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Darrin Huff on tb.

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john, i see you are a member of the darrin huff support group over as tb. what a crazy friggin' story that is.
 you guys have the patience of a saint. i could not wait ten years and counting for a bass or anything else for that matter. good luck!

I saw that thread to and was appalled that some people are still waiting after that long. "Good luck" here has several meanings...

Dave W:
Wow, surprised to see that's still going on after all these years. I figured by now that everyone would have written off their deposits and moved on. There's never been any excuse for his lack of action.

huff started making custom yo yos but that too is apparently gone. some nice wood,though. a piece of someones bass perhaps. :P

Aussie Mark:
Man, those basses are ugly


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