The Last Bass Outpost

Main Forums => The Outpost Cafe => Topic started by: westen44 on January 27, 2020, 10:35:38 PM

Title: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: westen44 on January 27, 2020, 10:35:38 PM
Fortunately, I don't need this product, and I doubt if anyone else here does, either.  But I think this is funny.  The look on that woman's face in the commercial is priceless.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: uwe on January 28, 2020, 03:57:02 AM
"Fortunately, I don't need this product, and I doubt if anyone else here does, either."

I think it is very brave and fortright of you, Michael, to freely admit that condoms are a thing of the past for you, way to go (AA applause in background). These things are hushed up all too often.  :rimshot:

That said, my last use of condoms dates back something like 30 years. Partnering with women your own age for substantial periods of time does have its benefits!  8)
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: gearHed289 on January 28, 2020, 09:03:55 AM
I love the dad taking them out when the couple goes to bed.  ;)
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: westen44 on January 28, 2020, 09:34:53 AM
"Fortunately, I don't need this product, and I doubt if anyone else here does, either."

I think it is very brave and fortright of you, Michael, to freely admit that condoms are a thing of the past for you, way to go (AA applause in background). These things are hushed up all too often.  :rimshot:

That said, my last use of condoms dates back something like 30 years. Partnering with women your own age for substantial periods of time does have its benefits!  8)

Actually, I may have spoken too soon about the hearing aids.  My grandfather and father had them.  And I have tinnitus pretty bad even now.  I'm assuming this was from playing in bands without ear plugs for the first few years. 
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: Dave W on January 28, 2020, 10:00:44 AM
Great commercial.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: Pilgrim on January 28, 2020, 12:38:26 PM
Loved the spot!!  Funny, and very much like experiences I've had over the past few years.

My hearing was down 50% from 2000 HZ up, and I got hearing aids last spring, when I could still use about $1500 from my medical savings account before I retired. (Hint to those nearing retirement: most companies front-fund your medical savings account, and if you retire partway through the year they don't ask for money back based on the number of months you don't work for them.) I joined Costco just to get the discount they provide.

These are so small my hair stylist can't even tell if I'm wearing them. They're pretty slick and the EQ is selectable from 4 presets with an app on my Android phone. Mine are one model earlier than these but same size.

Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: uwe on January 28, 2020, 02:17:04 PM
Incidentally, do they have guitar- and wife bickering-cancelling mode?  ;D

How are your gnashers doing?
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: Pilgrim on January 28, 2020, 03:10:03 PM
Incidentally, do they have guitar- and wife bickering-cancelling mode?  ;D

How are your gnashers doing?

Still on soft food, and being careful. Both sides still swollen enough to make me look like Brando as Don Corleone. Too many sutures to take chances. Lunch was Campbell's Bean & Bacon soup.

I now have a love affair going with mashed potatoes. Nice flavor, great with various soft toppings.  Dinner last night was meat loaf (masticated VERY carefully) with mashed potatoes.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: uwe on January 28, 2020, 04:02:38 PM
You need to be careful with the mustard and perhaps someone can cut you the Rippchen small ...

Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: Bargeon on January 28, 2020, 04:10:00 PM
That's earie.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: gearHed289 on January 29, 2020, 08:35:46 AM
Actually, I may have spoken too soon about the hearing aids.  My grandfather and father had them.  And I have tinnitus pretty bad even now.  I'm assuming this was from playing in bands without ear plugs for the first few years.

My 55 yo wife has been wearing hearing aids for a year or two now. She blames me for her hearing loss.  :rolleyes: My hearing is extraordinarily good considering the abuse my ears take. And strangely, they produce very little wax. I've never had to have them cleaned out. Doctor said some people are just like that.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: TBird1958 on January 29, 2020, 09:27:47 AM
You need to be careful with the mustard and perhaps someone can cut you the Rippchen small ...


There's really no great German food in Seattle unless my Mom or I make it.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: westen44 on January 29, 2020, 09:57:47 AM
My 55 yo wife has been wearing hearing aids for a year or two now. She blames me for her hearing loss.  :rolleyes: My hearing is extraordinarily good considering the abuse my ears take. And strangely, they produce very little wax. I've never had to have them cleaned out. Doctor said some people are just like that.

I've never been sure how all that works.  I'm pretty sure Noel redding once said that his doctor told him that excessive wax had protected him from hearing loss.  Hendrix would joke a lot at concerts that they were going to turn down because "we really care about your ears."  Of course, in reality they were doing just the opposite.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: Pilgrim on January 29, 2020, 10:21:59 AM
I'm not sure why I have the hearing loss that I do, unless it dates back to some rock concerts in my teens and 20's, and a very few loud ones in the past 20 years.  I haven't played in loud bands, and for the past 20+ years I have worn ear plugs whenever my band got loud.

I do recall going to the Robert Randolph Family Band in Denver a few years ago and it was criminally loud. I love that band but was SO close to walking out. Probably should have. Should  also have brought ear plugs, but why would I want to go to a band that loud?

