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This is disconcerting.

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Imagine this happening to your wife, girlfriend or daughter.


 Black Mirror in real life................

I find it a bit crushing that this sort of tech could be used for good, but it always gets used for the shittiest purposes. There is so much hype around AI, and where it could be used improve services, products etc.

People ruin everything.

There is a balance to technology - and it seems that positive uses are always countered by inappropriate ones. That's sometimes part of the discussion in the class about technology and society that I teach online. There is so much + and - going on with technology today that it provides endless material for discussion. 

The course is part of a liberal arts degree in Ed Tech and Online Learning.  For the helluvit, here's the description:

THC-6250 Technology and the Human Community: Challenges and Responses

Technology and the Human Community: Challenges and Responses looks at technology historically and philosophically. The course focuses on technological issues affecting contemporary and emerging professional, public, and private structures. A central issue is the role of the citizen in dealing with political, economic, and social pressures related to technology. A key purpose of this course is for students to exchange views by engaging in and discussing serious social and technological issues with a view toward their resolution.


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