Gear Discussion Forums > Rickenbacker Basses

Odd Duck

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--- Quote from: eb2 on October 28, 2010, 10:13:15 AM ---I prefer to see the opportunities here.  Ill-advised routing damage presents a fun challenge for the restoration/refinishing minded here.  I would guess that there was some real dumbski work under that pickguard, but a new pickguard, a new lead pup and surround, pots etc are easy.  I would bet the center block can be worked down a bit, the damage filled, and some fun and fancy veneer, and finish work - Cheap old 4001!

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that is what I was thinking when I first saw it...just needs to be a little cheaper...

Interesting use of beer-bottle caps on the controls... serves to enhance the whole, don't you think...? :rolleyes:


--- Quote from: Kenny's 51st State on October 28, 2010, 12:07:45 PM ---Interesting use of beer-bottle caps on the controls... serves to enhance the whole, don't you think...? :rolleyes:

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definitely has that country/metal feel!!


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