Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

Watt's new bass

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Watt E mailed me this. A person drove to from NY to Toronto to give Watt his 65 EB-3!

This is a picture Watt is calling "The Andy Bass"

Really kind of someone to do.

That's cool.  Let's hope he keeps it with him in the hotel room.

that's very kind of the donor!  I wonder if  he'll keep it & modify it or return it when the tour is over? 

Dave W:
It's a gift, not a loan. I expect he'll keep it because in his tour diary he said "of course it'll have to be 'wattified' and such." In any case, what a nice thing to do.

A nice $2000+ gift. Still, it would be cool to say Watt's up there beating the piss out of my bass up there.


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