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Topics - Chris P.

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Other Bass Brands / Ibanez Musician pic needed
« on: June 16, 2008, 01:02:08 PM »
Hi there,

I need a high resolution pic of a Ibanez Musician. Anyone?


Chris P.

Gibson Basses / LP / Thunderbird kinda bass
« on: June 06, 2008, 03:15:29 AM » 

This company makes one bass. It's a neck through mahogany bass with two humbuckers. The owner of this company, one Ian,  owns a couple of EBs and Thunderbirds: A '64, '65 and a '97 and he used to have a Bicentennial. His aim for this bass is to make a grat and modern, but T-bird sounding bass without neck heaviness. And of course it has LP looks.

I met these guys at the Messe and I think they do a great job!

Gibson Basses / Stuart Zender
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:08:30 PM »
The UK issue of 'Guitar & Bass Magazine' features a an interview with a bass player called Stuart Zender. He plays with Mark Ronson (the guy behind Amy Winehouse) and he used to be the Jamiroquai bassist.

His former basses were Warwicks but he's pictured with a nice sunburst LP Bass.

'Stuart Zender has recently fallen head-over-heals for a slightly surprising bass - The Gibson Les Paul Standard. 'I played it at the Brit Awards and i was blown away with it,' he enthuses. 'I've been seriously impressed by its versatility. There's a warmth there, and some real dirty grit that I'm loving right now. What I'd like to do is a collaboration with Gibson to bring out something based on it but with an extra pick up to really bring up the low end.'
Zender doesn't actually miss the low register of his old five-string. ...'

A monologue about getiing tired of five strings, the love of a small neck and all his heroes playing four strings follows.

Gibson Basses / Pinkpop
« on: June 02, 2008, 12:00:34 AM »
This weekend we had one of our two really big music festivals in Holland: Pinkpop. Lowlands is the other one.

I only watched it on tv. Mostly Precisions, some Jazzes, one or two Ricks and I've seen three Gibsons.

Alanis Morissettes bass player did the whole gig on a beatiful black Les Paul Bass. I saw the headstock of another one as back up bass.

The bass player of QOTSA did some songs on a Grabber (or Ripper?), but he mostly played a single pick up P.

I believe it was KT Tunstall's bassist who had a JCS.

Gibson Basses / Three new Thundervids
« on: May 26, 2008, 10:43:07 AM »
Our VJ filmed a gig of ours yesterday, just for fun. Okay, the stage was too big, the drummer wws too far away, I had to play thru a bad amp (TE), I had an hangover, it was too early in the afternoon and we weren't moving that much, but there's a Bird in it:)

I had my headstock cam on, but I think there isn't any footage of that in those three new vids.

Fender Basses / maple board Precisions
« on: May 26, 2008, 06:34:53 AM »
Hi there,

I want to write an article about Precisions with maple fingerboards. Of course the sound's very spikey and I guess that's the reason they're used by bands like The Ramones, The Who and The Jam. What's your opinion about maple vs. rosewood and the artists playing them?

The Outpost Cafe / Dutch beer commercial - Uwe'll love this:)
« on: May 14, 2008, 11:52:15 AM »

Rickenbacker Basses / Rickenbacker photo thread
« on: May 12, 2008, 04:47:21 AM »
I'm busy with getting some pics in my Photobucket, so I thought: Let's make a nice RicPic thread here:)

The Outpost Cafe / Vote for Boilersuit
« on: May 11, 2008, 07:17:48 AM »

Thanks to you our YouTube-vid had a lot of viewers! Thanks.

Normally we aren't much into contests, but there's a new kinda thing in the state where I live in. Site visitors and venue promotors choose a couple of bands who can do a lot of gigs among other things. So not one winner, but just a couple of good bands doing some shows!

You can help us by voting, but you have to registrate...

Translation to English:

Go to first.
Than: 'Aanmelden'

Fill in only the form at the top:

Voornaam = First name
Achternaam  = Name
Geboorte datum = date of birth (DD-MM-YY)
Emailadres  = e-mail address
Geslacht = gender  (man = male | vrouw = female (for Herr Fraulein only) 
Artiest aanmelden = DON'T CHECK THIS | ARTISTS ONLY!!!
Wachtwoord  = password
Wachtwoord (nogmaals)  = password again
Ik ga akkoord met de voorwaarden CHECK THIS ONE!

Then don't fill in the form below, but only clik on the 'Meld Aan' box.

Go to deelnemers (competitors), Boilersuit and give us five stars! :)


If it's too much trouble: I won't be angry if you don't do it!

Gibson Basses / Thunderbird
« on: May 10, 2008, 01:06:21 PM »
Last one and a half year I didn't play the '76 Bird much. I used to take it with me to gigs without a case and I was always worried. Even when I got my case I was bit afraid something bad would happen to it, so I only used it for recordings and I took my SG RI, Burns Shadows and MIM Fender P to gigs.

Last week I decided to take it to a rehearsal and I gigged her again yesterday. And wow! A great sound, it feeld like coming home and I had no problem adapting to it (neck heaviness, ...). I was just very happy playing it again ;D I think I'll take her out more often.

Gibson Basses / New Gibson bass model?
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:41:03 AM »
No, don't go to There isn't one.Just a nice discussion:

I know we're all dreaming 'bout EB2 and NonRev reissues. But what would be the best bass to produce for Gibson for the next couple of years? Staying in the shortscale mud niche? A new take on a bird? Take advantage of the ongoing semisolid popularity?

As a reaction aat the Q&A forum of Justin Meldal-Johnsen at Talkbass I asked JAE if he would answer your questions. And he's willing to do that!
You post your Q here, I'll ask JAE and post the answer right here.

The Bass Zone / Justin Meldal-Johnsen
« on: May 01, 2008, 01:32:58 AM »
I'm rarely on Talkbass. I'm not even registered. I just hate to be among a bunch of grown up know-it-alls, talking too much about basses.

But I happened to be there yesterday and i saw our old friend and Dudepit-Gibsonbass-poster Justin Meldal-Johnsen (JMJbassplayer) has his own forum on which he answers questions. Can't we steal him back? :)

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