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Ace Frehley's 1959 Les Paul FS

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--- Quote from: OldManC on February 24, 2017, 03:34:21 PM ---Considering its provenance, the amount of albums it was used for (and when), and its status as Ace's #1 of all time, it sounds like one of the few holy grail Les Pauls out there that do command that kind of insane money.

--- End quote ---

I dunno. Owning Ace's Les Paul would be like owning the grill the first Big Mac was made on, whereas owning Kossoff or Green's Les Paul would be like owning the knife of a famous chef. Neither is inherently bad, but I just don't feel a lot of heart and soul in Kiss' music or, if it is there, it takes a back seat to putting on a good show for teenagers and making lots of money. Chuck Berry riffs + cartoon space warrior makeup and clothes + pyrotechnics + merchandise, rather than soulful blues licks cribbed from Albert King and the like, delivered with exquisite technique, poise and control. I find Kiss' music inherently disposable and intentionally non-cerebral, and to that end they do it very well. Unfortunately it means I regard Ace's Les Paul in the same light as one of Gene's axe basses with fake blood splatter congealed on the back.

I never said you would pay it, I said the guitar itself would probably command a great deal of money. It's an amazingly beautiful '59 LP that was owned by a well known rock star and used on multiple albums during the prime of a band that you don't like, but who obviously were liked by enough people not named Alanko to have an ongoing career spanning 40+ years. Your feelings about the band (or mine, or anyone else's on this board) wouldn't even play into it. I wouldn't pay that much for that guitar either, but that's because A: I'm not primarily a guitar player, and B: I don't have that kind of money to blow on a trophy piece no matter how stellar a guitar it is, and C: I'm not that kind of collector. But there are people our there who are all those things. It's those people I was referring to.

Sounds rich to my ears  8)

All yours George... :mrgreen:

Dave W:
Come on, George, you'd buy it if you won the lottery.


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