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Eric Carmen ...

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.. the power pop magician has sadly pulled his final disappearing stunt.

Criticized by some for being too pop, he was still able to deliver the goods time after time.  Knowing that a song like this could get controversial, he managed to avoid the issue by offering the song from the girl's perspective. 

I'd say that Rick Springfield, among others, probably heard him a lot!


--- Quote from: uwe on March 12, 2024, 10:02:43 PM ---I'd say that Rick Springfield, among others, probably heard him a lot!

--- End quote ---

With one difference being that Rick Springfield was quite a chick magnet.  He didn't just have the pop singer image, but also the soap opera thing going on.  I think it was just too much for a lot of women to resist.  I can remember being around women several times talking about him.  They wanted to rip his clothes off as well as their own.  I'm sure Eric Carmen must have had a positive reaction, too.  I just don't know very much about him. 

The Raspberries were to me America's version of Badfinger. If you like the music of one of them, you'll have a hard time disliking the other.

Eric's solo ballads did come with extra cheese toppings, but were still immaculately crafted.

Re Go All The Way, I always thought the contrast between the choppy-riffy, busy intro and middle part on one hand and that ultra-melodic/-harmonic verse + chorus (with the slow-moving vocal melody) on the other hand as bordering on the hilarious, but catchy it was.

Lester Bangs - always good for a scathing comment, but the man dug Deep Purple! - sure didn't like it (go to the end of the vid!  ;D ), but it seems to have been a blueprint for how a lot of Cheap Trick songs work.


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