stop. He never voted either. I told him, don't express your opinion if you're not going to vote. I did not want to hear it from him. There are a lot of arm chair complainers who do nothing but bitch & moan, but never vote, or go to a town council meeting to voice your opinion. If you really want to get involved go to town council meetings and see what is passed under your noses- It's amazing what can be done if you rally a complaint against something, sometimes not.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: godofthunder on November 07, 2008, 07:02:45 AM
 I don't view this as discourse, just expressing our opinions. The trick I suppose is to leave your emotions out of it. There were things I liked and disliked about each canidate. My choice does not translate into disdain for the other. I think on many levels Obama will make a fine president. Like I said before what a country in four years we get to do it all again ! It truly is amazing what a difference 232 years can make !
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: lowend1 on November 07, 2008, 07:24:40 AM
This election was truly "the perfect storm" for the Democrats (and the left in general). They spent (at least) the last four years sharpening their knives, and took advantage of every possible opportunity to add to their arsenal. Very organized, and actually, very Republican.

The things that bugged me personally were Obama's pledge to use public financing (which was abandoned), his original agreement to do the series of "town hall" meetings with McCain (also kicked to the curb), and (trivially) the constant whining of musicians and artists over McCain's use of their music. I was pleased with Joe Perry's support (he is apparently a lifelong Republican), but it came so late and so under the radar that it was of little use.
They should have gotten Joe and Uncle Ted (Nugent, not Kennedy) out there for some guitar dueling.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: the mojo hobo on November 07, 2008, 07:39:28 AM
There were things I liked and disliked about each canidate. My choice does not translate into disdain for the other. I think on many levels Obama will make a fine president.

My thoughts exactly.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: uwe on November 07, 2008, 08:52:27 AM
This election was truly "the perfect storm" for the Democrats (and the left in general). They spent (at least) the last four years sharpening their knives, and took advantage of every possible opportunity to add to their arsenal. Very organized, and actually, very Republican.

The things that bugged me personally were Obama's pledge to use public financing (which was abandoned), his original agreement to do the series of "town hall" meetings with McCain (also kicked to the curb), and (trivially) the constant whining of musicians and artists over McCain's use of their music. I was pleased with Joe Perry's support (he is apparently a lifelong Republican), but it came so late and so under the radar that it was of little use.
They should have gotten Joe and Uncle Ted (Nugent, not Kennedy) out there for some guitar dueling.

Ah, so Joe Perry is to blame.  ;D I can just imagine how a couple of rerecordings of Aerosmith chestnuts could have swung the scale:

- Dream on, Obi-boy!,
- Vote this way!,
- Dude (looks like a black man),
- Going under, 'Crats are in the Cellar
- Sarah's got a gun,
- McCain kept on a rollin'.

 ;D ;D ;D

As for Herr Nugent's contribution to McCain's campaign, I think a wider publicity of his views would have been as appealing to swing voters as a KKK endorsement!   :o ;D ;D Uncle Ted, for all his contributions to hard rock up to the early eighties and the beautiful guitar tone he used to have, has turned into a walking talking embarrassment and an election liability if anything.

Speaking of the KKK, there is a vid by some Imperial Geek on their official site (no, I'm definitely not linking to KKK sites here) where he comments on the election in a morose tone of voice: "See, this is what the KKK has been predicting for years will happen if the white race doesn't rally together ...". This time I'm glad, the "Hoods" were proven right in their "predictions".  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: lowend1 on November 07, 2008, 09:33:29 AM
Thems is some good titles! I thnk you missed your calling - Weird Uwe Yankovic!

I didn't say I wanted Ted to talk, just play.
With regards to his tone, it's REALLY hard to make a Peavey 5150 (or whatever number it is this week) sound like six Twin Reverbs through six Dual Showman 2x15s loaded with SROs - even with a Byrdland.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: godofthunder on November 07, 2008, 10:42:31 AM
"- Sarah's got a gun" LMFAO (
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: nofi on November 07, 2008, 11:09:12 AM
i think uber red neck hank jr.was a bad choice for whatever he was supoossed to be. a regular guy cheerleader, perhaps. ???
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: drbassman on November 07, 2008, 01:06:46 PM
I still prefer we not engage in political discussions.  It only leads down a slippery slope...............
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: godofthunder on November 07, 2008, 01:09:58 PM
Maybe we should lock it up ? Though Uwe seems to enjoy this.
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: drbassman on November 07, 2008, 02:32:48 PM
Maybe we should lock it up ? Though Uwe seems to enjoy this.

Just another perverse pleasure for Herr Hornung, Esq.  Things must get pretty boring over in negotiations!   ;D
Title: Re: You're all voting, are you???
Post by: Dave W on November 07, 2008, 03:04:20 PM
Yes, this has run its course. There's no way to continue discussing this and not be political. Thanks to all for keeping things civil.