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Jeez, reptile group sex enlivens the pythons, we never had that when I was young ...

Dave W:
Florida. Say no more.

It's where woke reptile sex goes to die!

Yesterday we were having a beer by the lake in our neighborhood here in Colorado. The ice just melted off it about a week ago. Our neighbors' son is in college in NY and was visiting, along with his girlfriend from Florida.

They were shoving off on a little flat-bottomed party boat with the help of the father.  We were sitting about 30 feet away, and I clearly heard her ask "Are there alligators?".  I could not muffle my laugh quickly enough.


Cut the poor girl some slack, growing up in Florida she's been warned of alligators so often in her life, she identifies any type of inland water region with it!  :mrgreen:

And then there is me who on his first trip to the Everglades spent two friggin' days there without seeing a single one! The only bites I got were from mosquitoes, those however plenty.   :-[

I went again during mating season (alligators', not mosquitoes') and was richly rewarded.  8)

PS: Never underestimate the adaptability of reptiles AND DO NOT show this to your neighbors' son's girlfriend ...


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