The Last Bass Outpost

Main Forums => The Outpost Cafe => Topic started by: gweimer on September 21, 2008, 12:10:30 PM

Title: Oh, what a night!
Post by: gweimer on September 21, 2008, 12:10:30 PM
Last night's gig goes in the books as one of the more interesting I've done in over 20 years.   We're playing at this biker bar, which is right across the street from a place we played a couple times a few months back.  After the second set, everyone starts piling out the front door.  A few of the patrons who had left our place earlier were suddenly in a massive brawl in the parking lot across the street.  Within 10 min, there were a good dozen assorted city and county squads, a helicopter and an ambulance onsite.  The guy that had left our place had his head split open, leaving blood everywhere.  I guess he was alright, and was sent to the hospital - his sister was still stone drunk and came back over to the club we were at to continue the night.
There were women dancing on the bar, ala Coyote Ugly, all night long.  The bar even has a rail mounted in the ceiling to aid in the act.  Did I mention this was a biker bar?
Anyway, not to leave the night without another first, as I was loading out, I noticed a young couple on the back steps of the patio at the end of the building.  The end of the lot slopes down, so you can't really see the stairs from the patio.  You can see it from the parking lot, and my Vue was parked about 30 ft. away.  There they were in full mating ritual - he was standing behind her in an unmistakable rhythm.  I went back in and laughing told my bandmates what the couple that had been standing at the bar were up to.  When I left to go home about 3 minutes later, she was in front of him, apparently finishing him off. be young and unaware of one's surroundings.
Title: Re: Oh, what a night!
Post by: Dave W on September 21, 2008, 05:35:41 PM
At least the fight took place outside.

You should have had a cell phone cam handy to capture the "full mating ritual."
Title: Re: Oh, what a night!
Post by: TBird1958 on September 22, 2008, 12:01:53 AM

 Don't ya just love playing music!  Awesome story!  :thumbsup: