Author Topic: Poor Gwyneth ... - NEW: Bonus Kim K Kontent!!!  (Read 43467 times)


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Dave W

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...must... resuscitate... thread.

The FUPA Blaster :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Somehow I knew her vaginal area would be involved. Could this new effort be as simple as swallowing the vitamins, or will insertion into another orifice be required?


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The FUPA Blaster :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Somehow I knew her vaginal area would be involved. Could this new effort be as simple as swallowing the vitamins, or will insertion into another orifice be required?

All I know is that with all the testing that has gone on there, that thing must look like Yucca Flat after the blast.
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Dave W

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All I know is that with all the testing that has gone on there, that thing must look like Yucca Flat after the blast.

Probably more like the Siberian forest that got flattened by a meteorite a few years ago. Only a little stubble was left.


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Waitaminnit, I'm - as usual with female body parts - confused: Does the wonder medicine grow or diminish FUPA?

Everything is there for a reason. Who wants to bounce against a granite floor? Don't mess with nature's thoughtfulness.
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Dave W

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Everything is there for a reason. Who wants to bounce against a granite floor? Don't mess with nature's thoughtfulness.

Or bump against a three day old donut.  :mrgreen:

Anyway..... Gwyneth answers all your burning questions about anal sex


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Not a soil the more faithful colonists of the LBO have not dug into and seeded before.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 07:26:32 AM by uwe »
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"First it was shocking, then it was having a cultural moment, now it’s practically standard in the modern bedroom repertoire—or so a quick scan of any media, from porn to HBO, will tell you. But the reality about anal is not, actually, that everyone’s doing it, says research psychoanalyst and author Paul Joannides, Psy.D., whose comprehensive book on sexuality, The Guide to Getting it On!, is used in college and medical school sex-ed courses across the US and Canada."

While feeling somewhat set back in my own personal experience, I am relieved to find that the LBO - in some quarters wrongly deemed as an abbreviation for "The Lost Butt 'Ole", but I hasten to assure you that this wasn't on Dave's and my mind at all! - has focused on this cultural moment from its, errm, innocent infancy and never really lubed let up with it.
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 It feels good - do it!  :-*
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But Mark, the learned Dr. Paul Joannides isn't quite as unequivocal/(w)holeheartedly endorsing in his recommendation as you! If I may cite (in line with the exacting science standards of this forum of fora):

- "There are some couples who enjoy anal sex a lot, maybe 10 percent to 15 percent of all straight couples. But if you ask them how often they have anal vs. vaginal intercourse, they’ll say maybe they have anal one time for every five or ten times they have vaginal intercourse. We occasionally, as in once a year, hear from women who say they have anal as often as vaginal, but that’s unusual."

- "I’ve seen studies suggesting that 65 percent of men have anal sex, and others that suggest the figure is less than 50 percent. So, I don’t have exact figures for hetero or homosexual couples, but there is data suggesting that a good percentage of gay men would rather give and receive blowjobs than have anal sex."

- "The way the rectum curves shortly after the opening tells us we need to make a lot of adjustments for anal to feel good. Also, the two sets of sphincter muscles that nature placed around the opening of the anus to help humans maintain their dignity when in crowded spaces (to keep poop from dropping out) mean there’s an automatic reflex if you push against them from the outside.

So one of the first things a woman or man needs to do if they want to be on the receiving end of anal sex is to teach their sphincter muscles to relax enough that a penis can get past their gates. This takes a lot of practice."

- "They show none of this in porn. Nor do they show communication, feedback, or trust. Couples who do not have excellent sexual communication, who don’t freely give and receive feedback about what feels good and what doesn’t, and who don’t have a high level of trust should not be having anal sex."

- "A woman has a 17-times-greater risk of getting HIV and AIDS from receiving anal intercourse than from having vaginal intercourse. So your partner needs to be wearing a condom and using lots of lube, unless both of you are true-blue monogamous, with no sexual diseases. Any sexually transmitted infection can be transmitted and received in the anus. Because of the amount of trauma the anus and rectum receive during anal intercourse, the likelihood of getting a sexually transmitted infection is higher than with vaginal intercourse."

- "The risks are substantially reduced by the use of condoms and lube as long as they are used correctly, but you won’t find too many condoms that say “safe for anal sex” because the FDA has not cleared condoms for use in anal sex. That said, research indicates that regular condoms hold up as well as thicker condoms for anal sex, so there’s nothing to be gained from getting heavy-duty condoms.

As for using the female condom for anal sex—studies report more slippage and more pain than with regular condoms."

- "One of the urology consultants for my book believes that unprotected anal sex can be a way for bacteria to get into the man’s prostate gland. He prefers the person with the penis that’s going into the other person’s butt use a condom.

Also, small chunks of fecal matter can lodge into the man’s urethra. So if the couple has vaginal intercourse following anal intercourse without a condom, the male partner should pee first in addition to washing his penis with soap and water."

- "I know of no studies on the relationship between pre-anal enemas and health outcomes. As for its general wisdom, people seem as divided on that as on politics in Washington. So I would say, to each her own."

- "Both of you should read all you can about it first. Spend a few weeks helping the receiving partner train her/his anal sphincters to relax. Make sure you and your partner have great sexual communication, trust, and that you both want to do it, as opposed to one trying to pressure the other, or not wanting to do it but doing it because you are afraid your partner will find someone else who will. Do not do it drunk or stoned, and do not use lube that numbs your anus. If it doesn’t feel good when it’s happening, stop."

- "Some women say they have amazing orgasms from anal, but usually they will be stimulating their clitoris at the same time."

- "We don’t tell ... (our kids) .... about the clitoris, about women’s orgasms, about masturbation, about the importance of exploring a partner’s body, and learning from each other. We don’t tell them that much of what they see in porn is unreal, and we don’t talk to them about the importance of mutual consent. So I don’t see anal being at the top of most parents’ “should talk to our kids about” lists. There are more important things we need to be talking about first."

Actually, and now seriously, and irrespective about it being linked on the site of Dave's old steaming crush, this is the most comprehensive (I wanted to avoid "in depth", ok?!)/interesting article on anal sex I have yet seen.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 01:37:11 PM by uwe »
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 Indeed, trust is part of it  :)

Like all sex, a bit of that, and some talking makes it go much better. 
Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...


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Sodomy is more prevalent in a civilization on the decline.
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I believe it rather tends to be attached to civilisations perceived in decline - but mainly for propagandistic reasons of the opponents as a symbol for general decadence. We'll never really know about supposed sexual preferences of the old Greeks ("Greek style" is to this day in Germany an euphimism for anal sex), the Romans and the Osmanic Empire (that rape scene at the police station in Lawrence of Arabia tried to put a stamp on a whole civilisation though it was Lawrence, the Westerner, himself who was a gay man in real life). Early Islamic literature - when that civilisation was at its height - is full of man to man love and romance, the raging anti-gayism of modern day Islam was ironically nurtured by Western colon-(no pun intended)-ialism. The Quran is - unlike the Bible - silent on the matter and doesn't damn it. And the first Western translations of Islamic literature elegantly censored the issue by changing one of the protagonists in couple love/romance situations conveniently into a woman.

I think the greater availabilty of porn has a lot to do with it becoming a subject in heterosexual circles - though that doesn't really say much about real life prevalence***. The first heterosexual anal scene I ever saw was in a late nineties porn flic - it was so new to me that I didn't even quite realize it initially. Before that I had seen "sodomy" scenes exactly twice on screen: in Lawrence of Arabia und in Cruising. And remember I worked one time in the red light district of Frankfurt in the early 80ies with a dozen or so mini screens running endlessly, all showing various porn (let me tell you: even for a young man in his early twenties that is only exciting the first three days and numbing afterwards), I had to supervise whether the VHS recorders were running properly for the various video booths. Not once did I see there an anal sex scene back then - and I saw pretty much everything else!

*** A recent study of sex behavior of German youth revealed that perceived changes from previous generations are wildly overstated. Young people do not really have sex earlier than the previous generations, they are not substantially more promiscious (most women have 5 to 10 sex partners in their life, most men only 10 to 15), they are hardly more adventurous in their sexual practices, the "reenactment" of porn flics tends to be a fleeting phase. And the big romantic ideal is still finding THAT ONE PERSON you can have fulfilling sex with all your life. We won't be going under in a cesspool of perceived immorality for a while.  :mrgreen: And in case you were wondering: the numbers of child-related sex crime have gone down consistently too - it is just that those few that happen (= still too many) receive a wider coverage and are not hidden under a tabooed veil of silence anymore. Children are also more aware than they used to be in recognizing and reacting to sexually motivated acts of adults.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 02:52:48 AM by uwe »
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Let's hope the Germans aren't "reenacting" their porn like it was Gettysburg or Bunker Hill. There might be a countrywide shortage of plastic wrap and glass coffee tables.
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 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I've heard that it is mostly a "home experience". I believe I have never lived with a woman that wouldn't have kicked me out at the faintest proposal of something like that  ;D, but curiosity with young people seems to be higher.

That said, I find those historic battleground reenactments (Gettysburg, D-Day, in Germany the "Völkerschlacht" against Napoleon) disconcertingly noteworthy in their own right. Strictly a matter of taste.
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