At any rate, close to 20 years ago I got custom-molded ear plugs that are set up for only 10dB sound reduction, but that makes a big difference and still let me hear some nuance in the music when I play.

Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: uwe on January 29, 2020, 01:30:10 PM
My 55 yo wife has been wearing hearing aids for a year or two now. She blames me for her hearing loss.  :rolleyes:

Give my best regards and heartfelt condolences to your dearest wife, I'm certain she is absolutely right. It's just what being married to a confessed Ricster and Alembickerer does to you, that - ouch! - biting treble ...  :mrgreen:

Thanks for the CDs, Tom, I'll give some feedback once I've heard your nomads. One look, however, at your bass treble armada lends your wife's self-diagnosis all the credibility it needs!

Edith always claims that my hearing is bad, yet whenever we watch a Blu-ray, it's her who wants the dialogue turned up to spoken theater/language class volume! She also claims that out refrigerator makes beeping noises when you leave the door open (whoever heard of that) which I'm supposed to do all the time (pure conjecture), an (for me and my ears) unverifiable allegation. That refrigerator is totally quiet, closed or open, if you ask me. Wimmin and how they make all these things up! :o
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: Pilgrim on January 29, 2020, 02:56:44 PM
Sounds like Edith and my wife (and I) are similar in losing some of the frequencies involved in human speech. That's not unusual.

One great feature of my hearing aids is the Bluetooth control by phone app. AMong its settings is an eq setting for "Noise/Party" which boosts those speech frequencies. Works pretty well in crowded restaurants.

I think in today's world, the operative rule is "Any time you can upgrade to the device that has a cell phone app, do so." You'll find that it comes in handy. I didn't expect this one to be nearly as helpful as it is...but it is.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: TBird1958 on January 29, 2020, 03:54:31 PM

 I have to admit to way too much loud music......There's a sawmill going on in my head.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: uwe on January 30, 2020, 04:19:37 AM
I like loud music too. Still do. I dislike open air concerts for instance, because the sound on those is never loud and engulfing enough for me. My favorite venues are small to midsize halls that are wider than than long.

My personal limit is where your ears start shutting down and you can't control it. That sometimes happens in clubs/smaller halls when a band has an oversized PA and is generally used to larger venues. I once saw Queensryche empty a smaller hall that way, the volume was so brutal (crystal-clear, but brutal) even I couldn't stand it. And I've been to Motörhead gigs unflinchingly.
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: gearHed289 on January 30, 2020, 08:07:33 AM
Give my best regards and heartfelt condolences to your dearest wife, I'm certain she is absolutely right. It's just what being married to a confessed Ricster and Alembickerer does to you, that - ouch! - biting treble ...  :mrgreen:

Thanks for the CDs, Tom, I'll give some feedback once I've heard your nomads. One look, however, at your bass treble armada lends your wife's self-diagnosis all the credibility it needs!


Fun fact - Our violinist is the loudest guy in the band! (Almost all the harmony "guitar" parts you'll hear are guitar and fiddle. Power chords too).
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: uwe on January 30, 2020, 09:36:55 AM
Himmel!, das ist freakin' äwesöme, epochaler kick-ass!  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

That is a six-string violin, ja? Still tuned in 5ths?

Haven't heard something as beautifully noisy

since our Me 262 Sturmvögel took off the test field.  :)

Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: TBird1958 on January 30, 2020, 10:19:05 AM

Fun fact - Our violinist is the loudest guy in the band! (Almost all the harmony "guitar" parts you'll hear are guitar and fiddle. Power chords too).

 "f***en A" Wow!
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: uwe on January 30, 2020, 10:22:44 AM
I've just slipped your Horizontal Nomads into my office CD player, Tom ...

Melodic Prog! Very nice, your singing too, bass not as clanky as feared  ;D, actually very organic and melodic lines I can immediately latch onto. And whenever Chuck solos, you have Uli Jon Roth or Yngwie J. Malmsteen guesting, lovely!

I'll be back, into the second track right now ...
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: uwe on January 30, 2020, 11:00:26 AM
When the violin plays something more atmospheric, I'm reminded of these guys here (except that you guys have less bum notes and punkish Sturm & Drang); don't feel bad if you have never heard of them, not many people have:

Your track "40 years music" is killer!  :)

Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: uwe on January 30, 2020, 02:36:01 PM
That was a very pleasant listening experience, also liked the ballad at or near the end!
Title: Re: Be Careful What You Say
Post by: gearHed289 on January 31, 2020, 08:49:28 AM
Ich danke dir sehr! I will investigate your YouTube postings later. As for the fiddle, it is a 7 string that goes down to drop D of a guitar, or 1 whole step away from a cello. Made by a violin shredder named Mark Wood. Mark does a violin camp every summer that Chuck teaches/mentors at. (

I really love the ballad/duet. I don't know why I put it second to last, but that's what felt right when sequencing the album.